In ARKIPEL 2014 - Electoral Risk, Rusty Archives: Film List (2013-2014)

IC  6/ RI. 12 SEP, 12.00 AT CINEMA XXI – TIM & TUE. 16 SEP, 12.30 AT KINEFORUM

"Gundah Gundala", Wimar Herdanto (Indonesia)

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Country of production Indonesia
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Subtitle English
8 min, Color, 2013

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Gundala –tokoh digdaya dari jagat komik Indonesia di era ‘70an– suatu hari di tahun 2013, rupanya berganti sosok dan wajah, juga kisah. Syahdan, Gundala gundah memikirkan nasibnya walau tidak sampai gulana. Pasalnya, dia tidak mampu lagi berjaya dengan para jagoan pendatang dari manca. Apa boleh buat, dia cuma jagoan lokal sedangkan rivalnya adalah para superhero global. Dengan peliaran imajinasi seputar pahlawan imajiner itulah, naratif satire lewat efek mockery ini mengocok keserbamungkinan faktual maupun fiktif antara fiksi dan realitas. Siasat ini terasa menghidupkan kembali sebuah konteks dari materi sub-kultur lama ke dalam bingkaian dokumenter yang merepresentasikan sejenis kegundahan budaya dan sosial kontemporer.

 Ugeng T. Moetidjo

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Gundala –a powerful hero of Indonesian comics universe in the ‘70s- one day in the year 2013, apparently has changed his figure and face, as well as his story. On one day, Gundala is feeling depressed thinking about his fate. The reason is, he is no longer able to prevail with the arrival of imported superhero. What may make, he’s just a local hero while his rivals are the global superhero. With imagination fallows about that imaginary hero, satiric narrative through mockery effect is shuffling either factual or fictional possibilities between fiction and reality. This strategy was to revive a context of old sub-culture material into a documentary frame representing a kind of contemporary cultural and social anxiety.

Ugeng T. Moetidjo

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