{"id":5949,"date":"2016-08-24T17:56:36","date_gmt":"2016-08-24T10:56:36","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/arkipel.org\/?p=5949"},"modified":"2017-08-02T19:08:22","modified_gmt":"2017-08-02T12:08:22","slug":"film-life-making-celluloid-film-midst-digital-explosion","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/film-life-making-celluloid-film-midst-digital-explosion\/","title":{"rendered":"Film Your Life! – Making Celluloid Film in the Midst of Digital Explosion"},"content":{"rendered":"[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]\n

Film Your Life!: Membuat Film Seluloid di Tengah Ledakan Digital<\/h2>\n


Banyak dari kalangan muda Indonesia adalah penikmat filem dan tak jarang pula yang tertarik untuk membuat filem. Namun, seringkali pikiran tentang sulitnya membuat filem muncul dan menyebabkan kelahiran sineas muda Indonesia tertunda. ARKIPEL social\/kapital – 4th<\/sup> Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival pada kesempatan kali ini menghadirkan sebuah masterclass<\/em> untuk menunjukkan betapa sesungguhnya membuat filem adalah hal yang mudah. Bertempat di @America pada Selasa, 23 Agustus sore, Scott Miller Berry hadir untuk berbagi pengetahuannya mengenai pembuatan filem khususnya filem seluloid.<\/p>\n


Scott Miller Berry.<\/p><\/div>\n

Fokus masterclass <\/em>ini ialah pembuatan filem personal menggunakan filem seluloid. Namun sebelum masuk ke penjelasan teknis, Scott yang tengah memegang posisi Direktur pelakasana organisasi filem dan kesehatan mental Worksman Arts <\/em>ini bercerita mengenai ketertarikan personalnya terhadap filem.<\/p>\n

Kecintaan Scott terhadap pembuatan filem bertumbuh sejak ia masih kecil. Di masa kanaknya, Scott kecil kerap dibawa oleh sang ibu untuk menonton filem. Namun pada usianya yang ke-17, sang ibu meninggal dunia. Hal ini sangat memengaruhi pandangan Scott terhadap banyak hal, termasuk pendekatannya terhadap filem dan kesenian. Menurut tuturan Scott, ada banyak medium yang bisa digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pengalaman pribadi seseorang. Filem merupakan medium yang ia pilih.<\/p>\n


Yuki Aditya, Direktur ARKIPEL, memberikan sambutan. \/ Yuki Aditya, Director of ARKIPEL, gave opening speech.<\/p><\/div>\n


Scott muda memulai perkenalannya dengan pembuatan filem melalui suatu kelas fotografi di daerah asalnya di Detroit, Michigan. Menurutnya, filem merupakan kesatuan dari serangkaian foto. Tak heran, ketertarikannya pada filem pun dimulai dari fotografi.<\/p>\n

Salah satu momen sejarah sinema dunia yang menunjukkan kedekatan fotografi dan sinema ialah munculnya sebuah foto karya Eadward Muybridge. Muybridge menggunakan kameranya untuk menangkap gerakan sebuah objek, pada saat itu ialah sebuah kuda yang melompat. Setelah karya Muybridge, hadir filem karya dari Lumiere bersaudara di tahun 1895. Filem hitam putih yang berjudul Train a Ciotat (Kedatangan Kereta)<\/em> menjadi filem pertama di dunia. Sebuah terobosan yang membawa perkembangan baru bagi dunia sinema.<\/p>\n



\"dscf9428\"Setelah itu, muncul inovasi-inovasi lain yang kian menunjukan hubungan kuat fotografi dalam sinema. Termasuk pula filem-filem karya Georges Melies dari Perancis yang membawa perkembangan di dunia sinema, terutama terkait perkembangan teknik dan narasi dalam filem. Salah satu karyanya yang berjudul A Trip to the Moon (Perjalanan ke Bulan) <\/em>(1902) merupakan inovasinya terkait pewarnaan dalam filem.<\/p>\n


Kemudian, sutradara dan pegiat budaya yang tinggal di Toronto ini menampilkan sebuah video tentang cara proyektor bekerja. Di video yang ditampilkan, seluloid yang masih berantakan dirapikan menggunakan roda rol filem. Kemudian rol tersebut akan diputar dan diproyeksikan ke layar dengan bantuan cahaya, lubang lensa, dan shutter.<\/em> Menurut Scott, video dan filem adalah dua hal yang sangat berbeda, terutama terkait cara ia dibuat dan diproyeksikan.<\/p>\n

Namun, Scott meyakinkan bahwa untuk membuat sebuah filem bukanlah hal yang sulit. Terutama untuk membuat sebuah filem personal. Filem personal bisa mengambil beragam bentuk tanpa batasan apa pun. Ia kerap menyebut jenis ini sebagai filem diary.<\/em> Salah satu bentuk filem personal yang paling sering dijumpai ialah home movies <\/em>(filem rumahan). Ia merupakan salah satu jenis tradisi filem yang kuat dalam sinema dan kerap dibuat oleh banyak orang. Ia juga merupakan contoh filem personal yang baik sebab sifatnya yang personal dan spontan. Definisi filem personal pun berpusat pada segala sesuatu yang bersifat personal.<\/p>\n



Untuk membuat sebuah filem personal yang sederhana, seseorang bisa menggunakan sebuah kamera Super 8, stok filem, dan cahaya. Menurut tuturan Scott, satu detik dalam filem terdiri dari 24 foto pada lembar filem seluloid. Ia kemudian menunjukkan \u2018amunisi\u2019 yang ia gunakan untuk membuat filem. Kali ini kita dibawa untuk berkarya tanpa menggunakan teknologi digital alias hanya mengandalkan kamera Super 8 dan stok filem seluloid.<\/p>\n

Pertama-tama ia mengeluarkan sebuah kamera Super 8 dan menunjukkan cara pemakaiannya. Jenis ini dipilih karena penggunaannya yang terhitung mudah dan sederhana. Kemudian Scott menunjukkan sebuah filem ukuran 16 mm. Menurutnya, seluloid filem bersifat sangat fisik dan dapat dipegang. Informasi yang ada pada seluloid filem membutuhkan emulsi kimia untuk dapat terbaca. Kedua benda ini kemudian diulurkan pada peserta mastercalss<\/em> untuk dipegang secara bergantian.<\/p>\n


Scott sempat menyebutkan harga-harga dari peralatan yang ia tunjukkan baik dalam dolar maupun dalam rupiah. Sebuah kamera Kodak Super 8 bisa didapat dengan harga sekitar $35 AUS atau Rp. 250.000,-. Sedangkan Kodak 3378 ukuran 16 mm dapat dibeli dengan harga sekitar Rp. 150.000,- per 30 meter rol filem. Untuk developer <\/em>dan fixer <\/em>dengan pengerjaan DIY (Do It Yourself<\/em>) bisa didapat seharga sekitar Rp. 250.000,- . Untuk bertemu dengan orang-orang yang bekerja di bidang ini di wilayah Jakarta, kita bisa menghubungi Lab Laba-Laba. Ia adalah organisasi independen yang bekerja di wilayah produksi filem seluloid. Sedangkan untuk menampilkan karya yang telah dibuat, pembuat filem bisa ikut serta pada berbagai festival filem atau mengunjungi berbagai tempat pemutaran filem alternatif. Untuk Jakarta, Kinosaurus bisa menjadi contoh pilihan yang menarik.<\/p>\n

Scott pun bercerita bahwa di Toronto ia mengasuh sebuah loka karya pembuatan filem seluloid bernama Film Farm Workshop. <\/em>Loka karya ini dilakukan setiap tahun di musim panas dengan pendaftaran yang berlangsung pada bulan Januari hingga akhir Februari. Loka karya ini mengajak serta para pembuat filem baik yang sudah berpengalaman maupun yang belum berpengalaman untuk membuat filem menggunakan seluloid hitam-putih berukuran 16 mm.<\/p>\n

Namun, membuat sebuah filem tak selamanya harus menggunakan kamera. Sebuah karya berjudul Free Radicals<\/em> yang dibuat tahun 1955 oleh Len Lye menampilkan garis-garis radikal warna putih yang bergerak dan bermunculan di layar yang hitam pekat. Alih-alih membuat gambar menggunakan kamera, Lye justru mengguratkan pisau bergerigi di permukaan seluloid secara langsung untuk menciptakan gambar.<\/p>\n


Penggunaan kamera Super 8 sendiri, menurut Scott, masih menjadi sebuah opsi, terutama bagi mereka yang berkomitmen tinggi pada filem seluloid. Meskipun demikian, secara nyata industri filem telah berhasil mencuri eksistensi filem seluloid dengan kemunculan Digital Cinema Package <\/em>atau DCP. Pembuatan filem menggunakan media seluloid dan pemutaran yang masih menggunakan proyektor pun sudah banyak berkurang. DCP di satu sisi membuka peluang pada pembajakan, namun di sisi lain ia mempermudah distribusi dan pengarsipan filem. Hal ini pun diamini oleh Rizki dari Lab Laba-Laba yang sempat bercerita tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan Lab Laba-Laba.<\/p>\n


Masterclass<\/em> yang dihadiri oleh 48 peserta ini berjalan dengan dinamis. Beberapa pertanyaan sempat ditanyakan peserta terutama terkait pembuatan filem di era digital. Tidak dipungkiri sekarang ini, teknologi digital berkembang makin pesat dan pilihan media untuk membuat filem semakin banyak. Perkembangan teknologi saat ini membuat orang bisa merekam apa saja dan mengunggahnya ke media sosial. Bahkan, seseorang bisa merekam kisah cintanya, mengunggahnya ke YouTube <\/em>dan lalu membuat seluruh dunia menontonnya. Seorang peserta bertanya apakah hal semacam ini kemudian bisa menurunkan nilai dari karya filem.<\/p>\n

Scott menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan merujuk pada Bigo; sebuah aplikasi yang baru ia ketahui pada pembukaan ARKIPEL. Aplikasi ini membuat orang bisa secara real-time<\/em> menyiarkan kehidupannya pada khalayak. Fungsi yang sama juga bisa kita temukan pada jejaring sosial yang lain. Scott beranggapan bahwa aplikasi semacam ini adalah ide jenius tapi di sisi lain membuat hidup para penggunanya menjadi narsis dan terlalu terbuka. Tidak buruk, tetapi terlalu berlebihan.<\/p>\n

Fakta bahwa semua orang memiliki kamera di sakunya dan bisa membuat filem adalah hal yang luar biasa, apalagi jika video yang dihasilkan unik dan bernilai seni. Tapi, lain halnya jika yang direkam adalah video pertengkaran dengan ibu sendiri atau hal-hal lainnya yang bersifat terlalu pribadi. Perkembangan digital ini pun mengubah perspektif Scott tentang bagaimana ia menonton filem. Barangkali kritisisme terhadap sinema pun turut berkembang seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi. Ruth menambahkan bahwa sering kali teknologi media sosial justru hanya menghasilkan hal-hal yang sama saja sehingga minus nilai kritik. Sehingga dunia kita malah menyempit dan bukannya meluas.<\/p>\n


Yuki Aditya dan Scott Miller Berry berbincang dengan Karen Schinnerer, Direktur @America. \/ Yuki Aditya and Scott Miller Berry wa discussing with Karen Schinnerer, Direcotr of @America.<\/p><\/div>\n

Untuk memberi rujukan mengenai presentasinya di masterclass <\/em>ARKIPEL kali ini, Scott meletakkan semua link<\/em> video, organisasi, dan materi presentasinya di web pribadi yang ia kelola yaitu www.cineparlour.tumblr.com<\/a>.[\/vc_column_text][mk_divider style=”thick_solid” border_color=”#f1f1f1″ margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”40″][vc_column_text]\n

Film Your Life! – Making Celluloid Film in the Midst of Digital Explosion<\/span><\/h2>\n


Indonesia is a nation rich of youngsters who love films and often some of them interested in making films too. But the birth of young talented filmmakers is often suspended by the thought on how difficult filmmaking might be. ARKIPEL social\/kapital – 4th<\/sup> Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival on this occasion presented a master class to show how easy filmmaking might be. Taking place in At America at Tuesday, August 23rd<\/sup> afternoon, Scott Miller Berry came to share his knowledge on filmmaking especially by using celluloid film stock.<\/span><\/p>\n

The focus of this master class is to make personal films by using celluloid film stock. But before he started his technical explanation, Scott who is working as Managing Director of Worksman Arts- an organization focusing on art and mental health issues – told his personal journey related to filmmaking.<\/span><\/p>\n

His devotion to filmmaking was started since he was a small boy. In his childhood, little Scott was taken to cinema by his mom very often. But when he was 17 years old, his Mother passed away. That experience has influenced Scott\u2019s view toward many things including his approach to art and film. According to Scott, there are many mediums to express personal experiences. Film is the medium he chose.<\/span><\/p>\n

Meanwhile when he was young, Scott took photography class in Detroit, Michigan. It became a start for him to know filmmaking. In his opinion, film is a series of photographs. Thus, no wonder his interest toward film was started from photography.<\/span><\/p>\n

One of historical moments highlighting the proximity between photography and cinema is the emergence of Eadward Muybridge\u2019s work. Muybridge used his camera to capture the movement of an object. It was a jumping horse that he captured at that time. After Muybridge, the Lumiere brothers created a notable film in year 1895 entitled Train a Ciotat (Arrival of the Train)<\/em>. The black and white film that they made becomes the first film in the world. It\u2019s a breakthrough that brought new development toward the world of cinema.<\/span><\/p>\n

After that, other innovations exposing further relations between photography and cinema emerged. George Melies from France also made various films that brought development to the world of cinema, especially related to technical and narrative development in films. One of his works entitled A Trip to the Moon<\/em> (1902) became an innovation for the technique of coloring in films.<\/span><\/p>\n

Later on, Scott who currently lives in Toronto as a film director and cultural activist showed the audiences how a projector works through a video. In the video he screened, the disarray celluloid film stock was tidied up by using film roll. Then the roll will be spun and projected to a screen by using the help from light, aperture and shutter. According to Scott, video and film are two very different things, especially when it is related to how they are made and projected.<\/span><\/p>\n

But Scott stated that filmmaking is not difficult, especially to make personal film. Personal film can take any forms and there is no limitation to it. He often calls it as diary film. One of the most common personal films forms is home movies. It is acknowledged as one of the strongest traditions in cinema and people often make it by themselves. It is also a good example of personal film due to its personal and spontaneous characteristics. Personal film can be anything personal.<\/span><\/p>\n

To make a simple personal film, all we need is a Super 8 camera, film stock and the light. According to Scott, 1 second in a film is equal to 24 photographs in a celluloid film sheet. Then he showed \u2018the ammunitions\u2019 he uses to make films. This time we were brought to make films without using any digital technology. All we can use are Super 8 camera and celluloid film stock.<\/span><\/p>\n

First, he took out a Super 8 camera and showed the audiences how to use it. This model was chosen because it\u2019s very simple and easy to use. Then he showed a 16 mm film. He said that the nature of celluloid film very physical and tactile. The information on celluloid film stock will require chemical emulsion to be readable. He handed over those two stuffs to the audiences to be touched one by one.<\/span><\/p>\n

Scott also mentioned the price of the equipments he showed whether in Rupiah or in dollar. The price of a Kodak Super 8 camera is about $35 AUS or Rp. 250.000,-.While the price of 16 mm Kodak 3378 is about Rp. 150.000,- per 30 metre. If you do the chemical process on your own, then the price of developer and fixer will be about Rp. 250.000,- . To meet people who work in this field in Jakarta, you can contact Lab Laba-Laba. It\u2019s an independent organization working on the production of celluloid films. While to exhibit the work you\u2019ve made, you can join any film festival that suit your work or by visiting alternative screening space. For Jakarta, Kinosaurus can be an interesting option.<\/span><\/p>\n

Scott also mentioned that he also works on a celluloid filmmaking workshop in Toronto named Film Farm Workshop. <\/em>This annual workshop is held in every summer each year and opened its registration in between January to the end of February. This workshop invites both experienced and inexperienced filmmakers to make films by using 16 mm black and white celluloid film.<\/span><\/p>\n

The use of Super 8 camera itself is still an option especially for those who are highly committed to celluloid films. Nevertheless, the film industry clearly has stolen the existence of celluloid film through the emergence of Digital Cinema Package or DCP. Celluloid filmmaking and projector based screening also have decreased significantly. In one side, the use of DCP opens the opportunity for piracy but on the other side it helps the film distribution and film archiving. Rizki from Lab Laba-Laba also agreed to this opinion.<\/span><\/p>\n

This master class was attended by 48 participants and it ran very dynamic. Some questions were asked by the participants especially related to filmmaking in digital era. There is no doubt that today the digital development has growth rapidly and there are more mediums that can be options to make films. People can record almost anything and upload it to social media. In fact, people can record their love life, upload it to YouTube and make the world watch it. A participant asked whether this phenomenon can downgrade the value in films.<\/span><\/p>\n

Scott responded it by referring to Bigo; an application he knew very recently through ARKIPEL opening night. This application makes people able to broadcast their life in real-time. The same function also can be found in other social networks sites. Scott stated that this application has a very genius idea but also it makes life more narcissist and too open for public. It\u2019s not bad but it\u2019s just too much.<\/span><\/p>\n

The fact that everyone has camera in their pocket and able to make film is very remarkable things, moreover in the videos they made is unique and artistic. But the condition will be very different if the object recorded is a fight between us and our mom or other too private matters. The development of digital also has made Scott\u2019s perspective on how he watches films changed. We can assume here that criticism to cinema will grow along with the development of technology. Ruth also added that the technology of social media often produce sameness. Thus it makes our world smaller instead of making it bigger.<\/span><\/p>\n

To give reference for his presentation on this ARKIPEL master class, Scott put all of his video links, organization and presentation material on his personal web named www.cineparlour.tumblr.com<\/a>.<\/span>[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_column][\/vc_row]\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

The fact that everyone has camera in their pocket and able to make film is very remarkable things, moreover in the videos they made is unique and artistic. But the condition will be very different if the object recorded is a fight between us and our mom or other too private matters. The development of digital also has made Scott\u2019s perspective on how he watches films changed. We can assume here that criticism to cinema will grow along with the development of technology. <\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":131,"featured_media":5972,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":"","jetpack_publicize_message":"","jetpack_publicize_feature_enabled":true,"jetpack_social_post_already_shared":true,"jetpack_social_options":{"image_generator_settings":{"template":"highway","enabled":false},"version":2}},"categories":[369,384,332],"tags":[292,165,391,293],"jetpack_publicize_connections":[],"yoast_head":"\nFilm Your Life! - Making Celluloid Film in the Midst of Digital Explosion — ARKIPEL<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/film-life-making-celluloid-film-midst-digital-explosion\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Film Your Life! - Making Celluloid Film in the Midst of Digital Explosion — ARKIPEL\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"The fact that everyone has camera in their pocket and able to make film is very remarkable things, moreover in the videos they made is unique and artistic. But the condition will be very different if the object recorded is a fight between us and our mom or other too private matters. The development of digital also has made Scott\u2019s perspective on how he watches films changed. We can assume here that criticism to cinema will grow along with the development of technology.\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/film-life-making-celluloid-film-midst-digital-explosion\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"ARKIPEL\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:publisher\" content=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/arkipel.festival\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:published_time\" content=\"2016-08-24T10:56:36+00:00\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:modified_time\" content=\"2017-08-02T12:08:22+00:00\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/arkipel.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/09\/DSCF9427.jpg?fit=1024%2C683&ssl=1\" \/>\n\t<meta property=\"og:image:width\" content=\"1024\" \/>\n\t<meta property=\"og:image:height\" content=\"683\" \/>\n\t<meta property=\"og:image:type\" content=\"image\/jpeg\" \/>\n<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Anggraeni Widhiasih\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:card\" content=\"summary_large_image\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:creator\" content=\"@arkipel\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:site\" content=\"@arkipel\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:label1\" content=\"Written by\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:data1\" content=\"Anggraeni Widhiasih\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:label2\" content=\"Est. reading time\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:data2\" content=\"13 minutes\" \/>\n<script type=\"application\/ld+json\" class=\"yoast-schema-graph\">{\"@context\":\"https:\/\/schema.org\",\"@graph\":[{\"@type\":\"Article\",\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/film-life-making-celluloid-film-midst-digital-explosion\/#article\",\"isPartOf\":{\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/film-life-making-celluloid-film-midst-digital-explosion\/\"},\"author\":{\"name\":\"Anggraeni Widhiasih\",\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/#\/schema\/person\/5ac828c0817a0b019050ef9d176e1b02\"},\"headline\":\"Film Your Life! 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