{"id":10197,"date":"2019-08-24T22:00:58","date_gmt":"2019-08-24T15:00:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/?p=10197"},"modified":"2019-08-26T14:01:17","modified_gmt":"2019-08-26T07:01:17","slug":"understanding-before-acting","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/understanding-before-acting\/","title":{"rendered":"Understanding Before Acting"},"content":{"rendered":"[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tabs][vc_tab title=”Bahasa Indonesia” tab_id=”1503218961-1-46″][vc_column_text title=”Belajar Memahami Sebelum Beraksi” css=”.vc_custom_1566802547057{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]\n
Jakarta – Pada hari Sabtu (24\/8) pukul 7:00 malam di GoetheHaus, telah dilaksanakan pemutaran Candrawala \u2013 <\/span>local landscape of now<\/span><\/i> dari ARKIPEL <\/span>bromocorah<\/span><\/i> yang berjudul <\/span>Umpan Balik<\/span><\/i>. Program ini dikurasi oleh Dhuha Ramadhani.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Filem yang ditayangkan pada malam ini bertotal 8 filem, yaitu <\/span>Adegan yang Hilang dari Petrus <\/span><\/i>disutradarai oleh Arif Budiman, <\/span>The Nameless Boy<\/span><\/i> disutradarai oleh Diego Batara Mahameru, <\/span>Topo Pendem<\/span><\/i> atau <\/span>Merged with the Ground<\/span><\/i> disutradarai oleh Imam Syafi\u2019l, <\/span>Gowok: The Ins and Outs of a Woman\u2019s Body <\/span><\/i>disutradarai oleh Steve Masihoroe, <\/span>Blues Side on the Blue Sky<\/span><\/i> disutradarai oleh Rachmat Hidayat Mustamin, <\/span>Fade Out <\/span><\/i>disutradari oleh Achmad Rezi Fahievie,<\/span> Woo Woo\/ or the Silence That Kills You and Me <\/span><\/i>disutradari oleh Ismail Basbeth, dan <\/span>Sapu Angin<\/span><\/i> atau <\/span>Windswept<\/span><\/i> disutradarai oleh Cahyo Prayogo.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Pemutaran terakhir untuk hari ini didatangi oleh 57 penonton. Sebelum filem diputar, Dhuha maju ke depan untuk memberi kata sambutan. Dia menjelaskan sedikit mengenai kuratorialnya.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Filem pertama yang ditayangkan adalah <\/span>Adegan yang Hilang dari Petrus<\/span><\/i>. Sebelumnya, filem ini sudah beberapa kali diputarkan, yakni ketika malam pembukaan dan pada Kompetisi Internasional 03. Direkam dengan <\/span>screen-recording<\/span><\/i> laptop, <\/span>Adegan yang Hilang dari Petrus<\/span><\/i> menceritakan ulang kejadian PETRUS yang terjadi pada tahun 1980-an dengan cara seakan-akan sedang membuat adegan dalam filem. Ia menyajikan visual melalui teks mirip naskah filem yang berisi deskripsi, nomor adegan, jenis <\/span>shot<\/span><\/i>, dan <\/span>action<\/span><\/i>.<\/span><\/p>\n Filem kedua adalah <\/span>The Nameless Boy<\/span><\/i>. Tokoh utamanya adalah seorang bocah yang sedang berada dalam sebuah demonstrasi. Tokoh utama ini tidak berbicara sama sekali maupun mengikuti aksi demo secara langsung. Mereka semacam pengamat. Kemudian kamera mengikuti \u201cBoy\u201d ini berkeliling. Walaupun \u201cBoy\u201d sendiri tidak berbicara, tetapi suara teriakan para demonstran lewat pengeras suara menggambarkan konflik cerita.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Setelah <\/span>The Nameless Boy<\/span><\/i>, pemutaran dilanjutkan dengan <\/span>Topo Pendem<\/span><\/i>. Bercerita tentang seorang Bapak yang mempunyai anak autis, filem ini menghadirkan sebuah upaya \u201cpenyembuhan\u201d lewat ritual <\/span>Topo Pendem <\/span><\/i>yang dilakoni sang ayah. Cerita ini cukup sederhana tetapi mempunyai pelajaran mengenai penerimaan dan kasih sayang.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Filem berikutnya, <\/span>Gowok: The Ins and Outs of a Woman\u2019s Body<\/span><\/i>. Mempunyai gaya eksentris dan simetris yang mengingatkan terhadap gaya Wes Anderson, filem ini menceritakan tentang <\/span>Gowok;<\/span><\/i> sebuah tradisi yang menyiapkan lelaki sebelum pernikahan supaya mereka bisa memperlakukan istri \u2013 secara mental dan fisik \u2013 dengan benar.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Berlanjut dengan filem <\/span>Blues Side on the Blue Sky<\/span><\/i>, filem ini mempunyai konsep yang mirip dengan <\/span>Topo Pendem<\/span><\/i>. Ketika seorang perempuan sakit jiwa, saudara dan ibunya mencoba untuk \u201cmenyembuhkannya\u201d dengan ramuan dan ritual yang dikatakan bisa membantu.<\/span><\/p>\n Dari awal filem, <\/span>Fade Out<\/span><\/i> langsung memasuki konfliknya, yakni ketika seorang siswa SMA ingin bertanya kepada guru sejarahnya, tetapi sang guru menghindari pertanyaan. Hal tersebut menyebabkan perdebatan antara kedua pihak, di mana satu pihak meminta agar pihak yang lain \u201cmenurut saja\u201d sedangkan satu lagi menuntut penjelasan lebih lanjut. Perdebatan ini berlanjut sampai akhirnya sang guru memberi jawaban namun setengah-setengah. Pada akhirnya, sang murid malah jadi lebih bingung dari sebelumnya. Secara singkat, <\/span>Fade Out<\/span><\/i> menggambarkan kegagalan sistem pendidikan.<\/span><\/p>\n Woo Woo\/ or the Silence That Kills You and Me<\/span><\/i> merupakan filem tanpa dialog yang secara singkat menceritakan tentang aksi bom bunuh diri. Melebihi itu, <\/span>Woo Woo<\/span><\/i> menggambarkan seseorang yang sendirian dan terlepas dari masyarakat. Karena tanpa berdialog, filem ini terbuka untuk diinterpretasikan oleh penontonnya.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Filem yang terakhir adalah <\/span>Sapu Angin<\/span><\/i>. Filem ini sudah pernah diputarkan di Kompetisi Internasional 08. Menggunakan merpati, sang pembuat filem menempatkan kamera pada burung tersebut dan melepaskannya untuk terbang beberapa jarak. Walaupun gambar dalam kamera tersebut mengalami distorsi, tetapi penonton masih bisa berimajinasi. Berawal dari gambar yang penuh dengan kehijauan alam, lama-kelamaan visual dalam filem berubah menjadi abu-abu konkret.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n Pada akhirnya, filem-filem yang ditayangkan pada program ini mengarahkan penonton untuk mencoba berpikir terlepas dari bias untuk memahami situasi atau kondisi terlebih dahulu sebelum melompat pada kesimpulan dan bertindak.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”English” tab_id=”1503218961-2-58″][vc_column_text title=”Understanding Before Acting” css=”.vc_custom_1566802596681{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]\n Jakarta – On Saturday (8\/24) 7:00 PM at GoetheHaus, the screening of Candrawala \u2013 <\/span>local landscape of now <\/span><\/i>from ARKIPEL <\/span>bromocorah <\/span><\/i>titled <\/span>Feedback.<\/span><\/i> Dhuha Ramadhani curates the program.<\/span><\/p>\n The screening consisted of 8 films, namely <\/span>Adegan yang Hilang dari Petrus <\/span><\/i>by Arif Budiman, <\/span>The Nameless Boy <\/span><\/i>by Diego Batara Mahameru, <\/span>Topo Pendem <\/span><\/i>or <\/span>Merged with the Ground<\/span><\/i> by Imam Syafi’i, <\/span>Gowok: The Ins and Outs of a Woman’s Body <\/span><\/i>by Steve Masihoroe, <\/span>Blues Side on the Blue Sky <\/span><\/i>by Rachmat Hidayat Mustamin, <\/span>Fade Out <\/span><\/i>by Achmad Rezi Fahievie, <\/span>Woo Woo\/ or the Silence That Kills You and Me <\/span><\/i>by Ismail Basbeth, and <\/span>Sapu Angin <\/span><\/i>or <\/span>Windswept <\/span><\/i>by Cahyo Prayogo.<\/span><\/p>\n The last screening for the day was attended by 57 audiences. Before the screening was started, Dhuha came forward to deliver a brief introduction. He explained a bit on his curatorial.<\/span><\/p>\n The first film was <\/span>Adegan yang Hilang dari Petrus.<\/span><\/i> Previously, the film had been screened several times: on the opening night and the International Competition 03. Recorded by the screen-recording tool on a laptop, <\/span>Adegan yang Hilang dari Petrus <\/span><\/i>recounts the Petrus incident on the 1980s in the way as if he is writing a script. He presented the visual through text similar to a script text consisted of description, scene number, shot, and action.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n The second film is <\/span>The Nameless Boy. <\/span><\/i>The main character is a boy in the middle of a demonstration. The boy does not speak at all, nor directly involves himself in the demonstration. He becomes a sort of observer. The camera follows the boy around. Even if the boy does not speak, but the demonstrators\u2019 shoutings through the megaphone depict the conflict of the film.<\/span><\/p>\n After <\/span>The Nameless Boy, <\/span><\/i>the screening continued with <\/span>Topo Pendem. <\/span><\/i>The film narrates the story of a father with an autistic son who is attempting to do a “healing” method through the ritual of <\/span>Topo Pendem <\/span><\/i>performed by the father. The story is quite simple, but it has a message of acceptance and love.<\/span><\/p>\n The next film is <\/span>Gowok: The Ins and Outs of a Woman’s Body. <\/span><\/i>It has an eccentric and symmetrical style that reminded me of Wes Anderson, this film tells a story of <\/span>Gowok; <\/span><\/i>a tradition of preparing a man before his marriage so they would be able to treat his wife \u2013 mentally and physically \u2013 in a proper manner.<\/span><\/p>\n The screening continued with <\/span>Blues Side on the Blue Sky; <\/span><\/i>the film has a similar concept with <\/span>Topo Pendem. <\/span><\/i>It tells a story of a mentally disabled woman whose brother and mother try to “heal” her with potion and ritual that are said able to help.<\/span><\/p>\n From the beginning of the film, Fade Out immediately showed its conflict, that is when a high school student wanted to ask a question to his history teacher, but the teacher avoided the question. It caused a debate between the two parties, in which one party requested that the other party “obey” while the other one demanded further clarification. This debate continued until at last the teacher gave an answer but only half measures. In the end, the student became even more confused than before. In short, Fade Out describes the failure of the education system in educating students.<\/span><\/p>\n Woo Woo\/ or the Silence That Kills You and Me <\/span><\/i>is a film with no dialogue that shortly conveys a story of a suicide bombing. More than that, <\/span>Woo Woo <\/span><\/i>depicts a lonely person, detached from society. The lack of dialogue makes the film opens to the interpretation of the audience.<\/span><\/p>\n The last film is <\/span>Sapu Angin. <\/span><\/i>This film had been screened in International Competition 08. Using a pigeon, the filmmaker put the camera on the pigeon’s body and let it fly. Even if the images are distorted, the audience is still able to imagine. The film starts with a visual full of the greens of nature, and it gradually changes to concrete grey.<\/span><\/p>\n In the end, the films in this program let the audience to think unbiasedly to understand the situation or condition before jumping into conclusions and taking actions.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][\/vc_tabs][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”10204,10203,10202,10201,10200,10199,10198″ img_size=”large”][\/vc_column][\/vc_row]\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" The screening consisted of 8 films, namely Adegan yang Hilang dari Petrus by Arif Budiman, The Nameless Boy by Diego Batara Mahameru, Topo Pendem or Merged with the Ground by Imam Syafi’i, Gowok: The Ins and Outs of a Woman’s Body by Steve Masihoroe, Blues Side on the Blue Sky by Rachmat Hidayat Mustamin, Fade Out by Achmad Rezi Fahievie, Woo Woo\/ or the Silence That Kills You and Me by Ismail Basbeth, and Sapu Angin or Windswept by Cahyo Prayogo.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":145,"featured_media":10204,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":"","jetpack_publicize_message":"Understanding Before Acting","jetpack_publicize_feature_enabled":true,"jetpack_social_post_already_shared":true,"jetpack_social_options":{"image_generator_settings":{"template":"highway","enabled":false},"version":2}},"categories":[532,347,1],"tags":[526,528,544],"class_list":["post-10197","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-arkipel-2019-bromocorah","category-candrawala-program","category-festival-updates","tag-526","tag-bromocorah","tag-candralawa"],"jetpack_publicize_connections":[],"yoast_head":"\n