{"id":10052,"date":"2019-08-20T23:00:52","date_gmt":"2019-08-20T16:00:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/?p=10052"},"modified":"2019-08-22T15:13:33","modified_gmt":"2019-08-22T08:13:33","slug":"do-not-enter-bromocorah-only","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/do-not-enter-bromocorah-only\/","title":{"rendered":"Opening Night ARKIPEL 2019: Do Not Enter, Bromocorah Only!"},"content":{"rendered":"[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tabs][vc_tab title=”Bahasa Indonesia” tab_id=”1503218961-1-46″][vc_column_text title=”Opening Night ARKIPEL 2019: Dilarang Masuk, Kecuali Para Bromocorah!” css=”.vc_custom_1566368537713{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]\n
Tahun ini, ARKIPEL \u2013 <\/span>Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival<\/span><\/i> hadir lagi, kali ini mengusung tema <\/span>bromocorah<\/span><\/i>. Malam pembukaan ARKIPEL diadakan di GoetheHaus, Goethe-Institut Jakarta pada hari Senin, 20 Agustus 2019. Sejak pukul 19.00, para pengunjung mulai memadati area foyer GoetheHaus, mengantri tak sabar untuk melihat ada apa di balik pintu auditorium yang ditempel tulisan \u201cDILARANG MASUK \u2013 ARKIPEL 2019\u201d itu.<\/span><\/p>\n Seremoni dibuka dengan penampilan performans dari 69 Performance Club berjudul <\/span>The Partisan<\/span><\/i>. Karya ini, sebagai rangkaian dari proyek yang masih terus berlanjut, dirancang oleh Otty Widasari dengan Kelompok Teater. Penampilan ini bermain-main dengan nyanyian riang \u201cKopral Jono\u201d dan gerakan-gerakan seragam para kelompok bersepatu bot. Para penampil menggunakan kilat dari kamera ponsel mereka untuk menciptakan efek-efek cahaya, diamplifikasi oleh efek gaung yang dihasilkan oleh manipulasi audio; serta rekaman <\/span>live-streaming<\/span><\/i> via Youtube dan proyeksinya di panggung yang berlangsung secara simultan. Kombinasi aspek-aspek tersebut menghasilkan efek khas bromocorah: ketidakterdugaan.<\/span><\/p>\n Penampilan tersebut diikuti oleh sambutan dari Direktur Festival, Yuki Aditya. Menurut penjabarannya, tahun ini terpilih 28 filem dalam seksi Kompetisi Internasional yang terseleksi dari 1.232 filem. Total terdapat 83 negara yang mengirim karyanya dalam jangka waktu 3 bulan. ARKIPEL juga akan menghadirkan program pemutaran lainnya seperti Program Kuratorial, Presentasi Khusus, Penayangan Khusus, dan Candrawala yang semuanya akan dilakukan di GoetheHaus. Selain itu, ada pula pameran Kultursinema #6 di Museum Nasional yang akan diadakan hingga 25 Agustus 2019. Program ini menampilkan arsip-arsip produksi instansi pemerintah Perum PFN pada periode 1950-an-1970an lewat seri filem berita bertajuk Gelora Indonesia. Selanjutnya, ia memperkenalkan para panitia inti yang terlibat dalam organisasi ARKIPEL 2019.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Hafiz sebagai ketua Forum Lenteng turut menyambut para penonton dengan hangat. Menurut beliau, festival tahun ini kecil dan bermakna. Mengenai tema tahun ini, bromocorah, ia berkomentar bahwa tema tersebut cukup menantang untuk direalisasikan, namun juga personal.<\/span><\/p>\n Selanjutnya, filem-filem pembuka pun ditayangkan, antara lain <\/span>Chinafrika.mobile<\/span><\/i> karya Daniel Kotter dari Jerman; <\/span>Steine<\/span><\/i> (Stones)<\/span><\/i> karya Jorn Staeger dari Jerman pula; <\/span>Adegan Yang Hilang dari Petrus<\/span><\/i> karya Arief Budiman dari Indonesia; dan akhirnya <\/span>Chairs<\/span><\/i> karya Avner Pinchover dari Israel. Sebagaimana dikemukakan Anggraeni Widhiasih sebagai perwakilan dari tim selektor, keempat filem ini mampu mewakili konsep bromocorah yang membingkai keseluruhan festival tahun ini. Filem-filem tersebut mencoba menawarkan kemungkinan dalam membingkai realitas dengan cara-cara di luar kesepakatan sinema yang mapan. Adanya celah pengetahuan yang berasal dari teknologi mutakhir justru menciptakan bahasa sinema yang luwes dan spekulatif, yang mampu menerjemahkan gejala-gejala global terkini.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Seremoni usai sekitar pukul 20.30. Para tamu membanjir keluar dari teater, sebagian dari mereka memenuhi area foyer untuk melihat-lihat filem produksi Milisifilem yang diproyeksikan di ruangan tersebut. Sebagian besar tamu-tamu memenuhi ruang terbuka GoetheHaus, di mana para penonton, panitia, pelaku komunitas, seniman, pembuat filem, dan orang-orang lainnya membaur dan berbincang; sesekali berdansa dengan gembira diiringi musik dari DJ Theo Nugraha dan DJ Bodas Rancajale.<\/span><\/p>\n Peter Samson, pembuat filem dokumenter <\/span>The Love of Statues<\/span><\/i> yang lolos kompetisi internasional tahun ini, berkomentar bahwa mengawali malam pembukaan dengan penampilan performans adalah gagasan yang di luar kebiasaan. Menurutnya, penampilan tersebut meningkatkan antusiasme penonton, dan membuat suasana jadi terkesan tidak formal. Salah satu filem yang berkesan baginya adalah <\/span>Chinafrika.mobile<\/span><\/i>, yang mengangkat isu eksploitasi ekonomi mulai dari pekerja tambang sampai pemulung sampah elektronik. Sentuhan pertamanya dengan filem ARKIPEL membuatnya tak sabar menonton filem-filem lainnya, mengingat ia akan hadir di festival ini hingga hari terakhir.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Bagi Roberto Rosendy dan Sribuana Mantinu, sineas-sineas muda dari ISBI Bandung, festival ini sudah tak asing lagi. Roberto adalah finalis program Candrawala tahun lalu dengan filem <\/span>What\u2019s Wrong with My Film?<\/span><\/i>, sementara Tinu adalah alumni Akademi ARKIPEL yang diadakan Januari lalu. Filem-filem yang ditayangkan cukup menarik bagi mereka: Roberto mengaku terkesan dengan filem <\/span>Chairs<\/span><\/i> karena menggambarkan kehidupan nyatanya, di mana ia sering sekali dibanting oleh kehidupan. Sebaliknya, Tinu menggarisbawahi filem <\/span>Adegan Yang Hilang Dari Petrus,<\/span><\/i> yang dianggapnya memfilemkan konsep dari sebuah filem melalui <\/span>shot list<\/span><\/i> dan narasi, sementara pentonton bebas membayangkan peristiwa yang terjadi di sana. Keduanya amat menanti program Candrawala, karena ingin tahu bagaimana bentuk-bentuk filem Indonesia yang dikurasi di dalamnya.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”English” tab_id=”1503218961-2-58″][vc_column_text title=”Opening Night ARKIPEL 2019: Do Not Enter, Bromocorah Only!” css=”.vc_custom_1566368588948{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]\n ARKIPEL \u2013 Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival is back, with <\/span>bromocorah<\/span><\/i> as its theme. ARKIPEL\u2019S Opening Night was held in GoetheHaus, Goethe Institut, Jakarta, on Monday, 20<\/span>th<\/span> August 2019. A crowd was forming on the foyer area since 7 PM, impatiently queuing to see what goes on behind the auditorium door, with the sign \u201cDO NOT ENTER \u2013 ARKIPEL 2019\u201d.<\/span><\/p>\n The ceremony started with a performance from 69 Performance Club, titled <\/span>The Partisan<\/span><\/i>. This performance work is a part of an ongoing project by Otty Widasari and Kelompok Teater (Theatre Group). The performance plays with the lighthearted song \u201cKopral Jono,\u201d and the unison gestures and movement from the boot-stomping group. The performers used flashes from their camera phones to experiment with the light, amplified by the echo effect produced by audio manipulation; and the simultaneous act between Youtube live-streaming and its projection on the stage. The combination of those aspects results in something unpredictable: a known characteristic of bromocorah.<\/span><\/p>\n The performance was followed by a greeting from the Festival Director, Yuki Aditya. He explained that this year\u2019s International Competition section is composed of 28 films, selected out of 1.232 films from 83 countries that were submitted throughout three months. ARKIPEL will also present other screening programs: Curatorial Program, Special Presentation, Special Screening, and Candrawala; all of them will also be held in GoetheHaus. There is also an ongoing Kultursinema #6 exhibition in Museum Nasional until August 25<\/span>th<\/span>, exhibiting film archives from the State Film Company (PFN) between the 1950s – 1970s as a part of a government-issued newsreel called <\/span>Gelora Indonesia<\/span><\/i>. Next up, he introduced the main committee involved in ARKIPEL 2019\u2019s organization.<\/span><\/p>\n Hafiz, as the director of Forum Lenteng, greeted the audience warmly. He told them that this year\u2019s festival is much smaller, yet meaningful. On this year\u2019s theme, <\/span>bromocorah<\/span><\/i>, he thought it was quite challenging, yet personal for some.<\/span><\/p>\n The opening films were screened, there were <\/span>Chinafrika.mobile<\/span><\/i> by Daniel Kotter from Germany; <\/span>Steine<\/span><\/i> (Stones)<\/span><\/i> by Jorn Staeger from Germany, too; <\/span>Adegan Yang Hilang Dari Petrus<\/span><\/i> by Arief Budiman from Indonesia; and <\/span>Chairs<\/span><\/i> by Avner Pinchover from Israel. Anggraeni Widhiasih, as the representative of selector team, stated that the four films screened tonight could represent the concept of bromocorah that frames the entire festival this year. Those films offer the possibility of framing reality by using ways beyond the established cinema conventions. The aperture in knowledge coming from sophisticated technology creates a more flexible and speculative cinema language that can translate contemporary global phenomena.<\/span><\/p>\n The ceremony ended at around 20.30. The guests flooded out of the auditorium, some of them occupied the foyer area to see the Milisifilem production films projected in the room. But most guests occupied the open space of GoetheHaus, where the audience, organizers, community activists, artists, filmmakers, and other people mingled and talked; occasionally dancing happily accompanied by music from DJ Theo Nugraha and DJ Bodas Rancajale.<\/span><\/p>\n Peter Samson, filmmaker of the documentary <\/span>The Love of Statues<\/span><\/i>, which is selected for this year’s international competition, commented that it is quite unusual to start the opening night with a performance artwork. According to him, the performance increased the enthusiasm of the audience and made the atmosphere seem informal. One film that impressed him was <\/span>Chinafrika.mobile<\/span><\/i>, which raised the issue of economic exploitation starting from the mineworkers to electronic waste pickers. His first encounter with the ARKIPEL film made him excited to watch other films, bearing in mind he will attend ARKIPEL till the last day of the festival.<\/span><\/p>\n For Roberto Rosendy and Sribuana Mantinu, young filmmakers from ISBI Bandung, this festival is familiar. Roberto was the finalist of the Candrawala program last year with the film <\/span>What\u2019s Wrong with My Film?,<\/span><\/i> while Tinu was an alumnus of the ARKIPEL Academy held last January. The films that were screened were quite interesting for them: Roberto claimed to be impressed with <\/span>Chairs<\/span><\/i> because it depicts his real life, where he was often slammed by life. Instead, Tinu underlines the film <\/span>Adegan Yang Hilang Dari Petrus<\/span><\/i>, which he considers able to film the concept of a film through shot lists and narratives, while the audiences are free to imagine the events that occur there. Both are very exciting to watch Candrawala program because they want to know the forms of Indonesian films curated in Candrawala this year.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][\/vc_tabs][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”10053,10056,10057,10058,10059,10060,10061,10054,10055,10091″ img_size=”large” onclick=””][\/vc_column][\/vc_row]\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" ARKIPEL \u2013 Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival is back, with bromocorah as its theme. ARKIPEL\u2019S Opening Night was held in GoetheHaus, Goethe Institut, Jakarta, on Monday, 20th August 2019. A crowd was forming on the foyer area since 7 PM, impatiently queuing to see what goes on behind the auditorium door, with the sign \u201cDO NOT ENTER \u2013 ARKIPEL 2019\u201d.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":142,"featured_media":10057,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":"","jetpack_publicize_message":"Opening Night ARKIPEL 2019: Do Not Enter, Bromocorah Only!","jetpack_publicize_feature_enabled":true,"jetpack_social_post_already_shared":true,"jetpack_social_options":{"image_generator_settings":{"template":"highway","enabled":false},"version":2}},"categories":[532,1,328],"tags":[526,528,164],"class_list":["post-10052","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-arkipel-2019-bromocorah","category-festival-updates","category-opening-night","tag-526","tag-bromocorah","tag-opening-night"],"jetpack_publicize_connections":[],"yoast_head":"\n