august, 2017
Curated by Ugeng T. Moetidjo Total Duration 112 minutes Venue Goethehaus, Jakarta / 20 August 2017, 19.00 Goethehaus, Jakarta / 23 August 2017, 19.00 Film List:
Curated by
Ugeng T. Moetidjo
Total Duration
112 minutes
Goethehaus, Jakarta / 20 August 2017, 19.00
Goethehaus, Jakarta / 23 August 2017, 19.00
Film List:

Tiefenschärfe / Depth of Field (Alex Gerbaulet & Mareike Bernien, Germany, 2017, 17 minutes)
Sejak hampir dua dekade awal abad ini, bersama masuknya gelombang imigran, segenap negeri-negeri Eropa mulai merasakan dampak perubahan demografi, dengan akibat tersemainya kembali ideologi sauvinisme ekstrem. Mengambil kasus negara Jerman, bentuk-bentuk rasisme baru telah membidik komunitas warga pendatang sebagai sasaran agresi rasial. Dokumenter ini bermaksud memeriksa ulang interpretasi sejarah atas perkembangan konfigurasi sosial mutakhir di ranah publik saat negara dalam kegentingan menyimpan bara dalam sekam. Sebuah refleksi atas fenomena ingatan sepihak tentang kaitan nasionalisme, superioritas ras, dan radikalisme global, sementara bingkai-bingkai bidikan yang tergugatkan memberi fokus pada detil berbagai unsur dari ruang-ruang arsitektur kota kecil di lingkungan perkampungan warga sebagai lanskap-lanskap senyap tak lagi tenteram.
Since nearly two decades on the beginning of this century, along with the influx of immigrant waves, European countries have begun to feel its effects on demographic change, with the revive of extreme chauvinism. Taking the case of Germany, new forms of racism have targeted immigrant communities as racial aggression’s target. This documentary aims to re-examine the historical interpretation on the development of recent social configuration in the public sphere during the critical moments when the state “stores the coals in the chaff”. A reflection on the phenomenon of unilateral recollection about the connection of nationalism, racial superiority, and global radicalism, while frames of the defended shots give focus on the details of various elements from the architectural spaces of a small town in the neighbourhood of village as silent landscapes which is no longer at ease.

Terceiro Andar / Third Floor (Luciana Fina, Portugal, 2016, 62 minutes)
Sejauh apa perempuan punya otoritas terhadap bahasa bagi tradisi penuturan atas sejarah tubuh dan budaya mereka ketika bahasa asal turut berpindah bersama migrasi mereka? Di lingkungan baru, bahasa pertama itu harus berkompromi dengan bahasa kedua warisan kolonial maupun dengan bahasa ketiga yang sekadar pinjaman, yang semuanya saling memerankan narasi masing-masing tentang perempuan di tengah narasi geneologis keluarga, dengan laki-laki terartikulasi sebagai versi dialektis dari perempuan. Melalui bahasa-bahasa itu, sang ibu dan anak gadisnya menempuh migrasi ulang-alik antarnarasi tentang pengalaman akar perempuan sebagai penutur dari model komunikasi dan cara berada berikut ragam konsekuensi sudut pandang perempuan yang terposisi di ranah pasca kolonial, di lantai tiga sebuah apartemen.
To what extent do women have authority over the language for the narrative tradition about their history of body and culture when their original languages migrate alongside with their migration? In the new environment, the first language had to compromise with the second language of colonial heritage and with the third language which is only loan, all of which played each other’s narratives about women amid genealogical narrative of family, with men articulated as a dialectical version of women. Through these languages, the mother and her daughter embarked on a reciprocal inter-narration migration about the experience of female roots as speakers of the communication model and how it came along with various consequences of women’s point of view positioned in the post-colonial realm, on the third floor of an apartment.

Estate (Ronny Trocker, France, 2016, 9 minutes)
Ilusi realitas sebagaimana dunia yang kita huni kini merupakan sebuah dunia kolase yang terfaktakan oleh jukstaposisi antar-citra dan aplikasi visual di genggaman. Walau begitu, keberagaman belum tentu dengan mudah diterima sebab di situ bermain wacana kuasa dari sistem sosio-politik yang berlaku. Sudah sejak awal kemunculannya, seorang dengan identitas berbeda merupakan objek anomalis dari pikiran umum. Seorang imigran kulit hitam yang terdampar di pantai harus terperangkap dalam bingkai-bingkai representasi hiper riil dari komunitas masyarakat yang membeku dalam ruang dan waktu. Kamera sebagai aparatus pembentuk ilusi sekaligus pengawasan, sebenarnya, juga menyorongkan pertanyaan kepada komunitas Eropa sendiri tentang bagaimana opini-opini akan yang liyan terkonstruk di ruang-ruang faktual mereka.
The illusion of reality as the world we live in now is a world of collage characterised by the juxtapositions of inter-image and visual applications in the grip. However, diversity is not necessarily easily acceptable because the game of power discourse of the prevailing socio-political system is there. Already since the beginning of his emergence, a person with different identity is an anomalous object of the common mind. A black immigrant stranded on a beach must be caught in the frames of hyper reality representation from a community frozen in space and time. The camera as the illusion-forming apparatus as well as the surveillance, in fact, also asking for question to the European community itself about how these opinions on the other will be constructed in their factual spaces.

Watching the Detectives (Chris Kennedy, Canada, 2017, 24 minutes)
Pemicunya adalah peristiwa Bom Maraton Boston 2013 yang menyasar publik tak berdosa di lokasi. Lantas, berdasarkan citra-citra visual peristiwa itu yang tersebar di internet, suatu komunitas portal web mengadakan investigasi amatiran untuk secara acak mengidentifikasi pelaku. Lewat simulakra hiper realitas, serangkaian citra tersebut dieksposisi layaknya deretan data fungsional yang dianggap bisa mendefinisikan fakta-fakta tentang ciri-ciri fisik, mental, dan preferensi politik target. Fenomena global dari modus kebermediaan publik ini tampil dalam campur ragam opini dan komentar sebagai tradisi lisan pergunjingan dari entitas polis kontemporer bentukan teknologi media. Di situ, internalisasi kontrol, persisnya, merupakan model pengawasan melekat oleh publik terhadap publik itu sendiri.
The trigger is Boston Marathon Bomb 2013 targeting the innocent public on the spot. Then, based on the visual images of the event spread across the internet, a web portal community conducts an amateur investigation to randomly identify the perpetrator. Through the hyper reality simulacra, a series of images are exposed like functional data lines considered able to define facts about the physical, mental, and political preferences of the target. The global phenomenon from this mode of public use of media appears in a mix of opinions and comments as the oral tradition of gossiping from entities of contemporary polis formed by media technology. There, the internalization of controls, precisely, is a model of control attached by the public to the public itself.
(Sunday) 19:00 - 21:00 UTC+7
Sam Ratulangi 9-15, Jakarta - 10350
ARKIPEL Penal Colony - 5th International Documentary and Experimental Film