presented by Scott Miller Berry
[divider type=”space” height=”20″ no_border=”1″ /] [accordion auto=”0″][accordion_item title=”Foreword”] [column type=”1/2″ last=”0″ class=””]Mengubah Bentuk Melampaui Ingatan
Program ini menelusuri bagaimana gambar, identitas dan ruang dihasilkan dan dibongkar. Bergerak di antara ranah digital dan dunia nyata, video-video terpilih ini menguji representasi dan konstruksi akan tubuh dan bangunan, mulai dari kisah skandal lip sync Milli Vanilli yang tersohor hingga Bart Simpson yang digambar secara kasar menghadirkan sebuah epilog penutup.
[/column] [column type=”1/2″ last=”1″ class=””]Remodeled Beyond Recognition
This program explores the production and deconstruction of image, identity and space. Moving between the digital realm and the real world, this selection of videos examines the representation and construction of bodies and buildings, from the infamous story of Milli Vanilli’s lip sync scandal to a closing epilogue delivered by a crudely drawn Bart Simpson.
[/column] [/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=”Films”] [divider type=”space” height=”20″ no_border=”1″ /] [/accordion_item] [accordion_item title=”Going to Images Festival”] [/accordion_item] [/accordion]