In ARKIPEL 2014 - Electoral Risk, Rusty Archives: Film List (2013-2014)

IC  4 / FRI. 12 SEP, 12.00 & SUN. 14 SEP, 19.00 / KINEFORUM

"Genre Sub Genre", Yosep Anggi Noen (Indonesia)

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Country of production Indonesia
Language No Dialogue
Subtitle No Subtitle
12 min, B/W, 2014

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Melalui empat fragmen visual, kita dibawa ke lorong waktu rangkaian sekuensial yang tampak tak saling berkaitan: dari peristiwa dramatis dan menegangkan di malam hari, lalu ke terangnya hari. Kita melihat seluruh kepingan fragmen itu sebagai penciptaan tentang lini masa sebuah ranah geografis dalam kontras yang kental. Pendekatan realis dan imajinatif bercampurbaur dalam momen antara kenyataan dan khayalan. Malam hari, imaji realis hadir dengan mood mencekam. Siang hari, imajinya secara menakjubkan makin terfantasikan. Setiap fragmennya dibangun dengan interpretasi serebral, menyertakan lanskap indah dari padang luas dan hamparan laut.

 Andrie Sasono & Ugeng T. Moetidjo

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Through four visual fragments, we were brought into the hall a sequential circuit that seems disjointed: from the dramatic and thrilling events in the night, then to the light of day. We see it as a whole piece of fragment creation of the line of a geographic realm in contrast thick. The imaginative way and approach of ‘realist’ blended the moment between reality and fantasy. On the evening, ‘realist’ images present within tense mood. During the day, it is amazing that visual images is more fantasized. Each fragment is built with cerebral interpretation, include the beautiful landscape of desert and a vast expanse of ocean.

 Andrie Sasono & Ugeng T. Moetidjo

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