Can you screened 8mm, 16mm, 35mm?
Bisakah festival Anda memutar format 8mm, 16m, atau 35mm?

Mohon maaf untuk saat ini seksi Kompetisi Internasional kami hanya bisa memutar format digital (DVD dan HD Digital Video File). Poin 1.3 dalam Regulasi ARKIPEL

Can you screened 8mm, 16mm, 35mm?

Unfortunately for the International Competition section now we only accept digital screening formats (DVD and HD Digital Video File). Point 1.3. of Arkipel Regulations

I want to submit online, but it “freeze” for some time
Saya ingin mendaftarkan filem saya secara online, tetapi macet atau hang halaman webnya.

Pertama, coba Anda bersihkan cache dan cookies dari browser yang Anda gunakan. Kedua, coba Anda gunakan browser yang lain. Ketiga, coba cek koneksi Anda, formulir pendaftaran terkadang membutuhkan waktu untuk loading. Terakhir, jika tetap bermasalah, Anda bisa hubungi kami lewat formulir kontak

 I want to submit online, but it “freeze” for some time.

First, please clear your browser cache and cookies. Second, try in another web browser. Third, please check your internet connections, the form will take some time to load. Last, if you still had problem contact us via contact form

Have you received my submission?
Apa formulir pendaftaran filem online saya sudah diterima dalam database di ARKIPEL?

Ya, jika Anda mendapat email berisikan info atau pesan terima kasih pada formulir pendaftaran Anda, artinya kami telah menerima pendaftaran karya Anda dalam database kami. Jika Anda masih bingung atau kurang yakin, Anda bisa menanyakan langsung ke kami via kontak kami yang tertera pada formulir pendaftaran.

Have you received my submission on Arkipel database?

Yes, if you had the info or thank you message from the form, it means we already had your submission in our data. If you still confused or unsure about it, please contact us via arkipel contact form.

About email replies from us
Balasan dan jawaban email dari kami.

Kami berbasis di Jakarta, Indonesia yang artinya bisa saja ada perbedaan waktu dengan lokasi Anda berada. Dalam waktu GMT, Jakarta +7. Jadi bersabarlah jika pertanyaan Anda belum sempat dijawab.

About email replies from us.

We work in Jakarta, Indonesia it means we have time difference in each location. In GMT, jakarta is +7. So please be patience if your question want to be answered.

What is ARKIPEL?
Apa itu Arkipel?

Silahkan baca jika di jika Anda mau tahu lebih jauh tentang ARKIPEL.

What is ARKIPEL?

Please read more about this festival here:

What is Forum Lenteng anyway?
Apakah itu, Forum Lenteng?

Forum Lenteng adalah organisasi non-profit berbentuk perhimpunan dengan anggota individu yang didirikan oleh pekerja seni, peneliti budaya, mahasiswa komunikasi/jurnalistik pada tahun 2003, yang bekerja mengembangkan pengetahuan media dan kebudayaan melalui pendidikan alternatif berbasis komunitas. Forum ini bertujuan menjadikan pengetahuan media dan kebudayaan bagi masyarakat untuk hidup yang lebih baik, terbangunnya kesadaran bermedia, munculnya inisatif, produksi pengetahuan, dan terdistribusikannya pengetahuan tersebut secara luas.

What is Forum Lenteng anyway?

Forum Lenteng is a non-profit organisation formed by artist, artisan, culture researcher, communication/journalism students in 2003. We work to develop and disseminate media and cultural knowledge through alternative education based on local community development. This forum aims to utilise media and cultural knowledge for a better life, developing media awareness, triggering public initiative, producing knowledge, and how to distribute knowledge broader to public.

Can i submit more than 1 film?
 Bisakah saya mendaftarkan lebih dari satu filem?

Tentu saja!. Baca aturan pendaftara Poin 1.2 Submission and Deadlines.

Can i submit more than 1 film?

Yes you are! Read our regulations at Point 1.2. SUBMISSIONS AND DEADLINES.

Can I submit film from previous year?
 Bisakah saya mendaftarkan lebih dari satu filem?

Bisa. Tapi untuk tiga tahun ke belakang, contohnya untuk ARKIPEL 2015 tahun produksi filem Anda paling lama 1 Januari 2012. Tanggal tersebut adalah tanggal tersedianya filem dalam bentuk final.

Can I submit film from previous year?

Yes, you can. But only from the last three years, for example for ARKIPEL 2015 your film must have been completed since January 1, 2012. The date of completion shall mean the date of the delivery or availability of a locked-off print, tape, or final digital format.

Film Selection & Announcement Process

  • Submission & Film Selections

    Film submission open from February until April in the current year. The Selection of films registered to qualify in the International Competition on August in the current year.

  • Announcement

    Announcement of films that qualify for the International Competition section on June in the current year through website and emails to each registrant.

  • Screening Material

    Film Screening Materials that are already qualified International Competition, must be received by arkipel no later than 30 June in the current year.

  • Judging

    August in the current year (during the festival).

  • The Festival

    ARKIPEL Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival, will be held on August in the current year. / Award-winning night announcement on August, last day of festival in the current year.

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