Kultursinema Exhibition Archives — ARKIPEL https://arkipel.org/category/festival-program/kultursinema-exhibition-program/ Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival Fri, 17 Dec 2021 15:48:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 51814669 Kultursinema Discussion: To Seek “Indonesia” Through Harimau Tjampa https://arkipel.org/to-seek-indonesia-through/ https://arkipel.org/to-seek-indonesia-through/#respond Fri, 17 Dec 2021 15:34:15 +0000 https://arkipel.org/?p=11290 This year's Kultursinema program presented the film Harimau Tjampa (1953) as the object of research. As usual, every year since 2014, Kultursinema has been trying to reposition how the public sees Indonesian cinema.

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KULTURSINEMA #7: Harimau Tjampa https://arkipel.org/kultursinema-harimau-tjampa/ https://arkipel.org/kultursinema-harimau-tjampa/#respond Fri, 26 Nov 2021 09:32:09 +0000 https://arkipel.org/?p=11055 Newsreel is one of the films that has a long history in Indonesia besides fiction and documentary films. Newsreels started to develop during the Japanese military reign in Indonesia around 1942-1945. During that time, the founding fathers of Indonesian cinema were honing and deepening their knowledge of film production, gaining an insight into the notion and function of cinema beyond entertainment: that it also has the potential to construct an ideal of shared identity.

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Archives, History, and Culture https://arkipel.org/archives-history-and-culture/ https://arkipel.org/archives-history-and-culture/#respond Sun, 25 Aug 2019 11:11:06 +0000 https://arkipel.org/?p=10251 The discussion on Restoration of Cinema Knowledge and also Reproduction and Reinterpretation of Film Archives was held on Sunday (25/8), 11 AM in Auditorium Hall B, National Museum of Indonesia.

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https://arkipel.org/archives-history-and-culture/feed/ 0 10251
Watching the Past in Kultursinema #6: Gelora Indonesia Screening Session https://arkipel.org/watching-the-past-in-kultursinema-6-gelora-indonesia-screening-session/ https://arkipel.org/watching-the-past-in-kultursinema-6-gelora-indonesia-screening-session/#respond Sat, 24 Aug 2019 14:00:10 +0000 https://arkipel.org/?p=10187 The first session exhibited the old digitized film from the collection of Film Development Centre of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The second one was a tribute to Abduh Aziz, partnering with Koalisi Seni Indonesia. The films themselves were The Long March (1950) by Usmar Ismail, Inspektur Rachman (1950) by Moh. Said and Nawi Ismail, and Pulang (1952) by Basuki Effendi; while the second session exhibited Kita vs. Korupsi (2012), an anthology film by Lasja Sutanto, Emil Heradi, Ine Febrianti, and Chairun Nisa.

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Gelora Indonesia: Bridging Public Access https://arkipel.org/gelora-indonesia-bridging-public-access/ https://arkipel.org/gelora-indonesia-bridging-public-access/#respond Thu, 22 Aug 2019 11:19:55 +0000 https://arkipel.org/?p=10170 On Thursday, August 22, 2019, Kultursinema #6: Gelora Indonesia was visited by Hilmar Farid, General Director of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia. In his short visit, he saw the video installations projected in the mini theatres, on the big screen, also in the small televisions spread all over the Glass Lobby, B Building, National Museum.

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Notes on The Opening of Kultursinema #6: Gelora Indonesia https://arkipel.org/opening-kultursinema-6-gelora-indonesia/ https://arkipel.org/opening-kultursinema-6-gelora-indonesia/#respond Sun, 18 Aug 2019 14:58:34 +0000 https://arkipel.org/?p=9959 Occupying a connecting room between the South Building and the North Building of the National Museum, multi-size screens, projectors, and loudspeakers are displayed in the mostly glass-walled room. For those who have often visited the National Museum before, you might be surprised to see the crowd on this Sunday, August 18, 2019, at 14:00 WIB. The opening of Kultursinema # 6: Gelora Indonesia is happening and inviting crowds. For the first time, this exhibition was held at the National Museum.

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KULTURSINEMA #6: GELORA INDONESIA https://arkipel.org/bromocorah-preface-kultursinema-6-gelora-indonesia/ https://arkipel.org/bromocorah-preface-kultursinema-6-gelora-indonesia/#respond Thu, 15 Aug 2019 18:56:07 +0000 https://arkipel.org/?p=9892 Newsreel is one of the films that has a long history in Indonesia besides fiction and documentary films. Newsreels started to develop during the Japanese military reign in Indonesia around 1942-1945. During that time, the founding fathers of Indonesian cinema were honing and deepening their knowledge of film production, gaining an insight into the notion and function of cinema beyond entertainment: that it also has the potential to construct an ideal of shared identity.


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Notes on Kultursinema Exhibition #5, Day Four https://arkipel.org/homoludens-notes-on-kultursinema-day-four/ https://arkipel.org/homoludens-notes-on-kultursinema-day-four/#respond Wed, 15 Aug 2018 11:14:43 +0000 http://arkipel.org/?p=8928 Kultursinema Exhibition #5: Passion of the Perfect Body, on its fourth day were attended by 27 visitors, and 3 media. There were also special visitors on the fourth day of this exhibition, Guruh Soekarnoputra, the son of the first president, who was also leading Indonesia during Ganefo (Games of the New Emerging Force).

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Passion of The Perfect Body: A Visit from Guruh Soekarnoputra https://arkipel.org/passion-of-the-perfect-body-a-visit-from-guruh-soekarnoputra/ https://arkipel.org/passion-of-the-perfect-body-a-visit-from-guruh-soekarnoputra/#respond Sat, 11 Aug 2018 12:14:17 +0000 http://arkipel.org/?p=8777 Saturday, 11 August 2018, Kultursinema Exhibition # 5: Passion of The Perfect Body gets a visit from Guruh Soekarnoputra. He is one of the figures in the world of Indonesian art and culture. He and his entourage seem to enjoy the Kultursinema exhibition in Galeri Cipta III, Taman Ismail Marzuki. They took some time to watch the video installation in the exhibition hall while occasionally mentioning the classical music titles played in the video.

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Notes on the Opening of Kultursinema Exhibition #5: Passion of The Perfect Body https://arkipel.org/notes-on-the-opening-of-kultursinema-exhibition-5-passion-of-the-perfect-body/ https://arkipel.org/notes-on-the-opening-of-kultursinema-exhibition-5-passion-of-the-perfect-body/#respond Fri, 10 Aug 2018 11:08:22 +0000 http://arkipel.org/?p=8696 If we talk about a grand sports event, possibly one of the things that come to our mind is the word “competition”. Country A versus Country B. For instance in football, Indonesia team versus Malaysia team. As if becoming the winner is the whole purpose of the event. But, the Kultursinema Exhibition #5 titled Passion of the Perfect Body tries to offer another perspective on the notion and essence of a sports event.

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