Perhelatan festival filem ARKIPEL kali ketiga ini bukan hanya sebagai wadah pembuat filem tetapi juga bagi kurator filem untuk menuangkan pemikiran tema GRAND ILLUSION. Pendaftaran karya film dan proposal kurasi program akan dibuka selama tiga bulan untuk membuka peluang interpretasi terhadap tema yang terbuka luas, dari yang lingkupnya domestik sampai yang publik, dan karena sinema mempunyai kemampuan menjelajahi batas kenyataan dan ilusi.
The 3rd ARKIPEL film festival is not only an event for filmmaker, but also for film curator to pouring thought, idea, and creativity regarding this year’s theme, GRAND ILLUSION. Both submissions will be opened for three months to provide opportunities of broad interpretation of the film festival theme—the scope ranges from domestic to mass matters, and because cinema has an ability to explore the border between reality and illusion.
- Umur maksimal 30 tahun saat pendaftaran ini dibuka.
- Warga Asia dan berdomisili di Asia.
- Mempunyai pengalaman menguratori/membuat program audio-visual di perhelatan apapun.
- Proposal kuratorial dengan tema GRAND ILLUSION maksimal 1.000 kata dalam bahasa Inggris.
- Program kuratorial untuk 1 slot pemutaran durasi maksimal 120 menit.
- Jumlah dan tahun produksi filem yang Anda pilih tidak dibatasi.
- Tuliskan judul, nama sutradara, tahun rilis, dan durasi filem yang dipilih beserta kontak distributor/pemegang hak tayangnya.
- Tenggat waktu hingga 8 Mei 2015 .
- Filem yang dipilih diproduksi negara di Asia.
- Materi pemutaran yang diperkenankan: 8mm, 16mm, DVD, Blu-ray, HD digital.
ARKIPEL menyediakan bagi 3 kurator terpilih:
- Presentasi Program di ARKIPEL 3rd – GRAND ILLUSION 2015
- Tiket PP dari dan ke Jakarta.
- Akomodasi selama 4 malam di sekitar lokasi festival.
- Biaya penayangan (screening fee).
- You must not be over 30 years old when this open call is opened.
- Asian passport holder and you must be based in Asian countries.
- Previous film curating/programming experience in any events is needed.
- Curatorial proposal with the theme, GRAND ILLUSION, max. 1,000 words in English.
- The curatorial is written for 1 screening slot, the maximum duration is 120 minutes.
- The amount and the production year of the film(s) you select are not limited.
- Write also the title, director’s name, released date, and duration of each film selected along with its distributor/right holder contact.
- The deadline will be until May 8, 2015 .
- Films you selected must produced by Asian countries.
- The screening format allowed is: 8mm, 16mm, DVD, Blu-ray, digital HD file.
ARKIPEL will provide for 3 chosen young curators:
- Screening program at ARKIPEL 3rd – GRAND ILLUSION 2015
- Round trip ticket to Jakarta.
- Accommodation for 4 (four) nights around the festival venues.
- Screening fee for the films.