In ARKIPEL 2016 - social/kapital, Special Presentation

For Example (Kritik Tentang Ketakpernahan)

Curator: Koyo Yamashita (Image Forum)


Kuratorial ini menyajikan filem yang berjudul For Example (1971) karya Shusaku Arakawa, yang juga merupakan bagian dari proyek kolaboratifnya bersama Madeline Gins, Mechanism of Meaning. Menggarisbawahi filem tersebut sebagai karya yang membuktikan teori Mechanism of Meaning, Koyo Yamashita berargumen bahwa, filem yang bisa jadi merupakan filem tari/performans ini memiliki sebentuk repetisi obsesif dan hubungan yang aneh antara gambar dan teks sehingga dapat memberikan kesan kuat kepada penonton. For Example adalah filem yang mengembangkan “Mechanism of Meaning” yang mendekonstruksi makna dan mengkonstruksi non-makna.

This program presents one film titled For Example (1971) by Shusaku Arakawa, which is also a part of a collaborative project with Madeline Gins, Mechanism of Meaning. Underscoring the film as a work that proves the theory of Mechanism of Meaning, Koyo Yamashita argues that, this film may be a film of dance/performance which has a form of obsessive repetition and strange relationship between image and text so that it can give a strong impression to the audience. For Example is a film that develops “Mechanism of Meaning” to deconstruct the meaning and to construct non-meaning.


For Example

Shusaku Arakawa & Madeline Gins, USA, 1971, 95mins


Seorang anak yang betul-betul mabuk, tertatih-tatih, mengulang gerakan yang aneh di tengah jalan. Teks oleh Arakawa + Gins menggaungkan dan mengantagonisasi performans tentang tubuh dan jalanan ini yang tampaknya mengembangkan lebih jauh film mereka sebelumnya, Why Not. Aneh dan pejalnya gambar hasil improvisasi di mana mereka meminta anak seorang kawan untuk menampilkan ini sungguh luar biasa.

A completely drunk child, staggering, repeats a strange movement in the middle of a street. Text by Arakawa + Gins echoes and antagonizes this performance about the body and the street that seems to further develop their previous film work WHY NOT. The strange density of the improvised shot in which they asked a child of a friend to perform this miraculous.


Shusaku Arakawa (1936-2010) adalah seniman dan arsitek Jepang. Mempelajari matematika dan kedokteran di Universitas Tokyo dan seni di Musashino Art University. Anggota Tokyo Neo-Dadaism Organizers. Pada 1963 ia bekerjasama dengan Madeline Gins dalam proyek riset “Mechanism of Meaning” yang kemudian selesai pada 1973.

Shusaku Arakawa (1936–2010) was a Japanese artist and architect. Studied mathematics and medicine at the University of Tokyo, and art at the Musashino Art University. A member of Tokyo’s Neo-Dadaism Organizers. In 1963, he collaborated with Madeline Gins on the research project The Mechanism of Meaning which was then completed by 1973.

Madeline Helen Arakawa Gins (1941-2014) adalah seniman, arsitek, danp penyair Amerika. Gins berjumpa rekan dan suaminya kemudian, seniman Sushaku Arakawa, pada 1963. Salah satu kolaborasi terawal mereka, “Mechanism of Meaning”, dipamerkan secara penuh pada pameran di Guggenheim 1997, Arakawa/Gins – Reversible Destiny/We Have Decided Not to Die.

Madeline Helen Arakawa Gins (1941–2014) was an American artist, architect and poet. Gins met her partner and later husband, artist Shusaku Arakawa, in 1963. One of their earlier collaborations, The Mechanism of Meaning, was shown in its entirety at the 1997 Guggenheim exhibition, Arakawa/Gins – Reversible Destiny/We Have Decided Not to Die.

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