Tahun ini, ARKIPEL Penal Colony – International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2017 dengan bangga mengabarkan lima juri yang akan berperan dalam menentukan dan memutuskan penghargaan terhadap empat filem terpilih. Kami mengundang empat kolega internasional yang kredibilitas dan kontribusinya telah diakui di bidang perfileman dan wacana seni saat ini.
This year, the ARKIPEL Penal Colony – International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2017 proudly announces our five festival juries who will decide the award of the four best films. We invite four international colleagues whose credibility and contributions have been internationally recognized in the field of cinematography and art discourse today.
Our Festival Juries

Hsu Fang-Tze
HSU FANG-TZE adalah kurator independen, translator, dan kandidat Ph.D. di bidang Cultural Studies in Asia di National University of Singapore. Minat penelitiannya antara lain tentang pengetahuan kontemporer, estetika Perang Dingin, memori, filosofi teknologi, dan pewujudan praktik artistic dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hsu juga ko-kurator iNegative Horizon: 5th Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition, 2016, dan tulisannya dapat ditemukan di ARTCO Magazine (Taiwan) dan LEAP (Cina), dan portal online, No Man’s Land.
HSU FANG-TZE is an independent curator, a translator, and a Ph.D. candidate in the Cultural Studies in Asia programme of the National University of Singapore. Her research interests include contemporary knowledge formation, Cold War aesthetics, memory, philosophies of technology, and the embodiment of artistic praxis in everyday life. Hsu is the co-curator of Negative Horizon: 5th Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition, 2016 and her writings can be found in ARTCO Magazine (Taiwan) and LEAP (China), and the online art criticism platform, No Man’s Land.

Hafiz Rancajale
HAFIZ RANCAJALE (Pekanbaru, 1971) adalah seniman, pembuat filem, kurator, dan salah satu pendiri Forum Lenteng dan ruangrupa. Menamatkan pendidikan Seni Murni di Institut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ), dan kini menjadi Ketua Forum Lenteng dan juga Direktur Artistik ARKIPEL. Tahun 2003-2011, ia menjabat sebagai Direktur Artistik OK. Video – Jakarta International Video Festival. Tahun 2017, ia adalah kurator Pekan Seni Media yang diadakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan bekerja sama dengan Forum Lenteng.
HAFIZ RANCAJALE (Pekanbaru, 1971) is an artist, filmmaker, curator, and co-founder of Forum Lenteng and ruangrupa. He graduated from the Art Institute of Jakarta (IKJ), and is now the Chairman of Forum Lenteng and the ARKIPEL Artistic Director. In 2003-2011, he became the Artistic Director of OK. Video – Jakarta International Video Festival. In 2017, he is the curator of Pekan Seni Media organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture in cooperation with Forum Lenteng.

Jean-Marie Teno
JEAN-MARIE TENO telah menyutradarai filem selama lebih dari 30 tahun untuk siaran televisi internasional dan layar lebar. Filem-filemnya terkenal karena pendekatan orisinal dan personalnya terhadap isu-isu ras, identitas kultural, sejarah Afrika, dan politik kontemporer. Karya-karyanya telah diapresiasi di berbagai festival di seluruh dunia, antara lain Berlin, Toronto, Yamagata, Cinéma du Réel, Visions du Réel, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Leipzig, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London. Teno pernah menjadi anggota dewan juri IDFA, Sundance Film Festival, Yamagata, Hot Documents dan masih banyak lagi. Ia juga berpartisipasi pada Flaherty Seminar; program residensi di Pacific Film Archive dari University of California, Berkeley; Copeland Fellow di Amherst College; dan juga mengajar di berbagai universitas. Pada tahun 2015, ia mengunjungi Wellesley College sebagai Melon Fellow.
JEAN-MARIE TENO has been producing and directing films for over thirty years for international television broadcast and theatrical release. His films are noted for their personal and original approach to issues of race, cultural identity, African history and contemporary politics. Teno’s films have been honored at festivals worldwide: Berlin, Toronto, Yamagata, Cinéma du Réel, Visions du Réel, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Leipzig, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, to name a few. Teno served in the jury of Idfa, Sundance Film Festival, Yamagata, Hot Docs and many more. Teno has been a guest of the Flaherty Seminar, an artist in residence at the Pacific Film Archive of the University of California, Berkeley, a Copeland Fellow in Amherst College, and has lectured at numerous universities. In 2015, he was a visiting Artist at Wellesley College as a Melon Fellow.

Zbyněk Baladrán
ZBYNĚK BALADRÁN (lahir 1973) tinggal dan berkarya di Praha. Dia adalah penulis, seniman, dan kurator. Menempuh pendidikan di bidang sejarah seni di Departemen Filsafat, Charles University, dan bidang Media Baru di Academy of Fine Arts, keduanya di Praha. Tahun 2001, ia mendirikan Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice, sebuah ruang bagi seni kontemporer.
ZBYNĚK BALADRÁN (born 1973) lives and works in Prague. He is an author, artist and curator. He studied art history in the Philosophy Department of the Charles University and New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts, both in Prague. In 2001 he co-founded Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice a space for contemporary art.

Andres Denegri
ANDRÉS DENEGRI (Buenos Aires, 1975) adalah seniman visual yang umumnya berkarya di ranah filem, video, fotografi dan instalasi. Karyanya telah ditampilkan di berbagai pameran dan festival, di mana dia telah mendapatkan pengakuan yang signifikan: Grand Prix di Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales (Buenos Aires, 2015), First Prize dari Itaú Cultural 2013 (Buenos Aires, 2013), Medali Emas untuk the Best Experimental Film di Belgrade Documentary dan Festival Film Pendek (Serbia, 2012). Dia adalah co-director Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento dan kurator program film dan video di Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires. Dia juga profesor di Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero dan Universidad del Cine. Denegri saat ini tinggal dan bekerja di Buenos Aires.
ANDRÉS DENEGRI (Buenos Aires, 1975) is a visual artist who works mostly on film, video, photography and installations. His work has been featured at numerous exhibitions and festivals, where he has achieved significant recognitions: Grand Prix at the Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales (Buenos Aires, 2015), First Prize of Itaú Cultural 2013 (Buenos Aires, 2013), Golden Medal for the Best Experimental Film at Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival (Serbia, 2012). He is co-director of the Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento and curator of the film and video program at the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires. He is professor at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero and Universidad del Cine. Denegri currently lives and works in Buenos Aires.