In ARKIPEL 2013, International Competition, Rusty Archives: Film List (2013-2014)

Country of Production:  South Korea
Language: Korean
Subtitles: English
38 min, Color & B/W, 2012

International Competition 11

Teater Studio, Teater Jakarta – TIM

Duriban adalah nama sebuah restoran yang akan digusur pemerintah demi kepentingan kelanjutan pembangunan di kota Seoul. Pemiliknya yang notabene juga adalah warga negara tidak tinggal diam ketika tempatnya mencari penghidupan direnggut secara paksa. Listrik dimatikan, namun semangatnya tak pernah surut. Film ini bukanlah melulu tentang korban penggusuran, namun semangat di belakang orang-orang yang tergusur itu.

-Yuki Aditya

Duriban is the name of a restaurant that would be demolished by the Government for the sake of the continuation of development in the city of Seoul. The owner is also one of citizens of the metropolitan city, they couldn’t stay silent when their livelihood were snatched away forcefully. The electricity was turned off, but his their spirits were never subsided. This film is not merely about the victims of the eviction, but the spirit of the people who inhabits itm they are few of many ‘generators’ in that city.

-Yuki Aditya

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