In ARKIPEL 2018 - homoludens, Festival Updates, Special Presentation
Bahasa Indonesia

festival's festivity

Penayangan Khusus Filem Performans : Meditasi Sinema a la Makino

Pada pelaksanaan di hari kelima, Minggu, 12 Agustus 2018, ARKIPEL homoludens 6th Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental  Fim Festival menghadirkan tak hanya program penayangan filem namun juga sebuah performans filem. Acara yang diselenggarakan di GoetheHaus, Goethe Institute Indonesien, Jakarta ini bertajuk Presentasi Spesial: Filem Performans oleh Takashi Makino.

Pria tersebut yang merupakan seniman dan pembuat filem asal Jepang tersebut nampak telah bersiap di auditorium GoetheHaus sejak sore. Pukul 20.00, pintu auditorium dibuka dan sekitar 32 penonton dipersilahkan masuk dengan masing-masingnya diberikan sebuah filter Pulfrich untuk efek 3D saat menonton. Sebuah pembukaan pendek dari Direktur Festival ARKIPEL Yuki Aditya dan Takashi Makino kemudian menyambut penoton sebelum akhirnya acara utama dilangsungkan. Selama sekitar satu jam, penonton menikmati presentasi karya Takashi Makino yang terdiri dari sebuah filem performans dan penayangan dua buah filem.

Suasana menonton berjalan khidmat, terutama karena karya-karya yang dihadirkan cenderung memberi efek meditatif baik secara visual maupun audial. Sebuah sesi tanya jawab sempat berlangsung singkat. Namun setelah seluruh penonton keluar dari ruang menonton, menyisakan Makino dan beberapa panitia ARKIPEL, Kidlat Tahimik yang merupakan seorang pembuat filem asal Filipina menghampiri Makino dan menyampaikan pengalaman menontonnya. Ia mengungkapkan, bahwa gabungan antara visual dan suara filem serta imajinasi di kepalanya menghasilkan pengalaman menonton yang tak biasa. Ia bahkan sempat membayangkan visualisasi di mana rombongan Magellan tiba di Filipina dan seluruh pemandangan Filipina kala itu ketika performans Makino berlangsung. Makino merespon bahwa memang terdapat gambar yang ia rekam di balik lapisan-lapisan gambar yang ia tampilkan pada filemnya yang tampak sangat abstrak. Penglihatan terhadap visual yang ia buat tersebut bisa sangat bebas penafsirannya pada tiap individu. Tahimik misalnya, ia melihat orang-orang adat pada visual yang ditampilkan Makino. Saya sendiri melihat orang-orang yang seperti tengah berjoget di diskotek atau klub serta sekumpulan orang yang bergerak searah pada ruang yang luas, nyaris menyerupai jalanan di sebuah kota yang ramai.

Perbincangan kedua sineas Asia ini kemudian diakhiri dengan foto bersama.


festival's festivity

Special Screening of Performance Film: Cinema Meditation a la Makino

On its fifth day, Sunday, August 12, 2018, ARKIPEL homoludens 6th Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental  Fim Festival presented not only film screening, but also a film performance. The program was held in GoetheHaus, Goethe Institute Indonesien, Jakarta, and entitled Special Presentation: Performance Film by Takashi Makino.

Makino, who is an artist and filmmaker from Japan, has been busy in the auditorium of the GoetheHaus preparing his program since the afternoon. At 8 PM, the auditorium’s doors were opened, and about 32 audiences entered the cinema room. Each of them was given a Pulfrich filter that later will provide them with a 3D effect during the watching. A short opening from the Festival Director Yuki Aditya and Takashi Makino himself greeted the audiences before finally the main show began. For about an hour, the spectators enjoyed Takashi Makino’s presentation which consisted of film performance and the screening of two of his films.

The program went tranquilly, especially since the presented works tend to give meditative effect both visually and audially. A Q&A session was held shortly. However, after all of the audiences left the cinema, with only Makino and a few ARKIPEL teams stayed inside, Kidlat Tahimik who is a prominent filmmaker from Philippines came to Makino to express his experience of watching Makino’s works. He said that the combination of the film’s visual and audio along with the imagination of his mind has resulted in a strong experience. He even visualised a moment when the Magellans arrived on the land of Philippines for the first time and the natural scenery at that time, during Makino’s performance. Makino responded by saying that indeed there are real images he recorded behind the layers of his abstract film. But the visual received from those images (his film) are very open to individual interpretation. Tahimik for instance, he saw tribal people on the visual presented by Makino. Meanwhile, at the probably same time, I saw people who dance in the disco or club and a bunch of people who move in synchronised to a particular direction in a vast space, almost resembling the streets on a crowded city.

A photo of the two ended the talk of these two Asian filmmakers.

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