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 In ARKIPEL 2013, International Competition, Rusty Archives: Film List (2013-2014)

Country of Production:  Spain
Language: Catalan, German, French, Spanish
Subtitles: English
52 min, Color, 2011

International Competition 9


Dokumenter ini merupakan napak tilas perjalanan seorang serdadu Jerman, Ernesto Fleck, yang pada pada Agustus 1944 berada di pantai Atlantik Perancis, melarikan diri dari Sekutu dan berusaha mencapai Strasbourg. Adalah sang cucu dan juga sutradara filem ini, Lluc G Fleck, yang melakukan perjalanan napak tilas. Perjalanan dilakukan berdasarkan catatan harian, arsip-arsip foto, serta kesaksian-kesaksian beberapa orang yang mengalami masa kelam pendudukan Nazi pada Perang Dunia II. Salah seorang narasumber adalah sang nenek, yang menceritakan bagaimana suaminya menegaskan kalau membela Jerman dan melayani Nazi bukanlah hal yang sama.

-Akbar Yumni

This documentary retraces the winding paths taken by Ernsesto Flack, a German soldier, when he tried to run away from the Allied forces in August 1944, one of the cruelest year in World War II. It is the grandson of Ernesto and also the director of this film, Lluc G Fleck, who does the journey of rediscovery. The journey is done according to personal notes, archives of photos, and testimonials from several people who lived under Nazi Occupation during World War II. Among them is Lluc’s grandmother, who tells how his beloved husband insisted that fighting for Germany and serving Nazi is not the same thing.

-Akbar Yumni

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