ARKIPEL social/kapital – 4th Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival dengan bangga mengabarkan empat juri yang akan berperan dalam menentukan dan memutuskan penghargaan terhadap empat filem terpilih. Kami mengundang tiga kolega internasional yang kredibilitas dan kontribusinya telah diakui di bidang perfileman dan wacana seni saat ini.
ARKIPEL social/kapital – 4th Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival is proud to announce our festival jury who will determine and decide the award of the four best films. We invited three international colleagues whose credibility and contribution have been internationally recognized in the field of cinema and art discourse today.

Hafiz Rancajale (Pekanbaru, 1971) adalah seorang seniman, kurator, dan salah satu pendiri Forum Lenteng dan ruangrupa. Menyelesaikan studi Seni Murni di Institut Kesenian Jakarta tahun 1994. Tahun 2003-2011, menjabat sebagai Direktur Artistik di OK. Video – Jakarta International Video Festival.
Hafiz Rancajale (Pekanbaru, 1971) is an artist, curator, and one of the founders of Forum Lenteng and ruangrupa. He graduated Fine Arts at the Institut Kesenian Jakarta in 1994. In 2003-2011, he was the Artistic Director at OK. Video – Jakarta International Video Festival.

Belajar sebagai seniman visual dan sejarawan seni, Ruth Noack telah bekerja sebagai penulis, kritkus seni, pengajar, dan penyelenggara pameran sejak 1990-an.
Noack pernah menjadi kurator Documeta 12 (2007). Pameran lainnya yang pernah dikuratori olehnya, antara lain Scenes of a Theory (1995), Things We Don’t Understand (2000), The Government (2005), dan Not Dressed for Conquering – Ines Doujak’s Loomshuttles/Warpaths (2012). Notes on Crisis, Currency and Consumption (2015) adalah bagian pertama dari seri sepuluh esai-pameran tentang isu-isu kehidupan kontemporer. Berikutnya akan berjudul Sleeping with a Vengeance – Dreaming of a Life dan Fragments and Compunds.
Kepala Program Curating Contemporary Art, Royal College of Art, London (2012-2013), ia bekerja sebagai Kepala Peneliti untuk EU-project Mela – European Museums in an age of migrations. Noak juga merupakan profesor tamu di Academy of Fine Arts, Praha (2013-2014) dan pembina Gwangju Biennale International Curator Course tahun 2014. Sejak 2015, dia bertanggung jawab sebagai salah satu pembina di DAI Roaming Academy.
Terbitan internasionalnya, antara lain Sanja Iveković: Triangle di Afterall Books, dan Agency, Ambivalence, Analysis: Approaching the Museum with Migration in Mind, yang keduanya terbit tahun 2013.
Ruth Noack trained as a visual artist and art historian, she has worked as author, art critic, university lecturer and exhibition maker since the 1990s.
Noack was curator of documenta 12 (2007). Exhibitions include Scenes of a Theory (1995), Things We Don’t Understand (2000), The Government (2005) and Not Dressed for Conquering – Ines Doujak’s Loomshuttles/Warpaths (2012). Notes on Crisis, Currency and Consumption (2015) was the first of a series of ten essay-exhibitions on issues of contemporary life. Next will be Sleeping with a Vengeance − Dreaming of a Life and Fragments and Compounds.
Head of the Curating Contemporary Art Program, Royal College of Art, London (2012-13), she acted as Research Leader for the EU-project MeLa – European Museums in an age of migrations. Noack was Šaloun professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Prague (2013-14) and lead the Gwangju Biennale International Curator Course in 2014. Since 2015, she is responsible for one of the DAI Roaming Academy trajectories.
Next to articles and scholarly essays published internationally, she has written Sanja Iveković: Triangle for Afterall Books and Agency, Ambivalence, Analysis. Approaching the Museum with Migration in Mind (both 2013).

Scott Miller Berry (Detroit, 1969) adalah seorang sutradara dan pegiat budaya yang tinggal di Toronto. Saat ini dia adalah Direktur Pelaksana di Workman Arts, organisasi seni dan kesehatan mental yang mengelola Rendezvous With Madness Film Festival. Sebelumnya dia adalah Direktur di Images Festival (2005-2015).
Scott Miller Berry (Detroit, 1969) is a filmmaker and cultural worker who lives in Toronto. By day he is Managing Director at Workman Arts, an arts + mental health organization that produce the Rendezvous With Madness Film Festival. Previously he was Director (2005-2015) at the Images Festival.

Keiko Okamura adalah seorang kurator, bertanggung jawab mengelola Moving Image Division di Tokyo Photographic Art Museum sejak 2007. Dia telah mengurasi banyak pameran, diantaranya IMAGINATION, Perception and Beyond (2008–2009), Ishida Takashi and Genealogy of Abstract Animation (2009-2010) dan Fiona Tan: Terminology (2014-15). Okamura juga merupakan Direktur Pendiri Yebisu International Festival for Art and Alternative Visions, dan saat ini sedang mempersiapkan edisi ke-9 yang akan diadakan di Tokyo pada bulan Februari, 2017.
Keiko Okamura is a curator. She has been the curator in charge of the Moving Image Division at Tokyo Photographic Art Museum since 2007. She has curated numbers of exhibitions including IMAGINATION, Perception and Beyond (2008–2009), Ishida Takashi and Genealogy of Abstract Animation (2009-2010) and Fiona Tan: Terminology (2014-15). Okamura is the founding Director of Yebisu International Festival for Art and Alternative Visions, and currently preparing its 9th edition to be held in Tokyo in February, 2017.