In ARKIPEL 2014 - Electoral Risk, Festival Updates

Julia Pratiwi (Juju)_ARKIPEL © 2014 Penayangan Filem The Uprising_02

JAKARTA, ARKIPEL, Forum Lenteng — Minggu (14/09/14) tepat pukul 17.00 WIB, ARKIPEL Electoral Risk – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2014 menayangkan sebuah filem dokumenter hasil rekonstruksi dari video-video di Youtube yang merekam revolusi di kawasan Arab, yaitu di Tunisia, Mesir, Bahrain, Libya, Suriah, dan Yaman.

Yang menarik pada filem The Uprising (2013) ini adalah bagaimana video-video yang terkumpul adalah hasil rekaman beberapa warga yang memanfaatkan teknologi perekam saat terjadinya revolusi tersebut. Ada yang menggunakan handycam, ada yang menggunakan kamera handphone, sehingga footage yang ada memiliki karakter gambar yang berbeda-beda. Ada beberapa adegan yang lucu, yaitu saat seorang pria Arab heran pada gerombolan aparat orang yang menghancurkan televisi di rumahnya, padahal di televisi tak ada tulisan buatan Al-Qaeda, atau Osama Bin Laden, justru yang tertera pada televisinya adalah Samsung. Serempak penonton di ruang pemutaran Kineforum tertawa dibuatnya.

Menurut saya, ide dari filem dokumenter ini menarik karena sang filmmaker, Peter Snowdon, menyatukan video-video yang diunggah oleh akun anonim di Youtube menjadi satu keutuhan filem. Sangat inspiratif, dan beberapa adegannya menegangkan kita, seperti penembakan yang terjadi pada kerusuhan di Mesir.

Penonton keluar satu per satu saat filem selesai tepat pukul 18.40 WIB. Terdapat total 11 penonton kali ini, ketika saya cek buku tamu. Beberapa penonton, saya dengar, masih ada yang membicarakan tentang baku tembak yang membuat massa meninggal dan terluka, di dalam salah satu adegan filem, dan itu dipertunjukan secara terang-terangan. Tampaknya, The Uprising berhasil membuat obrolan bagi para penonton.

The Uprising Aroused the Attention of the Audience


JAKARTA, ARKIPEL, Forum Lenteng — Sunday (14/09/14) at exactly 17:00 pm, ARKIPEL Electoral Risk – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2014 aired a documentary film consisting of reconstruction results of the videos on YouTube featuring the Revolution Period in the Arab Spring, namely in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Syria, and Yemen.

What is interesting in the film The Uprising (2013) is how the recorded videos were collected by today’s technology during the revolution; some use camcorders, others use camera phone, so the footage has very different characters. There are some funny scenes such as when an Arab man is surprised at the mob that destroyed the TV in his house, when there are no writings of Al-Qaeda or Osama Bin Laden on his television. Only that it has the word Samsung written on it. The audience roared in laughter in the Kineforum studio. I think, the interesting part of this interesting documentary film is the fact that filmmaker, Peter Snowdon, compiled the anonymously uploaded YouTube videos and put them in a film. It was very inspiring, and we felt ourselves tensed when we watched scenes like the shooting that occurred in the Egyptian unrest.

Spectators came out one by one when the film is finished promptly at 18:40 pm. There were a total of 11 spectators this time, when I checked the guest book. Some of the audience I heard there were talking about the shootout that happened, resulting in death and wounds, and that it was shown openly. It seemed that The Uprising succeeded in creating a buzz in the audience.

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