{"id":7540,"date":"2017-08-26T23:59:23","date_gmt":"2017-08-26T16:59:23","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/arkipel.org\/?p=7540"},"modified":"2017-08-29T21:34:57","modified_gmt":"2017-08-29T14:34:57","slug":"experimental-film-inspiration-young-filmmakers","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/experimental-film-inspiration-young-filmmakers\/","title":{"rendered":"Experimental Film as an Inspiration for Young Filmmakers"},"content":{"rendered":"[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tabs][vc_tab title=”Bahasa Indonesia” tab_id=”1504008143-1-18″][vc_column_text title=”Filem Eksperimental sebagai Inspirasi Sineas Muda”]\n

\u201cThe Revolution introduced me to art, and in turn, art introduced me to the Revolution!<\/em>\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2013Albert Einstein<\/p>\n


Satu minggu lebih sudah ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> \u2013 5th<\/sup> Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival menampilkan program-programnya di GoetheHaus, Kineforum, maupun Gudang Sarinah Ekosistem. Sebanyak 89 judul filem telah ditayangkan di ARKIPEL 2017 yang terdiri dari program Kompetisi Internasional, program Kuratorial, Kurator Muda Asia, Presentasi Khusus, dan Penayangan Khusus. Tak terasa, festival filem dokumenter ini telah sampai pada penghujung rangkaian acara, ditandai dengan malam penghargaan ARKIPEL yang menjadi semacam refleksi atas segala capaian yang dihasilkan oleh ARKIPEL setelah mengadakan produksi pengetahuan yang jarang dikonsumsi publik.<\/p>\n

Sekitar seratus orang menghadiri Malam Penghargaan ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>. Mereka terdiri dari sutradara, kurator, tamu undangan, awak media, anggota Forum Lenteng, dan tentunya para ARKIPELABOR (sukarelawan untuk kegiatan ARKIPEL) yang turut menyukseskan kegiatan ini. Yuki Aditya selaku Direktur Festival membuka penghargaan malam itu serta mengungkapkan rasa syukur dan terima kasihnya terhadap segenap pihak yang telah mendukung dan membantu terselenggaranya ARKIPEL. Setelahnya, pembacaan empat penghargaan yang dianugerahkan pada malam itu, yaitu Peransi Award, Jury Award, Forum Lenteng Award, dan ARKIPEL Award, dimulai.<\/p>\n


Jean-Marie Teno mengumumkan pemenang Peransi Award di ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>.<\/p><\/div>\n

Peransi Award merupakan penghargaan yang secara khusus diberikan pada sineas berusia muda. Aspek yang diapresiasi adalah bagaimana sebuah filem mampu memberikan pendekatan segar mengenai kemungkinan-kemungkinan tak terbatas yang dapat dihasilkan oleh medium dokumenter. Jean-Marie Teno, seorang sutradara kawakan asal Kamerun, mendapatkan kehormatan untuk mengumumkan penghargaan ini. Sebagai yang paling tua di ruangan tersebut, Jean-Marie Teno merasa terhormat karena diberikan kesempatan untuk memberikan penghargaan pada sineas muda demi menginspirasi mereka agar terus membuat karya yang relevan terhadap isu kontemporer tanpa terhalangi oleh hierarki sosial.<\/p>\n


Dadyaa<\/em> (atau The Woodpeckers of Rotha,\u00a0<\/em>2016) karya Pooja Gurung dan Bibhusan Basnet, Nepal.<\/p><\/div>\n

Peransi Award diberikan kepada Dadyaa <\/em>(atau The Woodpeckers of Rotha<\/em>, 2016) karya sutradara asal Nepal, Pooja Gurung & Bibhusan Basnet. Filem ini sebelumnya telah diliput oleh Agatha Danastri<\/a> di mana ia menyebutkan bahwa filem ini \u201cMenimbulkan kesan horor yang teramat sangat.\u201d Menurut Jean-Marie Teno, penghargaan ini diberikan kepada Dadyaa <\/em>karena filem tersebut sanggup menciptakan kesan surealistik yang sangat kentara meski dengan kapasitas produksi yang minim.<\/p>\n

\u201cFilem ini (Dadyaa<\/em>) merupakan film ekperimental yang mengingatkan kami pada bagaimana rasanya membuat filem eksperimental untuk pertama kali,\u201d ujar Jean-Marie Teno dalam sebuah wawancara seusai Malam Penghargaan.<\/p>\n

Penghargaan kedua yang diberikan pada Malam Penghargaan ARKIPEL adalah Jury Award. Penghargaan ini diberikan kepada filem yang paling memberikan kesan mendalam bagi Dewan Juri, yang mana pemberiannya diwakilkan oleh Andr\u00e9s Denegri. Pada kesempatan yang sama, tak lupa seniman visual asal Argentina ini memuji ARKIPEL. \u201cKalian mempunyai festival filem yang mengagumkan di sini, jadi\u2026 terima kasih banyak,\u201c yang dilanjutkannya dengan sebuah helaan napas yang panjang sehingga membuat seisi GoetheHaus tertawa.<\/p>\n


Andr\u00e9s Denegri mengumumkan pemenang Jury Award di ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>.<\/p><\/div>\n

Andr\u00e9s Denegri menyatakan bahwa filem yang mendapatkan penghargaan ini berhasil memukau Dewan Juri dengan membawa mereka pada sebuah nostalgia filem-filem klasik yang dipenuhi oleh cinta dan kehangatan. Filem ini tidak hanya dapat dikonsumsi oleh para ahli, namun juga oleh orang-orang biasa. Filem yang dimaksud adalah Dwa Swiaty <\/em>(atau Two Worlds<\/em>, 2016) karya direktur asal Polandia, Maciej Adamek.<\/p>\n


Dwa Swiaty<\/em> (atau Two Worlds,\u00a0<\/em>2016) karya Maciek Adamek, Polandia.<\/p><\/div>\n

Dwa Swiaty<\/em> merupakan sebuah filem yang mengisahkan suka-duka seorang anak perempuan berusia 12 tahun, bernama Laura, yang hidup bersama orang tuanya yang tuna rungu. Kami mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menonton langsung filem ini sehingga kami dapat bertestimoni bahwa filem ini pantas mendapatkan penghargaan tersebut. Selama menonton filem ini, kami sungguh merasa tergugah akan kegigihan Laura dalam menjadi jembatan bagi dunia orang tuna rungu yang ditinggali orangtuanya dengan dunia sehari-hari yang ditinggalinya. Sungguh kisah memilukan yang dapat membuat penontonnya sangat emosional.<\/p>\n


Otty Widasari mengumumkan pememang Forum Lenteng Award di ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>.<\/p><\/div>\n

Penghargaan ketiga, Forum Lenteng Award, diberikan kepada filem yang paling merepresentasikan semangat Forum Lenteng. \u201cSecara bahasa, filem ini mewakili komunitas dan apa yang juga diperjuangkan oleh Forum Lenteng,\u201d ujar Otty Widasari, Direktur Pendidikan Media Berbasis Komunitas di Forum Lenteng yang mendapatkan kehormatan untuk membacakan penghargaan ini. Filem tersebut adalah Utsav <\/em>(2016) karya sutradara asal India, Suruchi Sharma.<\/p>\n


Utsav<\/em> (2016) karya Suruchi Sharma, India.<\/p><\/div>\n

Sutradara Utsav<\/em>, Suruchi Sharma, berkesempatan untuk hadir pada Malam Penghargaan ARKIPEL. Ia menyatakan sangat bersyukur atas penghargaan yang ia terima, terutama karena ini merupakan pertama kalinya filem Utsav <\/em>diputar untuk publik. Utsav <\/em>mengisahkan sebuah festival tradisional tahunan yang diselenggarakan di Jaipur, India. Di dalam festival tersebut, orang-orang yang selama ini ditekan oleh lingkungannya dapat berkumpul bersama untuk mengekspresikan dirinya, menjadi dirinya, dan menghidupkan kembali tradisi mereka.<\/p>\n


Suruchi Sharma memberikan sepatah dua patah kata ketika menerima penghargaan Forum Lenteng Award.<\/p><\/div>\n

Dalam sebuah wawancara seusai Malam Penghargaan, Suruchi Sharma mengungkapkan bahwa Utsav <\/em>merupakan filem yang sangat spesial baginya karena filem ini dibuat di tengah kesibukannya untuk mengurus tugas akhir kuliah. Sebagai seorang sutradara sekaligus bagian dari komunitas tradisional di India, Suruchi mengaku mengalami kesulitan yang sama dengan komunitas-komunitas di Indonesia. Ia menyatakan bahwa sempat beberapa kali ragu: \u201cApakah saya melakukan hal yang tepat? Apakah saya telah membuat filem yang tepat? Apakah saya telah mengatakan apa yang ingin saya katakan dengan tepat?\u201d<\/p>\n

Namun, ia juga menyatakan bahwa memiliki keraguan seperti itu adalah hal yang baik bagi seorang pembuat filem karena itu akan mendorong mereka untuk menjadi lebih baik. Bukan hanya baik untuk dirinya sendiri, namun juga orang lain. \u201c(Membuat filem) adalah sebuah perjalanan personal. Meskipun di tengah jalan kamu merasa ragu, jawaban untuk pertanyaan itu akan selalu ada pada dirimu,\u201d kata sutradara lulusan National Institute of Design, India, tersebut.<\/p>\n

Puncak dari ajang Malam Penghargaan ARKIPEL adalah penganugerahan ARKIPEL Award. Ini merupakan penghargaan yang diberikan pada filem yang dinilai sebagai yang terbaik oleh Dewan Juri. Indikatornya adalah pencapaian artistik yang tinggi dan memiliki kekuatan potensial untuk memaknai pilihan perspektif kontekstualnya. Fang-Tze Hsu, seorang kurator asal Singapura yang juga menjadi pembicara kunci dalam Forum Festival ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>, mendapatkan kehormatan untuk mengumumkan penghargaan ini.<\/p>\n


Hsu Fang-Tze mengumumkan pemenang ARKIPEL Award di ARKIPEL\u00a0Penal Colony<\/em>.<\/p><\/div>\n

Menurut Fang-Tze Hsu, filem yang memenangkan penghargaan tertinggi di ARKIPEL ini tidak hanya menampilkan estetika yang apik, kreatif, intelektual, dan emosional, namun juga mengingatkan Dewan Juri pada pentingnya membuat filem eksperimental. Melalui teknik penceritaan dialektik, filem tersebut berhasil menampilkan sebuah ironi di tengah kebangkitan kelas menengah dan rezim neokolonialisme. Dengan suara lantang, Fang-Tze Hsu mengumumkan bahwa ARKIPEL Award diberikan kepada Hashti Tehran<\/em> (2016) karya sutradara asal Jerman, Daniel K\u00f6tter.<\/p>\n

Tepuk tangan meriah mengiringi pengumuman pemenang ARKIPEL Award. Untuk merayakan penghargaan tersebut, ajang Malam Penghargaan dilanjutkan dengan menonton filem Hashti Tehran<\/em>. Filem ini dimulai dengan pemandangan mengenai suatu pegunungan bersalju yang Indah di Iran. Suasana di awal filem ini digambarkan begitu damai dengan sejumlah turus berpariwisata dan mengabadikan momen kebersamaan mereka. Namun situasi berubah drastis begitu filem ini mengajak penonton untuk menaiki sebuah kereta gantung yang menghantarkan mereka pada kenyataan sesungguhnya yang sedang terjadi di Iran.<\/p>\n


Hashti Tehran (2016) karya Daniel Kotter, Jerman.<\/p><\/div>\n

Atas nama pembangunan, pemerintah mengumumkan pembangunan rumah massal di atas rumah-rumah yang telah ditinggali warga Iran selama bertahun-tahun. Empat bagian kota Teheran yang ditampilkan dalam filem ini kemudian memberikan reaksi yang berbeda terhadap rencana tersebut. Salah satu aerial shot <\/em>yang ditampilkan dalam filem ini berhasil menemukan sudut yang tepat untuk membuat rumah-rumah yang sedang dibangun tersebut terlihat seperti batu nisan. Hal ini seolah mengajukan pertanyaan besar akan kelangsungan hidup kita di tengah wacana pembangunan yang semakin masif.<\/p>\n

Seusai malam penghargaan, kami berkesempatan langsung untuk mewawancarai Fang-Tze Hsu mengenai keputusan Dewan Juri dalam menganugerahkan ARKIPEL Award kepada Hashti Tehran<\/em>. Menurutnya, filem ini menjadi spesial dibandingkan filem-filem lain yang bertema serupa karena memiliki teknik artistik yang sangat baik dan juga halus untuk menyampaikan perspektifnya. Salah satu aspek yang paling berkesan dari filem ini adalah kemampuannya untuk membangkitkan kenangan kita akan sebuah komunitas. Filem ini berhasil dengan baik memberikan suara pada komunitas-komunitas yang telah terasingkan ini.<\/p>\n

Fang-Tze Hsu juga menyatakan bahwa isu yang diangkat oleh Hashti Tehran<\/em> sangatlah relevan di seluruh belahan dunia hari ini. Dengan begitu, filem ini telah memberikan sebuah kritik yang signifikan bagi pengimplementasian kapitalisme era kontemporer. Mendengar hal ini, kami jadi tertarik untuk bertanya mengenai isu aksesibilitas. Dengan begitu signifikannya pencapaian yang dibuat oleh Hashti Tehran<\/em>, kami kemudian menanyakan bagaimana agar pesan yang dimuat dalam filem ini dapat diterima lebih luas oleh masyarakat.<\/p>\n

Menyikapi pertanyaan kami, Fang-Tze Hsu mengemukakan bahwa tujuan utama dari penyelenggaraan ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> adalah untuk menginspirasi pembuat-pembuat filem di seluruh dunia agar dapat mengangkat filem bertema serupa. Filem Hashti Tehran<\/em> mungkin memang bukan untuk konsumsi masyarakat kebanyakan, namun bukan berarti bahwa pesan yang terkandung dalam filem ini tidak dapat disampaikan. Adalah tugas para pembuat filem, khususnya sineas-sineas muda, untuk semakin mempopulerkan isu krusial ini melalui karya-karyanya.<\/p>\n

Kami kira, jawaban Fang-Tze Hsu tersebut telah merepresentasikan semangat utama yang ingin dibawa oleh ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>. Dunia perfileman hari ini memang telah dikooptasi oleh industri raksasa dengan sirkulasi kapital yang tidak akan habis. Kehidupan kita seolah senantiasa diatur oleh wacana-wacana yang ingin dikembangkan oleh industri-industri tersebut. Namun bukan berarti bahwa tidak ada harapan yang tersisa. Melalui filem-filem eksperimental yang diputar selama penyelenggaraan ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>, kita sesungguhnya telah memulai upaya signifikan untuk melakukan perebutan wacana.<\/p>\n



Indische Party mengisi acara Malam Penghargaan ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>.<\/p><\/div>\n

Setelah acara pemutaran filem pemenang dari ARKIPEL Award, acara malam itu dilanjutkan dengan penampilan Indische Party yang menjadi salah satu hiburan dari seluruh rangkaian acara ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> \u2013 5th<\/sup> Jakarta International and Experimental Film Festival. Sekitar 9 buah lagu ikut meramaikan konser penutupan acara ARKIPEL. Lagu berjudul Serigala<\/em> menjadi lagu pertama yang dibawakan. Awalnya, para pengunjung duduk anteng di tempat mereka masing-masing, namun setelah dua lagu selesai dimainkan, pengunjung yang tak kuasa akhirnya maju ke depan panggung satu per satu sambil berdansa diiringi dentuman lagu Indische Party yang super catchy<\/em>. Depan panggungp un mulai diramaikan kerumunan\u00a0 pengujung yang berdansa dan bernyanyi. Crowd-Surfing<\/em> pun tak terlewatkan. Lagu Have You Ever Cried<\/em>, Khilaf<\/em> dan Hey Girl<\/em> juga sukses mengajak para pengunjung untuk ikut bernyanyi bersama, meramaikan suasana konser sambil berdansa. Lagu Terkapar Sudah<\/em> menjadi lagu penutupan dari penampilan Indische Party di acara ARKIPEL Penal Colony.<\/p>\n


Rangkaian Awarding Night ARKIPEL Penal Colony diakhiri dengan garden party<\/em> yang bertempat di halaman tengah GoetheHaus, Jakarta. Pesta kebun ini merupakan ruang bagi para hadirin untuk dapat bersosialisasi dengan sesama pecinta filem, kurator, atau bahkan para pembuat filem yang turut berpartisipasi di ARKIPEL Penal Colony. Terlihat dari suasana pesta, para peserta dapat membaur dan berbincang-bincang sambil menikmati alunan musik serta makanan dan bir yang telah disediakan secara cuma-cuma oleh panitia. Terlihat kesibukan beberapa panitia yang bertugas di posnya masing-masing, namun tidak mengurangi keasyikan mereka dalam berbaur dengan peserta lain untuk menikmati acara.<\/p>\n


Di satu sudut, tampak panitia yang sekaligus merupakan anggota Forum Lenteng, para kurator, dan pembuat filem terlihat sedang bersulang; merayakan keberhasilan dan kebersamaan mereka selama festival ini berlangsung. Acara ini pun turut dihadiri oleh orang-orang penting yang berkecimpung di dunia seni dan filem, seperti Vit Havranek dan kurator-kurator Jakarta Biennale 2017 lainnya, dan terlihat pula Lulu Ratna, salah satu distributor filem-filem indie yang terkenal, meramaikan acara ini. Salah satu pembuat filem asal India yang filemnya menang dalam festival ini, Suruchi Sharma, mengatakan bahwa ia begitu menikmati pesta ini. Ia merasa begitu dekat dengan para panitia, volunteer, dan sesama partisipan. Seolah-olah tak berjarak, ia sangat bersyukur bisa menjadi partisipan dan membaur dengan banyak orang dari belahan dunia di pesta ini.<\/p>\n

Semakin malam, pesta semakin panas dengan karaoke dan bergoyang bersama. Para panitia dan partisipan melepas kepenatan mereka setelah satu minggu beraktivitas di ARKIPEL. Semua tangan ke atas dan kaki serta pinggul bergoyang, seolah-olah ini adalah ritual perpisahan yang dilakukan dengan penuh kegembiraan.<\/p>\n

Namun, sebenarnya kita tidak akan benar-benar berpisah. ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> mungkin telah berakhir, namun bukan berarti bahwa perjuangan untuk meraih kebebasan pun ikut berakhir. Ini justru merupakan awal yang baik untuk mulai membuat citraan-citraan baru yang dapat meruntuhkan rezim koloni pidana. Kepada seluruh orang yang telah mengikuti rangkaian kegiatan ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> selama satu minggu terakhir ini, kami berharap agar pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh ARKIPEL dapat menginspirasi kalian. Lebih dari itu, kami juga berharap agar pesan tersebut dapat diteruskan kepada lebih banyak orang lagi. ***[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”English” tab_id=”1504008143-2-38″][vc_column_text title=”Experimental Film as an Inspiration for Young Filmmakers”]\n

\u201cThe Revolution introduced me to art, and in turn, art introduced me to the Revolution!<\/em>\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2013Albert Einstein<\/p>\n


It has been more than a week since ARKIPEL Penal Colony <\/em>\u2013 5th<\/sup> Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival presented their programs in GoetheHaus, Kineforum, and Gudang Sarinah Ekosistem. As much as 89 titles of film has been screened in ARKIPEL 2017 which consists of International Competition program, Curatorial program, Asian Young Curator, Special Presentation and Special Screening. Without even realizing, the documentary film festival has reached its culminating moment in the Awarding Night of ARKIPEL which became a kind of reflection for the achievements made by ARKIPEL after organizing knowledge production on a topic rarely consumed by the public.<\/p>\n

About a hundred of people attended the Awarding Night of ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>. They are consisted of directors, curators, invited guests, media crews, members of Forum Lenteng and of course the ARKIPELABOR (the volunteer who works for ARKIPEL) who has contributed significantly to the success of this event. Yuki Aditya, the Festival Director, opened the event by expressing his gratefulness to everyone who has contributed to the success of Arkipel. Afterwards, the four awards which will be bestowed on that event was announced, they were Peransi Award, Jury Award, Forum Lenteng Award and ARKIPEL Award.<\/p>\n


Jean-Marie Teno announces the winner of the Peransi Award at the ARKIPEL Penal Colony 2017 Awarding Night<\/p><\/div>\n

Peransi Award is an award given specifically for young filmmakers. What is being appreciated by this award is how a film can offer a fresh take on the endless possibilities of the documentary medium. Jean-Marie Teno, a seasoned director from Cameroon, received an honor to announce the award. As the oldest person in that room, Jean-Marie Teno felt honored to be given the opportunity to bestow the award for young filmmakers in hope that it will inspire them to keep making films which relevant to contemporary issue without the limitation of social hierarchy.<\/p>\n


Dadyaa<\/em>\u00a0(or The Woodpeckers of Rotha,\u00a0<\/em>2016), a film by\u00a0Pooja Gurung and Bibhusan Basnet from Nepal.<\/p><\/div>\n

Peransi Award was given to Dadyaa <\/em>(or The Woodpeckers of Rotha, <\/em>2016) by Nepalese director, Pooja Gurung & Bibhusan Basnet. This film has previously been covered by Agatha Danastri<\/a> where she said that the film \u201carouses a very, very dreadful feeling of horror.\u201d According to Jean-Marie Teno, the award was given to Dadyaa because the film can create a a very subtle surrealist experience despite having low production quality.<\/p>\n

\u201cIt (Dadyaa<\/em>) is an experimental film that reminds us of how it feels to make an experimental film for the first time,\u201d said Jean-Marie Teno in an interview after the Awarding Night.<\/p>\n

The second award given on Awarding Night of ARKIPEL is the Jury Award. This award is given to a film that impresses the juror the most in which the honor to announce it was given to Andr\u00e9s Denegri. On that moment, the Argentinian visual artist didn\u2019t miss the chance to praise ARKIPEL. \u201cYou got an amazing film festival here, so\u2026 thank you very much,\u201d followed by long dead silence which caused the entire GoetheHaus to burst into laughter.<\/p>\n


Andr\u00e9s Denegri announced the winner of the Jury Award at ARKIPEL\u00a0Penal Colony<\/em> 2017 Awarding Night.<\/p><\/div>\n

Andres Denegri said that the film receiving this award has succeeded in charming the by taking them to a nostalgia<\/em> of classical film which is full to the brim with love and lightheartedness. This film can be consumed, not only by experts, but also by most people. The film was Dwa Swiaty <\/em>(or Two Worlds<\/em>, 2016) by a Polish director, Maciej Adamek.<\/p>\n


Dwa Swiaty (or Two Worlds (2016), a film by Maciek Adamek from Poland.<\/p><\/div>\n

Dwa Swiaty <\/em>is a film that tells the ups and downs story of a 12-years old girl character named Laura who lives with her deaf parents. We were personally given the opportunity to cover this film so we can testify that this film truly deserves the award. While watching this film, we were really evoked by Laura\u2019s perseverance to be a bridge for her parents who lives in the world for the deaf and her own everyday life. It was such a heartbreaking story that makes us very emotional.<\/p>\n


Otty Widasari announced the winner of the Forum Lenteng Award at ARKIPEL\u00a0Penal Colony<\/em> 2017 Awarding Night.<\/p><\/div>\n

The third award, Forum Lenteng Award, was given to the film that most represents the spirit of Forum Lenteng. \u201cIn terms of language, this film represents the value of community that we fought as Forum Lenteng,\u201d said Otty Widasari, the Director of Community Based Media Education of Forum Lenteng who got the honor to announce this award. The film was Utsav <\/em>(2016) by an Indian director, Suruchi Sharma.<\/p>\n


Utsav (2016), a film by Suruchi Sharma from India.<\/p><\/div>\n

The director of Utsav<\/em>, Suruchi Sharma, was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Awarding Night of ARKIPEL. She said that she was very grateful for the award she got, especially because it was the first time for Utsav <\/em>to get a public screening. Utsav <\/em>depicts an annual traditional festival held in Jaipur, India. In that festival, people who have been oppressed by their environment can gather together to express themselves, be themselves, and relive their own tradition.<\/p>\n


Utsav (2016), a film by Suruchi Sharma from India.<\/p><\/div>\n

In an interview after the Awarding Night, Suruchi Sharma said that Utsav <\/em>is a very special movie for her because it was made during her hectic time of handling her graduation project. As a director as well as a part of Indian traditional community, Suruchi admitted that she also shares the struggle of communities in Indonesia. She said that she has been in doubt some times: \u201cAm I doing the right thing? Am I making the right film? Am I saying what I want to say in the right way?\u201d<\/p>\n

But she also said that having such doubt can be a good thing for filmmakers because it will push them to strive to be better. Not only better for themselves but also for the others. \u201cIt (making films) is a personal journey. Even if you will find yourself in doubt during the journey, the answer for that question will always be within you,\u201d said the director who graduates from National Institute of Design, India.<\/p>\n

The culmination for the Awarding Night of ARKIPEL was the bestowal of ARKIPEL Award. This is an award given for the film which is considered to be the best by the Jurors. The indicator is a high artistic achievement and a potential power to give meaning to its contextual perspective choice. Fang-Tze Hsu, a curator from Singapore which was also the keynote speaker in ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> Festival Forum, was given an honor to announce this award.<\/p>\n


Hsu Fang-Tze announced the winner of the ARKIPEL Award at ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> 2017 Awarding Night.<\/p><\/div>\n

According to Fang-Tze Hsu, the film that won the most prestigious award in ARKIPEL does not only offers a good, creative, intellectual and emotional aesthetics, but also reminds the Jurors to the importance of making experimental film. Through dialectic storytelling, the film was succeed in presenting an irony in the rise of middle-class and neocolonialism regime. With a loud voice, Fang-Tze Hsu announced that ARKIPEL Award was given to Hashti Tehran<\/em> (2016) by a German director, Daniel K\u00f6tter.<\/p>\n

Loud applauses accompanied the announcement for ARKIPEL Award. In order to celebrate it, the Awarding Night event was continued by watching the film Hashti Tehran<\/em>. The film started with a landscape of beautiful snowy mountains in Iran. The atmosphere portrayed in the beginning of the film was very peaceful especially with the presence of tourists who were enjoying their vacation. However, the situation dramatically changed when the film took the audience for a ride in a cable car which brought them to the true reality of Iran.<\/p>\n


Hashti Tehran (2016), a film by Daniel Kotter from Germany.<\/p><\/div>\n

In the name of development, the government announces a project of mass house-building on top of the houses lived by Iranian for many years. The four parts of Tehran presented in that film gave different reactions to that plan. One of the aerial shot presented in this film managed to find the right angle to make the houses appear like a tombstone. This portrayal is as if asking a big question on the sustainability of our life in the middle of massive developmental discourse.<\/p>\n

After the Awarding Night, I had the time to interview Fang-Tze Hsu regarding the Jurors decision in bestowing ARKIPEL Award to Hashti Tehran<\/em>. According to her, this film is very special compared to other films with similar theme because it has the best and most subtle artistic technique to deliver its perspectives. One of the most impressive aspect of this film is its capability to arouse our memory of community. This film has succeeded in giving voices for these alienated communities.<\/p>\n

Fang-Tze Hsu also said that the issue brought up by Hashti Tehran <\/em>is very relevant throughout the world today. Therefore, this film has delivered a significant critique for the implementation of contemporary capitalism. Hearing this statement, we were interested in asking about the issue of accessibility. Due to the significant achievement made by Hashti Tehran<\/em>, we were wondering as to how the message of this film can be widely received by the society.<\/p>\n

In response of our question, Fang-Tze Hsu said that the main goal of ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> is to inspire filmmakers around the world to create a film with similar theme. The film Hashti Tehran <\/em>might not be for public consumption, but it doesn\u2019t mean that the message in this film can\u2019t be transferred. It is the task of filmmakers, especially young filmmakers, to popularize this crucial issue through their works.<\/p>\n

We believe that Fang-Tze Hsu\u2019s answer has represented the true spirit of ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>. The filming world today might have been coopted by giant industry with limitless circulation of capital. Our life went as if dictated by the discourses these industries want to bring. But it doesn\u2019t mean that all hope is gone. Through the experimental films screened during ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>, we, in actuality, have begun a significant effort to recapture the discourse.<\/p>\n



Indische Party music performance at the ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> 2017 Awarding Night.<\/p><\/div>\n

After the award announcement, the event on that night was continued by a live performance from Indische Party, one of the entertainer of ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> \u2013 5th<\/sup> Jakarta International and Experimental Film Festival. About 9 songs played on that night enliven the closing event of ARKIPEL. The song Serigala <\/em>was the first song to be performed. At first, the audience stayed on their chair, but after two songs, the audience, who can no longer contain their excitement, one by one went to the front stage and start dancing along the bombastic and super-catchy tune of the Indische Party. The front stage was then crowded by the audience who sang and danced. They didn\u2019t missed the chance to do crowd-surfing. The song Have You Ever Cried, Khilaf, <\/em>and Hey Girl <\/em>has succeeded as well to take the audience to sing together, enlivened the concert by dancing. The song Terkapar Sudah<\/em> became the closing song of Indische Party\u2019s performance in ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>.<\/p>\n


The long event of ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> was finally ended with a garden party located in GoetheHaus\u2019 backyard. The garden party became a socializing space for the audience to interact with fellow movie-enthusiasts, curators, and even the directors who participated in ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em>. It can be seen from the atmosphere that the audience can mingle and start conversation with each other while enjoying the music, as well as the food and beer which was provided for free by the organizer. Many committee member were seen to be busy in their own posts, but it doesn\u2019t take away their fun time in mingling with the audience as well as the event.<\/p>\n


In a corner, a group consisted of Forum Lenteng members, curators, and directors can be seen toasting whisky; celebrating their success and togetherness during the festival. This event was also attended by important person from the film and art industry, such as Vit Havranek and other curators of Jakarta Biennale 2017. Ruru Ratna, a famous indie film distributor, was also seen to add to the excitement of this event. An Indian filmmaker who won an award in this festival, Suruchy Sharma, said that she truly enjoyed the party. She said that she felt really close to the committee, volunteer, and fellow participants. As if distance has become meaningless, she felt grateful to be a part of this people from different parts of the world.<\/p>\n

As the night grows old, the party getting hotter as the people dance and sing together. Both committee members and participants were relieving their fatigue after a week of activity in ARKIPEL. With hands up in the air and feet and hips shaking, the party appears like a farewell ritual filled to the brim with happiness.<\/p>\n

But in truth we never really apart. ARKIPEL Penal Colony <\/em>might have been ended, but it doesn\u2019t mean that the fight for freedom has come to an end as well. This is instead a good beginning to start making new images that can collapse the penal colony. To everyone who has participated in the series of activities organized in ARKIPEL Penal Colony<\/em> for the last week, we hope that the message ARKIPEL wants to say can inspire all of you. More than that, we also hope that the message can be continued to many more people. ***[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][\/vc_tabs][vc_gallery type=”flexslider_slide” interval=”3″ images=”7584,7583,7582,7581,7580,7579,7578,7577,7576,7575,7574,7573,7572,7571,7570,7569,7568,7567,7566,7565,7564,7563,7562,7561,7560,7559,7558,7557,7556,7555,7554,7553,7552,7551,7550,7462,7330,7328,7326,7324,7323,7322″ img_size=”full” title=”Gallery”][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mk_padding_divider size=”30″][vc_column_text]This article was written collaboratively by:\u00a0<\/strong>[\/vc_column_text][vc_tabs][vc_tab title=”Gema R. Bastari” tab_id=”1504008535-1-64″][vc_column_text]\"\"<\/strong><\/p>\n

Gema Ramadhan Bastari<\/strong>\u00a0(Jakarta, 23 Februari 1994). Mahasiswa Pascasarjana di Departemen Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Indonesia. Asosiasi Peneliti di Madani Development Institute. Hobinya antara lain mengelola blog pribadi.<\/p>\n


Gema Ramadhan Bastari\u00a0<\/strong>(Jakarta, February 23th, 1994). Graduate Student at the Department of International Relations in University of Indonesia. He is also an Associate Researcher at Madani Development Institute and he loves blogging occasionally.<\/em>[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Wienda P. Novianty” tab_id=”1504008535-2-55″][vc_column_text]\"\"<\/strong><\/p>\n

Wienda Putri Novianty<\/strong>\u00a0(Jakarta, 16 November 1997). Mahasiswi jurusan Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Bina Nusantara, yang memiliki ketertarikan di bidang musik dan filem. Kegiatan luangnya sering disibukkan dengan mengulik lagu dan\u00a0travelling<\/em>. Ia cukup aktif mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan relawan, mulai dari relawan festival hingga pameran.<\/p>\n


Wienda Putri Novianty<\/strong>\u00a0(Jakarta, November 16, 1997). A college student majoring in International Relations study of Bina Nusantara University who has an interest in music and film. She often fills her spare time by exploring songs and traveling. She is quite active engaging in volunteering activities for festivals to exhibitions.<\/em>[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Agatha Danastri D. P.” tab_id=”1504008610939-2-10″][vc_column_text]\"\"<\/strong><\/p>\n

Agatha Danastri Dian Pertiwi<\/strong>\u00a0alias Tiwi ( 30 Desember 1994) adalah mahasiswi filsafat di Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara. Aktif menulis dan terjun ke dunia jurnalistik sejak SMP. Saat ini bekerja sebagai freelance writer dan proofreader.<\/p>\n


Agatha Danastri Dian Pertiwi<\/strong>\u00a0or Tiwi (December 30, 1994) is a philosophy student at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy. She is active in writing and has been involved in journalism since junior high. Currently she is working as freelance writer and proofreader.<\/em>[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Yosephine Gunawan” tab_id=”1504008612098-3-8″][vc_column_text]\"\"<\/strong><\/p>\n

Yosephine Gunawan<\/strong>\u00a0(Jakarta, 19 Oktober 1996), mahasiswa Sastra Jerman di Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia. Senang menulis dan bermain musik. Saat ini selain aktif bermusik di unit kegiatan mahasiswa OSUI Mahawaditra, ia juga menjadi relawan reporter untuk ARKIPEL social\/kapital tahun 2016 dan ARKIPEL Penal Colony tahun 2017.<\/p>\n


Yosephine Gunawan<\/strong>\u00a0(Jakarta, October 19, 1996) is a student of German Literature at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia. She likes writing and playing music. Currently aside of being a member of OSUI Mahawaditra, a student\u2019s music community, she also has been the volunteer reporter for ARKIPEL social \/ capital on 2016 and ARKIPEL Penal Colony on 2017.<\/em>[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][\/vc_tabs][\/vc_column][\/vc_row]\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Penal Colony might have been ended, but it doesn\u2019t mean that the fight for freedom has come to an end as well. This is instead a good beginning to start making new images that can collapse the penal colony. To everyone who has participated in the series of activities organized in ARKIPEL Penal Colony for the last week, we hope that the message ARKIPEL wants to say can inspire all of you. More than that, we also hope that the message can be continued to many more people.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":7584,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":"","jetpack_publicize_message":"","jetpack_publicize_feature_enabled":true,"jetpack_social_post_already_shared":true,"jetpack_social_options":{"image_generator_settings":{"template":"highway","enabled":false},"version":2}},"categories":[370,386,1],"tags":[338,221,340],"class_list":["post-7540","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-festival-theme-arkipel-2017-penal-colony","category-awarding-night-event-update","category-festival-updates","tag-338","tag-awarding-night","tag-penal-colony"],"jetpack_publicize_connections":[],"yoast_head":"\nExperimental Film as an Inspiration for Young Filmmakers — ARKIPEL<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/experimental-film-inspiration-young-filmmakers\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Experimental Film as an Inspiration for Young Filmmakers — ARKIPEL\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"Penal Colony might have been ended, but it doesn\u2019t mean that the fight for freedom has come to an end as well. 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This is instead a good beginning to start making new images that can collapse the penal colony. To everyone who has participated in the series of activities organized in ARKIPEL Penal Colony for the last week, we hope that the message ARKIPEL wants to say can inspire all of you. 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