In ARKIPEL 2015 - Grand Illusion, Festival Updates, Opening Night

Malam Pembukaan

Setelah sukses menghadirkan penampilan dua pemain musik cilik dalam perhelatan yang pertama dan kedua, maka pada perhelatan ketiga tahun ini, ARKIPEL – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival dengan bangga akan menghadirkan Aish Pletscher Sudiarso (44 tahun) pada Malam Pembukaan ARKIPEL 2015 Grand Illusion.


  1. Tweede Afrikaanse Etude (Ton de Leeuw)
  2. Pagodas dari Estampes (Claude Debussy)
  3. Etude Op.2 No.2 (Sergei Prokofiev)
  4. Sriwijaya Variations (Amir Pasaribu)

Opening Night

After successfully presenting the performances of two young musicians at the first and second event, in its third event of this year, ARKIPEL – Jakarta International DocumenWtary & Experimental Film Festival is proud to be presenting Aisha Pletscher Sudiarso (44 years) at the Opening Night ARKIPEL 2015 Grand Illusion.


  1. Tweede Afrikaanse Etude (Ton de Leeuw)
  2. Pagodas from Estampes (Claude Debussy)
  3. Etude Op.2 No.4 (Sergei Prokofiev)
  4. Sriwijaya Variatons (Amir Pasaribu)

Filem Pembuka / Opening Films

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Aisha Sudiarso Pletscher

Aisha Pletscher Sudiarso lahir di Bandung, 1971, peraih YPM Artist Award (1987). Pernah mendapat beasiswa The Bigelow Ingram Piano Scholarship, di St. Timothy’s School, USA, di bawah bimbingan Mary Stanton. Memperoleh gelar Master of Music dari Manhattan School of Music, New York, di bawah bimbingan Solomon Mikowsky dan Donn-Alexander Feder. Salah satu pendiri Sudiarso Duo. Selain sebagai Direktur Bidang Akademis di Sekolah Musik Yayasan Pendidikan Musik, ia juga anggota Komite Musik Dewan Kesenian Jakarta sejak 2009.


Kasetan, Duo perupa lintas medium yang gemar mengumpulkan barang antah-berantah mengeksplorasi temuan mereka di pinggir jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo, Jatinegara. Tumpukan kaset bekas berserakan dengan sampul menguning dimakan usia, beberapa diantaranya dalam kondisi sangat baik. Dengan dua buah walkman dan audio mixer, kasetan memutar tembang-tembang terbaik di masanya.

Aisha Pletscher Sudiarso was born in Bandung, 1971, is a recipient of YPM Artist Award (1987) and had received The Bigelow Ingram Piano Scholarship at St. Timothy’s School, Maryland, USA, under Mary Stanton’s guidance. She held Master of Music at the Manhattan School of Music, New York, under the direction of Solomon Mikowsky and Donn-Alexander Feder. She is co-founder Sudiarso Duo. She currently sits as the Director of Academic Affairs at the Musical School of Yayasan Pendidikan Musik, and also a member of Music Committee of the Jakarta Arts Council since 2009.

Kasetan, The cross-media artist duo Abi Rama and Rambo, who like to collect stuff nowhere, explore their findings on the roadside of Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo, Jatinegara. Strewn with piles of used cassettes with old yellowed cover, some of which are in excellent condition. With two walkmans and an audio mixer, Kasetan will play some best songs of its time.

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