IC 6 / FRI. 12 SEP, 12.00 AT CINEMA XXI – TIM & TUE. 16 SEP, 12.30 AT KINEFORUM
[divider type=”space” height=”40″ no_border=”1″ /] [column type=”1/3″ last=”0″ class=””] [divider type=”space” height=”20″ no_border=”0″ /]18+
Country of production France
Language French
Subtitle English
41 min, Color, 2013
Apa makna menjadi berbeda oleh perubahan wajah dan tak lagi berfungsinya organ artikulatif seseorang? Ini adalah pengakuan Joel Perotte tentang redupnya harapan manusiawi akan komunikasi: kamera beroperasi sebagai semacam lensa yang mengupas sepotong biografi subjek seiring denyut dan getar ekspresi tiap detil wajah. Into The World mendaraskan secara kelam moralitas purgatorial dari seorang yang mendambakan kembalinya hubungan dengan lingkungan tempat tinggalnya tatkala identitas baru fisiknya menjelmakan tekanan-tekanan psikis akan keterkucilan dan pembunuhan sosial atas diri. Potret optis yang menyelami wajah dan kejiwaan ini mendedah pengalaman ihwal kehadiran tubuh personal berhadapan dengan tubuh publik. Kendati didera keputusasaan, secercah optimisme patut dirajut kembali.
— Ugeng T. Moetidjo
[/column] [column type=”1/3″ last=”1″ class=””]What does it mean to be different by facial alteration and when a person’s speech organ is no longer functioning? It is a confession of Joel Perotte on the dimness of humane expectations to communicate: camera operates as a kind of lens revealing a piece of the subject’s biography parallel to the pulse and every detail of the facial’s quivering expression. Into The World recites the dark purgatorial morality of someone who craves the return of relation with his neighborhood when his new identity physically manifests the psychological pressures to isolation and social murder upon himself.
This optical portrayal is diving into the face and soul, unveiling about experience of the presence of body as personal matter opposites the body as public matter. Although plagued by despair, a glimpse of optimism should be knitted back.
— Ugeng T. Moetidjo