In ARKIPEL 2013, International Competition, Rusty Archives: Film List (2013-2014)

Country of Production:  Spain
Language: Spain, French
Subtitles: English
15 min, Color, 2012

International Competition 12

Teater Studio, Teater Jakarta – TIM

Kenari, keledai, hewan-hewan ternak, dan lebih banyak kenari. Begitulah sumber daya alam sebuah desa kecil tak bernama dalam Ancestor Delicatessen. Didedikasikan untuk saudara laki-laki sang sutradara, filem pendek sederhana ini mengkronologikan bagaimana para warga mengolah sumber daya alam sekitar mereka jadi makanan sehari-hari, lewat pergerakan kamera statis dan pengaturan bebunyian yang rancak. Makanan khas mereka: marron glance, sepiring kenari beku.

-Rajiv Ibrahim

Canaries, donkeys, various livestock, and more canaries. Such diversity in the nameless hamlet captured in Ancestor Delicatessen. Dedicated to the brother of the filmmaker, this simple and sweet film chronicles how the locals make use of the natural resources around them into edibles, through static camerawork and neat arrangement of sounds. Their specialty: marron glance, a dish of frozen canaries. 

-Rajiv Ibrahim

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