In ARKIPEL 2015 - Grand Illusion, Special Screening



Country of production Indonesia
Language Sundanese, Bahasa Indonesia
Subtitle English
93 min, Color, 2014

Krisis moneter tahun 1998 menyebabkan banyak pabrik genteng di Jatiwangi bangkrut, memicu pengangguran dan mendorong sebagian warga Jatiwangi meninggalkan tanah kelahiran untuk bekerja ke daerah lain. Jatiwangi pun menjadi penghasil TKW sejak saat itu. Di sisi lain, masyarakat tani Jatiwangi juga menghadapi persoalan: hama tikus. Berbagai versi cerita/mitos tentang hama tikus berkembang di masyarakat, mulai dari perusakan sawah di masa ‘ngapat’ hingga ‘tikus raksasa’ di ladang tebu. Filem ini menghadirkan dua narasi tersebut ke dalam satu jalinan konstruksi tentang pergeseran dari ‘mitos’ tradisional ke mitos baru: dari ‘pelindung’ budaya luar beralih ke ‘mimpi’ akan kemapanan yang ‘dipanen’ dari negeri seberang.

The 1998 monetary crisis caused the collapse of many roof tile factories in Jatiwangi, triggering the rise of unemployment and encouraging the people of Jatiwangi to leave their home to work in other regions. Jatiwangi has been known for its migrant women workers ever since. On the other side, the farmers in Jatiwangi also faced this problem: pest. Various versions of myths about the pest developed among the villagers, from paddyfield destruction in the ‘ngapat’ time to a ‘giant rat’ in sugarcane fields. The film presents the two narrations in a construction about the shift from traditional ‘myth’ to the new one: from ‘protector’ of foreign culture to the ‘dream’ of being settled from the ‘harvest’ abroad.

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