{"id":9216,"date":"2019-03-14T13:18:00","date_gmt":"2019-03-14T06:18:00","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/arkipel.org\/?p=9216"},"modified":"2019-08-12T16:40:05","modified_gmt":"2019-08-12T09:40:05","slug":"notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/","title":{"rendered":"Notes on Panel 1 of Forum Discussion Series on Film Archives: Cinema Space and Film Archives"},"content":{"rendered":"[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tabs][vc_tab title=”Bahasa Indonesia” tab_id=”1503218961-1-46″][vc_column_text title=”catatan panel 1 forum kultursinema” css=”.vc_custom_1552543934282{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Catatan Panel 1 Seri Diskusi Forum Arsip Filem: Ruang-Ruang Menonton dan Arsip Filem<\/strong><\/p>\n


Ketika membicarakan arsip, yang terlintas di kepala kita mungkin hal-hal yang telah lalu: benda-benda yang menjadi penanda zaman tertentu, menumpuk mengumpulkan debu karena tak ada yang hendak berkutat dengannya lagi. Arsip semakin terkubur oleh hal-hal baru yang terus berdatangan. Namun, kenyataannya, arsip selalu dapat dibaca ulang melalui berbagai sudut pandang baru, sehingga produksi pengetahuan terus berjalan. Dalam hal filem, daur ulang ini dilakukan melalui praktik pemrograman dan kuratorial: bagaimana menyajikan arsip filem tersebut agar konteksnya relevan dengan penonton hari ini.<\/p>\n

Gagasan ini diperbincangkan dalam diskusi \u201cRuang-Ruang Menonton dan Arsip Filem\u201d yang diadakan di Pendopo Orbital Dago, Bandung, pada 7 Maret 2019. Diskusi ini mengundang Yustinus Kristianto, pemrogram Bahasinema; Carda Arifin dan Yopie Nugraha, pemrogram Sunday Screen; Damar Bagaskoro, kurator Ganesha Film Festival 2018; dan Fausto Axel, Kepala Bidang Apresiasi Film LFM ITB; dan dimoderatori Mahardika Yudha. Diskusi ini merupakan bagian dari rangkaian Seri Diskusi Forum Arsip Filem dalam Pameran Keliling Kultursinema yang diadakan di Orbital, Dago.<\/p>\n

Pertama-tama, Yustinus dari Bahasinema menceritakan pengalamannya mengadakan penayangan secara rutin di berbagai tempat. Pemutaran filem yang dilakukan Bahasinema disampaikan dalam sebuah tema kuratorial yang berbeda setiap kali, dan dalam melakukan ini diperlukan kepekaan untuk menentukan isu yang akan dibangun. Dalam pemutaran di lokasi yang berbeda-beda, dengan penonton yang bervariasi pula di setiap lokasi, butuh kerja sama dengan pemilik ruang putar dalam menentukan isu yang diangkat dalam pemutaran tersebut. Jika tidak, pemutaran akan berjalan stagnan dan lama-kelamaan penonton akan berkurang. Menurut Yustinus, hal ini memang sering terjadi di pemutaran-pemutaran filem di Bandung yang kurang konsisten. Kendala lainnya yang layak diperhitungkan adalah kemajuan teknologi yang mendorong pergeseran kultur menonton ini. Ketika muncul banyak layanan video on demand<\/i> seperti Netflix dan kuratorial filem berbentuk list online<\/i> dalam situs Letterboxd, apakah acara-acara pemutaran yang diadakan Bahasinema masih relevan? Menurut Yustinus, di luar pengalaman menonton itu sendiri, pengalaman berdiskusi di ruang publik yang berusaha dibangun oleh Bahasinema juga penting. Terjadi interaksi dua arah antara penonton dengan pembuat filem, pembahas filem, atau penonton lain, yang dapat memberi pengetahuan lebih kepada para penonton.<\/p>\n

Carda dan Yopie dari Sunday Screen menceritakan tentang pemutarannya yang ditujukan untuk target khusus, yaitu anak-anak. Perjalanan mereka diawali dengan ikutnya Cardan dan Yopie di Village Video Festival di Jatiwangi pada tahun 2009. Setelah mereka pulang ke Bandung, sempat terbersit kebingungan untuk menciptakan program baru, karena sudah banyak yang menginisiasi program-program pemutaran di kota ini. Pilihan mereka jatuh kepada program layar tancap yang akhirnya diadakan di daerah Balubur. Ternyata, pemutaran-pemutaran yang mereka lakukan lebih menarik bagi anak-anak daripada orang dewasa, maka lambat laun pemutaran pun difokuskan kepada penonton anak. Tidak dilakukan kurasi khusus dalam pemutaran ini, justru bergantung kepada permintaan filem yang ingin ditonton anak-anak. Antusiasme ini yang mendorong diadakannya Kids Film Festival di tahun 2014, di mana filem-filem yang diputar menjadi pemicu bagi mereka untuk membuat filem. Pembuatan filem anak-anak selalu mengambil topik yang dekat dengan mereka, maka secara tidak langsung ajang Kids Film Festival ini dapat memetakan Bandung secara antropologis, misalnya daerah Utara dengan kehidupan jalanannya yang keras, Barat yang lekat dengan cuaca hujan dan bencana banjir, maupun Timur yang sering dilanda kemacetan.<\/p>\n

Dua perwakilan dari LFM ITB, Fausto dan Damar, masing-masing menjelaskan pemutaran yang dilakukan LFM dalam program yang berbeda, yaitu Bioskop Kampus dan Ganesha Film Festival. Fausto menjelaskan sejarah panjang Bioskop Kampus yang telah hadir sejak LFM berdiri di tahun 1960. Sepanjang periode tersebut, terjadi banyak perubahan dari filem yang ditayangkan, mulai dari menjadi corong penyebar ideologi negara, bekerja sama dengan kedutaan besar dan rantai bioskop besar, sampai penayangan filem alternatif yang telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2016 hingga sekarang. Filem-filem yang ditayangkan berfokus kepada filem-filem pendek buatan komunitas yang dirangkai dalam kuratorial tertentu. Kuratorial filem juga melibatkan data yang diambil dari survei preferensi penonton terhadap jenis filem yang ditayangkan dalam hal genre, durasi, dan yang lainnya.<\/p>\n

Sementara, Ganesha Film Festival berwujud acara yang diadakan dua tahun sekali sejak tahun 2008, dengan fokus memperkenalkan filem-filem pendek kepada masyarakat Bandung. Program mereka terdiri dari pemutaran filem pendek (kompetisi dan non-kompetisi), kelas penyutradaraan, dan kelas kritik filem. Ada usaha merangkul lokalitas dalam beberapa pemutaran, salah satunya adalah program Sinema Keliling<\/i>, yang bertujuan mendekatkan filem kepada masyarakat, melampaui ruang-ruang putar yang sifatnya masih eksklusif. Ada pula program Bandung Nu Aing!<\/i>, sebuah usaha pemetaan terhadap filem-filem yang diproduksi para mahasiswa Bandung. Pembacaan seperti ini dilematis, karena di satu sisi memang ingin membaca kecenderungan, namun tidak ingin pula mengotakkan filem Bandung ke dalam satu stereotip.<\/p>\n

Kenapa Ganffest menolak mendefinisikan wajah filem Bandung? Hal ini menjadi pertanyaan salah satu audiens, Mila dari LFM ITB. Damar menjawab bahwa Ganffest sebagai festival memang belum mampu memberikan statement yang definitif mengenai filem Bandung karena riset yang belum memadai. Yustinus membandingkannya dengan filem lokal kota Santos, Brazil, yang menjalin kerja sama dengan kota Bandung di Santos-Bandung Film Festival tahun 2017. Menurutnya, filem Santos dapat mengemukakan isu sosial di kotanya, sementara filem Bandung belum berani untuk membicarakan masalah dirinya tanpa menghilangkan bobotnya. Karakter ringan filem Bandung justru menarik untuk disandingkan dengan Bandung sebagai tempat berlibur yang hanya memberikan gimmick semata. Yopie Nugraha berkata, bahwa berdasarkan pengalamannya membimbing anak-anak berusia 7-15 tahun dalam membuat filem, mengamini karakter ringan yang sering muncul dalam filem-filem buatan anak-anak Bandung ini. Akan tetapi, ia tidak melihatnya sebagai kekurangan\u2014justru dalam praktik yang ia lakukan, demikianlah cara anak-anak mengungkapkan persoalan yang dekat dengan mereka. Pembuatan filem berusaha dibangun sebagai kegiatan yang positif dalam proses belajar anak-anak itu, filem menjadi medium untuk mengenal daerah mereka dan menginternalisasikan nilai seperti kebersihan dan keberagaman.<\/p>\n

Pertanyaan selanjutnya dilontarkan Otty Widasari dari Forum Lenteng, mengenai pembacaan lainnya di luar narasi filem, seperti soal perubahan medium yang terjadi di ranah filem Bandung. Dalam hal Sunday Screen, misalnya, dari presentasi Carda dan Yopie tampak bahwa filem hanya menjadi wadah untuk mengembangkan sesuatu, namun tak banyak dilakukan pembacaan atas medium itu sendiri. Ia memberikan contoh proyek video laut yang dilakukan Gelar Soemantri di Desa Pemenang, Lombok, sebuah kota yang mata pencahariannya berpusat pada pariwisata. Ada pembacaan atas munculnya kamera handycam yang dapat dibawa oleh siapa saja, dan ketika diberikan kepada anak-anak, gambar yang mereka tangkap memiliki estetika yang jauh dari pariwisata. Dalam praktik yang ia lakukan, Carda dapat membaca hal ini sebagai kecenderungan partisipatif anak-anak: semuanya ingin memegang kamera, dan semuanya ingin masuk frame, sehingga tidak jelas siapa pembuat filem yang sebenarnya, dan siapa yang menjadi aktor.<\/p>\n

Mendekati penghujung diskusi, Hafiz mempertanyakan kembali penggolongan filem Bandung yang selama ini masih berdasarkan narasi, lantas, apakah penggolongan tersebut dapat dibaca dari segi bahasa visual? Kedua, ia mengangkat adanya keterputusan antara filem dan seni visual, yang menyebabkan mampetnya eksperimentasi filem di luar elemen-elemen naratif. Perihal filem Bandung, pembacaan Damar dalam program Bandung Nu Aing memang masih terbatas pada domisili, namun timbul masalah baru soal pembatasan ini: apakah filem Bandung mengharuskan si pembuat filem berasal dari Bandung, atau cukup menjalani proses kreatif selama di kota tersebut?<\/p>\n

Sementara, perihal keterputusan filem dan seni rupa diamini semua pembicara. Damar mengakui bahwa ia baru tahu tentang keberadaan jurusan Seni Intermedia di kampus ITB, dan belum adanya koneksi dengan mereka. Fausto menambahkan bahwa ada jarak antara komunitas filem dengan mahasiswa, seniman, atau pengkaji seni rupa, disebabkan oleh kultur diskusi yang kurang dioptimalkan di ranah ini.[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”English” tab_id=”1503218961-2-58″][vc_column_text title=”notes on forum kultursinema 1″ css=”.vc_custom_1552543867420{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Notes on Panel 1 of Forum Discussion Series on Film Archives: Cinema Space and Film Archives<\/b><\/p>\n

When we talk about archives, we might think about past things: objects that mark a particular era, piling up and accumulating dust because no one wants to dwell on it anymore. Archives are increasingly buried by new things that continuously arriving. However, in reality, archives can always be re-read through new perspectives to continue the production of knowledge. In terms of film, this recycles process is done through programming and curatorial practices: how to present the film archive so that the context is relevant to the audience today.<\/p>\n

This idea was discussed on “Cinema Space and Film Archives” discussion panel held at Orbital Dago Hall, Bandung, on March 7, 2019. It invited Yustinus Kristianto, programmer of Bahasinema; Carda Arifin and Yopie Nugraha, programmers of Sunday Screen; Damar Bagaskoro, curator of Ganesha Film Festival 2018; and Fausto Axel, Head of LFM ITB Film Appreciation; and was moderated by Mahardika Yudha. It was also part of Forum Discussion Series on Film Archives in the Kultursinema Traveling Exhibition held at Orbital, Dago.<\/p>\n

Yustinus from Bahasinema shared his experience of making regular film screenings in various places. \u00a0Each time, the film screenings conducted by Bahasinema are delivered in different curatorial themes, and it requires sensitivity to determine the issues to construct. In the screenings in different locations, with viewers varying on each location, it is necessary to cooperate with the owner of the space in determining the issues raised during the screening. Without it, the film screening will be dull and the audience will decrease over time. According to Yustinus, this often happens to the less consistent film screenings in Bandung. Other constraints to be reckoned with is the technological advances that encourage a shift in this cinema culture. When there are a lot of video on demand service<\/i> such as Netflix and online list<\/i>-based curatorial films on the Letterboxd website, are the screenings held by Bahasinema still relevant? According to Yustinus, beyond the experience of watching film itself, the experience of discussing in the public space trying to be built by Bahasinema is also important. The occurrence of two-way interaction between the audience and the filmmaker, people who discuss film, or other kind of audience, can give the general audience more knowledge.<\/p>\n

Carda and Yopie from Sunday Screen talked about his film screening program aimed at specific targets \u2013 children. Their journey began when Carda and Yopie participated in the Village Video Festival in Jatiwangi in 2009. After they returned to Bandung, there was a slight confusion about creating a new program, because there have been many screening programs initiated in this city. They finally chose to make an open-air film screening program which was held in the Balubur area. Apparently, those screenings were more interesting for children than for adults, so the screening was gradually focused on the children. Without specific curatorial, the screening depends on the demand from the children who want to watch the film. This enthusiasm led to the initiation of Kids Film Festival in 2014, where the films screened became a trigger for them to make films. The making of children’s films always takes topics close to them, so the Kids Film Festival can also indirectly map Bandung anthropologically, for example the North with its hard street life, the West which is closely associated with rainy weather and floods, and the East which often hit by traffic jams.<\/p>\n

Two representatives from LFM ITB, Fausto and Damar, each explained the film screenings conducted by LFM in different programs; Bioskop<\/i> Kampus<\/i> or Campus Cinema and Ganesha Film Festival. Fausto explained the long history of the Bioskop<\/i> Kampus<\/i> that has been present since LFM was founded in 1960. Throughout that period, there were many changes from the films screened, starting from becoming the canal for spreading the state\u2019s ideology, working with embassies and big cinema chains, until the screening of alternative films, has been done since 2016 until now. The film screenings focus on short films made by community arranged in a certain curatorial. The film curatorial also involves data taken from surveys of audience preferences for the types of films screened in terms of genre, duration, and others.<\/p>\n

Meanwhile, Ganesha Film Festival is an event held every two years since 2008, with a focus on introducing short films to Bandung\u2019s society. Their programs consist of short film screenings (competition and non-competition), directing classes, and film criticism classes. There is an effort to embrace locality in several screenings, one of it is through the Mobile Cinema<\/i> program, which aims to bring the film closer to people, beyond exclusive cinema screening spaces. There is also Bandung Nu Aing!<\/i> program, an effort to map films produced by Bandung students. Readings like this are dilemmatic, because they really want to read trends but reluctant to also classify Bandung films into one stereotype.<\/p>\n

Why does Ganffest refuses to define the face of Bandung films? This was a question from one of the audiences, Mila from LFM ITB. Damar replied that Ganffest as a festival had not been able to give a definitive statement regarding Bandung films because of inadequate research. Yustinus compared it to the local film from city of Santos, Brazil, which collaborated with the city of Bandung at the 2017 Santos-Bandung Film Festival. According to him, the Santos\u2019 films could raise the social issues in its city, while the Bandung\u2019s films had not dared to discuss its problems without losing its quality. The mild character of Bandung\u2019s films is actually interesting to be juxtaposed with Bandung as a vacation place which gives only gimmick. Yopie Nugraha said that based on his experience guiding children aged 7-15 years in making films, the mild character also often appeared in Bandung children’s films. However, he did not see it as a deficiency \u2014 precisely in the practice he did, that\u2019s the way children express problems close to them. Filmmaking was built as a positive activity in the children’s learning process, film becomes the medium to understand their surrounding and internalize values such as cleanliness and diversity.<\/p>\n

The next question was raised by Otty Widasari from Forum Lenteng, regarding other readings beyond the film’s narrative, such as about the change of medium that occurred in the realm of Bandung films. In the case of Sunday Screen, for example, from Carda\u2019s presentation it appears that films are only a place to develop something, but it is lack of reading toward the medium itself. She gave an example of a sea video project conducted by Gelar Soemantri in Pemenang Village, Lombok, a city whose livelihood is centered on tourism. There are readings on the emergence of camcorder that can be carried by anyone, and when given to children, the images they capture have aesthetics far from tourism. In his practice, Carda can read this as a participatory tendency of children: everyone wants to hold the camera, and enter the frame, so which one is the filmmaker and the actor are unclear.<\/p>\n

Approaching the end of discussion, Hafiz questioned the classification of Bandung films which had been based on narrative, then, is it possible to read the classification in terms of visual language?\u00a0Second, he raised the disconnection between film and visual arts, which causes film experimentation beyond the narrative elements has clogged up.\u00a0Regarding Bandung\u2019s film, Damar’s reading in Bandung Nu Aing<\/i> program is still limited to residential aspect, but a new problem arises about this limitation: does Bandung\u2019s film require its filmmaker to come from Bandung, or simply undergo the creative process while in the city?<\/p>\n

Meanwhile, all speakers were agree about the disconnection between art and film. Damar admitted that he only found out about the existence of the Intermedia Arts Department at the ITB campus, and there was no connection with them. Fausto added that there is a distance between the film community and students, artists, or art critics, due to the less optimized culture of discussion in this area.<\/p>\n[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tab][\/vc_tabs][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][mk_image_slideshow images=”9217,9218,9219,9220,9221,9222,9223,9224,9225,9226,9227,9228,9229,9230,9231,9232,9233,9234,9235,9236,9237,9238,9239,9240″ image_width=”1100″ image_height=”600″][\/vc_column][\/vc_row]\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

When we talk about archives, we might think about past things: objects that mark a particular era, piling up and accumulating dust because no one wants to dwell on it anymore. Archives are increasingly buried by new things that continuously arriving. However, in reality, archives can always be re-read through new perspectives to continue the production of knowledge. In terms of film, this recycles process is done through programming and curatorial practices: how to present the film archive so that the context is relevant to the audience today.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":142,"featured_media":9228,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":"","jetpack_publicize_message":"","jetpack_publicize_feature_enabled":true,"jetpack_social_post_already_shared":true,"jetpack_social_options":{"image_generator_settings":{"template":"highway","enabled":false},"version":2}},"categories":[535,537],"tags":[526,310],"class_list":["post-9216","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-event-coverage","category-pameran-keliling-kultursinema-2019-buku-bergambar-kultursinema","tag-526","tag-kultursinema"],"jetpack_publicize_connections":[],"yoast_head":"\nNotes on Panel 1 of Forum Discussion Series on Film Archives: Cinema Space and Film Archives — ARKIPEL<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"When we talk about archives, we might think about past things: objects that mark a particular era, piling up and accumulating dust because no one wants to dwell on it anymore. Archives are increasingly buried by new things that continuously arriving. However, in reality, archives can always be re-read through new perspectives to continue the production of knowledge. In terms of film, this recycles process is done through programming and curatorial practices: how to present the film archive so that the context is relevant to the audience today.\" \/>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Notes on Panel 1 of Forum Discussion Series on Film Archives: Cinema Space and Film Archives — ARKIPEL\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"When we talk about archives, we might think about past things: objects that mark a particular era, piling up and accumulating dust because no one wants to dwell on it anymore. Archives are increasingly buried by new things that continuously arriving. However, in reality, archives can always be re-read through new perspectives to continue the production of knowledge. In terms of film, this recycles process is done through programming and curatorial practices: how to present the film archive so that the context is relevant to the audience today.\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"ARKIPEL\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:publisher\" content=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/arkipel.festival\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:published_time\" content=\"2019-03-14T06:18:00+00:00\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:modified_time\" content=\"2019-08-12T09:40:05+00:00\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/arkipel.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/03\/forum-kultursinema-day-1_23.jpeg?fit=1040%2C588&ssl=1\" \/>\n\t<meta property=\"og:image:width\" content=\"1040\" \/>\n\t<meta property=\"og:image:height\" content=\"588\" \/>\n\t<meta property=\"og:image:type\" content=\"image\/jpeg\" \/>\n<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Dini Adanurani\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:card\" content=\"summary_large_image\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:creator\" content=\"@arkipel\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:site\" content=\"@arkipel\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:label1\" content=\"Written by\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:data1\" content=\"Dini Adanurani\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:label2\" content=\"Est. reading time\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:data2\" content=\"13 minutes\" \/>\n<script type=\"application\/ld+json\" class=\"yoast-schema-graph\">{\"@context\":\"https:\/\/schema.org\",\"@graph\":[{\"@type\":\"Article\",\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/#article\",\"isPartOf\":{\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/\"},\"author\":{\"name\":\"Dini Adanurani\",\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/#\/schema\/person\/64019e4da0dc5d564d5b5b5ccde134c1\"},\"headline\":\"Notes on Panel 1 of Forum Discussion Series on Film Archives: Cinema Space and Film Archives\",\"datePublished\":\"2019-03-14T06:18:00+00:00\",\"dateModified\":\"2019-08-12T09:40:05+00:00\",\"mainEntityOfPage\":{\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/\"},\"wordCount\":2613,\"commentCount\":0,\"publisher\":{\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/#organization\"},\"image\":{\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/#primaryimage\"},\"thumbnailUrl\":\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/arkipel.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/03\/forum-kultursinema-day-1_23.jpeg?fit=1040%2C588&ssl=1\",\"keywords\":[\"2019\",\"Kultursinema\"],\"articleSection\":[\"Event Coverage\",\"Pameran Keliling Kultursinema 2019: \\\"Buku Bergambar Kultursinema\\\"\"],\"inLanguage\":\"en-US\",\"potentialAction\":[{\"@type\":\"CommentAction\",\"name\":\"Comment\",\"target\":[\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/#respond\"]}]},{\"@type\":\"WebPage\",\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/\",\"name\":\"Notes on Panel 1 of Forum Discussion Series on Film Archives: Cinema Space and Film Archives — ARKIPEL\",\"isPartOf\":{\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/#website\"},\"primaryImageOfPage\":{\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/#primaryimage\"},\"image\":{\"@id\":\"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/#primaryimage\"},\"thumbnailUrl\":\"https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/arkipel.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/03\/forum-kultursinema-day-1_23.jpeg?fit=1040%2C588&ssl=1\",\"datePublished\":\"2019-03-14T06:18:00+00:00\",\"dateModified\":\"2019-08-12T09:40:05+00:00\",\"description\":\"When we talk about archives, we might think about past things: objects that mark a particular era, piling up and accumulating dust because no one wants to dwell on it anymore. 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Archives are increasingly buried by new things that continuously arriving. However, in reality, archives can always be re-read through new perspectives to continue the production of knowledge. In terms of film, this recycles process is done through programming and curatorial practices: how to present the film archive so that the context is relevant to the audience today.","robots":{"index":"index","follow":"follow","max-snippet":"max-snippet:-1","max-image-preview":"max-image-preview:large","max-video-preview":"max-video-preview:-1"},"canonical":"https:\/\/arkipel.org\/notes-on-forum-kultursinema-1\/","og_locale":"en_US","og_type":"article","og_title":"Notes on Panel 1 of Forum Discussion Series on Film Archives: Cinema Space and Film Archives — ARKIPEL","og_description":"When we talk about archives, we might think about past things: objects that mark a particular era, piling up and accumulating dust because no one wants to dwell on it anymore. 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