Christophe Bisson
Country of production France
Language French
Subtitle English
15 minutes, Color, 2014

All That is Solid
Eva Kolcze
Country of Production Canada
Language No Dialogue
Subtitle No Dialogue
16 minutes, BW, 2014

Paisaje con Perro Roto / Landscape of Broken Dog
Orazio Leogrande
Country of Production Italy/Argentina
Language No Dialogue
Subtitle No Dialogue
14 minutes, BW, 2014

Meio Corte / Half-Cut
Nikolai Nekh
Country of Production Portugal
Language English
Subtitle English
7 minutes, Color, 2013

Vladislav Knezevic
Country of Production Croatia
Language English
Subtitle No Subtitle
13 minutes, Color, 2014

Anouk de Clercq
Country of Production Belgium
Language English
Subtitle No Subtitle
17 minutes, B/W, 2013