In ARKIPEL 2014 - Electoral Risk, Festival Updates

JAKARTA, ARKIPEL, Forum Lenteng — 13 September, 2014, di Kineforum dihelatkan dua program: satu dari Presentasi Khusus, dan satu program Kompetisi Internasional. Presentasi khusus yang pertama ialah dari Bangkok Experimental Film Festival (BEFF) yang menyajikan filem berjudul Tongpan, pukul 12:00 WIB. Setengah jam setelah Tongpan, ditayangkan filem The Search of Emak Bakia (Oskar Alegria, Spanyol) yang termasuk Program Kompetisi Internasional 8 (IC). Dan malam pukul tujuh, Presentasi Khusus dari Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival akan mempresentasikan Voices from the Wavves Shinchimachi (Sakai Ko & Hamaguchi Ryusuke, Jepang).

Pada presentasi BEFF, bangku penonton terlihat kosong melompong bahkan ketika filem Tongpan telah dimulai. Barulah, lima belas menit kemudian, seorang pengunjung datang dan menjadi satu-satunya penonton di studio Kineforum hingga filem Tongpan selesai ditayangkan. Demikian keterangan yang dipaparkan oleh Andre Sasono, anggota Forum Lenteng yang hadir sebagai penyaji. Sementara itu, beberapa orang sudah duduk di teras Kineforum untuk menyaksikan The Search of Emak Bakia. Ada sekitar delapan orang yang hadir menyaksikan filem tersebut, termasuk saya.

The Search of Emak Bakia sendiri, di mata saya, merupakan karya dokumenter yang unik. Filem ini mencoba melakukan pelacakan ulang tentang makna ‘Emak Bakia’ (dalam Bahasa Inggris: Leave me alone!), baik sebagai bahasa, memori, sejarah, dan bahkan metafor tentang kelekatan personal individu terhadap suatu bangsa dan lokasi. Karya yang mengelaborasi fragmen-fragmen visual untuk melacak kemungkinan geografis ini merupakan semacam pendedahan atas karya sutradara avant-garde, Man Ray, berjudul Emak Bakia. Namun, meskipun ‘emak bakia’, filem ini mampu melepas kehadiran Man Ray itu sendiri.

Lebih kurang dua jam, penonton yang bertahan di dalam studio hanyalah lima orang karena tiga yang lain keluar di tengah-tengah pemutaran filem. Ketika filem usai pada pukul empat sore, satu per satu penonton keluar dari studio, dan mungkin akan tetap setia menunggu malam hari untuk menyaksikan filem dari YIDFF.

Although with Small Audiences, Experimental Film Kept Going


JAKARTA, ARKIPEL, Forum Lenteng — 13 September, 2014, in Kineforum was held two programs: one of Special Presentations program, and one of the International Competition program. The first was a special presentation of the Bangkok Experimental Film Festival (BEff) serving a film entitled Tongpan, at 12:00 pm. Half an hour after Tongpan, were screened The Search of Mother Bakia (Oskar Alegria, Spain) which part of the International Competition Program 8 (IC). And the evening at seven, Special Presentation of the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival will present Voices from the Waves Shinchimachi (Sakai Ko & Ryusuke Hamaguchi, Japan).

At presentation of BEFF, empty seats were seen even when the film Tongpan has begun. Then, fifteen minutes later, a visitor came and became the only studio audience until the film Tongpan finished. Such information was delivered by Andre Sasono, Forum Lenteng members, in attendance as a presenter. Meanwhile, some people were already sitting on the porch of Kineforum to watch The Search of Emak Bakia. There were about eight people in attendance watching the film, including me.

The Search of Emak Bakia for me, is a unique documentary work. This film tried to trace back about the meaning of ‘Mother Bakia’ (in English: Leave me alone!), both as a language, memory, history, and even the metaphor of a personal attachment to a nation and locations. This film that elaborated visual fragments to track the geographical possibility, is some sort of exposure to the work of the avant-garde director, Man Ray, titled Emak Bakia. However, despite the ’emak bakia’, this film was able to remove the Man Ray’s own presence.

Approximately two hours, there were just five audiences who stayed inside the studio because three other people left in the middle of the film screenings. When the film was over at four o’clock in the afternoon, the audiences started to left studio audience, and probably will remain loyally to wait for the evening to watch the film from YIDFF.

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