Case Study of Bromocorah Phenomena
Studi Kasus terhadap Fenomena Bromocorah
Moderator: Dhuha Ramadhani
Panelists: Umi Lestari, Maria Christina Silalahi, Dini Adanurani
Monday, August 19, 2019 | 14:30 | GoetheHaus
Abstrak / Abstract
Adakah “bromocorah”, sebagai sebuah gagasan daripada hanya semata fenomena, terbingkai di dalam filem-filem kita? Asumsi pertama yang mesti kita hadirkan untuk menjawab itu ialah, tentu saja, ada, sebagaimana fenomena ini telah dirumuskan di dalam dunia sastra. Karena itulah, usaha untuk menghadirkan beragam presumsi berdasarkan telaah mendalam terhadap sejumlah filem-filem nasional menjadi penting bagi forum ini. Selain menjadi langkah awal untuk meletakkan fondasi estetika bromocorah ke dalam ide estetika sinema kita, panel ini memfasilitasi perbincangan aktual untuk merefleksikan kembali sosio-estetika bromocorah dari beragam sudut pandang, baik antara kritisisme independen dan metode-metode akademis, maupun antara penggalian sosiologis dan filsafat.
Empat panelis yang akan mempresentasikan studi-studi kasus bromocorah di lingkup karya-karya filem nasional pada forum ini juga mewakili pandangan zaman kontemporer kita. Bagaimanakah kiranya kritisisme terhadap isu bromocorah itu dibingkai menjadi jarum-jarum seismografis yang bisa membantu kita menguraikan kejadian-kejadian liris, baik yang ada pada dunia representasi citra ataupun dunia sehari-hari yang nyata, menjadi suatu langgam percakapan sinematik yang baru?
Is there “bromocorah”, as an idea rather than just a phenomenon, captured in the frame of our cinema? The first assumption to answer that is, of course, there is, as how this phenomenon is formulated in the world of literature. For this reason, efforts to display various assumptions based on extensive examinations of a number of national films are important for this forum. In addition to being the first step to lay down the foundation of the aesthetic of bromocorah into our cinema aesthetic ideas, this panel facilitates an actual conversation to reflect back on the socio-aesthetics of bromocorah from a variety of perspectives. Independent criticism and academic methods, as well as between sociological and philosophical excavations.
The four panelists who present the case studies of bromocorah within the scope of national films at this forum will also present the views of our contemporary era. How the criticism of bromocorah as an issue will be framed into seismographic needles that can help us to describe lyrical events that exist both in the world of image representation or the real world, to become a new cinematic conversation style?
About the Panelist

Dini Adanurani (1998) adalah seorang mahasiswa jurusan Filsafat, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Indonesia. Di kampusnya, ia terlibat aktif sebagai content writer di UKM Sinematografi UI. Sebagai penulis, topik-topik yang menarik perhatiannya adalah topik seputar filem, buku, kehidupan dan budaya populer. Selain menulis di Sinematografi UI, ia juga menulis untuk Deadpool UI, sebuah komunitas kajian budaya populer dan narasi alternatif mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia, dan Ia juga seorang pembuat filem. Sebagai sutradara, filemnya antara lain Noda (2018), Pintu (2016), dan Tiada (2016); ia pernah memproduseri filem Underneath the Flood (2015) bersama Cinematography Club SMA Santa Theresia dan menjadi direktur artistik untuk filem Angsa Origami (2017). Di UI Film Festival 2018 yang diselenggarakan Sinematografi UI, Dini berperan sebagai wakil kepala program pemutaran filem.
Dini Adanurani (1998) is a student majoring in Philosophy, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Indonesia. At her campus, she is involved as a content writer at UKM Cinematography UI. As a writer, topics that interest her are the topics around films, books, life and popular culture. Other than writing on UI Cinematography, she also writes for Deadpool UI, a community of popular cultural studies and alternative narratives of University of Indonesia students, and She is also a filmmaker. As a director, his films include Noda (2018), Pintu (2016), and Tiada (2016); she once produced the film Underneath the Flood (2015) with Cinematography Club Santa Theresia High School and became an artistic director for the film Angsa Origami (2017). At UI Film Festival 2018 organized by Cinematography UI, Dini served as the deputy head of the film screening program.

Maria Christina Silalahi (Jakarta, 1993) lulus dari Departemen Kriminologi, FISIP Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2018. Anggota Forum Lenteng, dan saat ini aktif sebagai salah satu pegiat di platform Milisifilem Collective, sebuah platform kelompok belajar alternatif yang fokus pada produksi filem lewat pendekatan eksperimentasi visual dan senirupa. Saat ini ia juga tengah mengerjakan proyek penelitian alternatif dalam rangka AKUMASSA Chronicle yang diinisiasi oleh Forum Lenteng untuk tahun 2019 di Lombok.
Maria Christina Silalahi (Jakarta, 1993) graduated from the Department of Criminology, FISIP University of Indonesia in 2018. Member of Forum Lenteng, and she currently active as one of the activists on the Collective Milisifilem platform, an alternative learning group platform that focuses on film production through an experimental visual and fine arts. She is also working on an alternative research project within of the AKUMASSA Chronicle, which was initiated by Forum Lenteng for 2019 in Lombok.

Umi Lestari lulus dari Program Magister Ilmu Religi dan Budaya, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta. Aktif sebagai peneliti lepas. Umi pernah bekerja di Indonesian Visual Art Archive (IVAA), Yogyakarta dan Forum Lenteng, Jakarta, sebagai editor in chief Visual Jalanan. Selain itu, Umi menjadi selektor film untuk Arkipel: Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival pada tahun 2015 dan 2016; sekaligus Apresiasi Film Indonesia 2015. Proses penelitian Umi mengenai filem Indonesia bisa dilihat di
Umi Lestari graduated from the Masters Program in Religion and Culture, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. Active as a freelance researcher. Umi has worked at the Indonesian Visual Art Archive (IVAA), Yogyakarta and Forum Lenteng, Jakarta, as editor in chief of Visual Street. Other than that, Umi became a film selector for Arkipel: the Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival in 2015 and 2016; and also 2015 Indonesian Film Appreciation. Umi’s research process on Indonesian films can be seen at
About the Moderator

Dhuha Ramadhani (lahir 23 Februari 1995, di Jakarta) adalah pembuat film dan kurator. Menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana di Departemen Kriminologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Indonesia. Anggota Forum Lenteng, aktif sebagai salah satu peserta program AKUMASSA. Sekarang, dia juga seorang peserta dalam Milisifilem Collective. Sejak 2018, ia adalah kurator program Candrawala di ARKIPEL – Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival. Pada Juli 2019 ia mempresentasikan kuratorialnya di Asia Forum 3 untuk EXiS – Experimental Film and Video Festival 2019, Seoul, Korea Selatan. Film-film terbarunya adalah Jakarta Unfair (2016) dan Into The Dark (2018).
Dhuha Ramadhani (b. February 23, 1995, in Jakarta) is a filmmaker and curator. Completed undergraduate education at the Department of Criminology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia. Member of the Forum Lenteng, active as one of the AKUMASSA program participants. Now, he is also a participant in the Milisifilem Collective. Since 2018, he is the curator of Candrawala program at ARKIPEL – Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival. On July 2019 he presented his curatorial on Asia Forum 3 for EXiS – Experimental Film and Video Festival 2019, Seoul, South Korea. His latest films are Jakarta Unfair (2016) and Into The Dark (2018).