- Umur maksimal 30 tahun saat pendaftaran ini dibuka.
- Warga Asia dan berdomisili di Asia.
- Mempunyai pengalaman menguratori/membuat program audio-visual di perhelatan apapun.
- Proposal kuratorial dengan tema homoludens maksimal 1.000 kata dalam bahasa Inggris.
- Program kuratorial untuk 1 slot pemutaran durasi maksimal 120 menit.
- Jumlah dan tahun produksi filem yang Anda pilih tidak dibatasi.
- Tuliskan judul, nama sutradara, tahun rilis, dan durasi filem yang dipilih beserta kontak distributor/pemegang hak tayangnya.
- Tenggat waktu hingga 30 April 2018 .
- Filem yang dipilih diproduksi negara di Asia.
- Materi pemutaran yang diperkenankan: 8mm, 16mm, DVD, Blu-ray, HD digital.
ARKIPEL menyediakan bagi 3 kurator terpilih:
- Presentasi Program di ARKIPEL 6th – homoludens 2018
- Tiket PP dari dan ke Jakarta.
- Akomodasi selama 4 malam di sekitar lokasi festival.
- Biaya penayangan (screening fee).
- You must not be over 30 years old when this open call is opened.
- Asian passport holder and you must be based in Asian countries.
- Previous film curating/programming experience in any events is needed.
- Curatorial proposal with the theme, homoludens, max. 1,000 words in English.
- The curatorial is written for 1 screening slot, the maximum duration is 120 minutes.
- The amount and the production year of the film(s) you select are not limited.
- Write also the title, director’s name, released date, and duration of each film selected along with its distributor/right holder contact.
- The deadline will be until 30 April 2018 .
- Films you selected must produced by Asian countries.
- The screening format allowed is: 8mm, 16mm, DVD, Blu-ray, digital HD file.
ARKIPEL will provide for 3 chosen young curators:
- Screening program at ARKIPEL 6th – homoludens 2018
- Round trip ticket to Jakarta.
- Accommodation for 4 (four) nights around the festival venues.
- Screening fee for the films.