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 In ARKIPEL 2014 - Electoral Risk, Workshop

Jakarta, ARKIPEL – Forum Lenteng — “I am gonna be the best!” sahut Isaac riang saat diumumkan bahwa pemutaran karya seluloid mereka akan dimulai 15 menit lagi. Teman-temannya yang lain masih sibuk menggoreskan spidol dan kuas ke atas pita seluloid. Beberapa yang sudah selesai bermain dengan kamera video analog, dengan ceria bergaya- seperti monster di depan corong lensa. Fareed, 13 tahun, akhirnya tidak menyelesaikan gambarnya. “Lagi bikin cerita Lord of The Rings, nih! Masih buku satu,” canda sang mentor.

Itulah sekilas suasana dari workshop “Bermain dengan Celluloid” yang diadakan di Paviliun 28, Petogogan, Jakarta Selatan. Workshop yang dipersembahkan oleh Lab Laba-Laba dan Club Kembang ini diperuntukkan pada anak-anak berusia 5 tahun ke atas, dan merupakan bagian dari rangkaian acara ARKIPEL Electoral Risk – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2014. Workshop terbagi dalam dua sesi: yang pertama dimulai pada pukul 10 pagi, dan yang ke dua pada pukul 1 siang, Sabtu, 6 September 2014 ini. Ada sekitar dua puluh lima anak pada sesi pertama dan dua puluh anak pada sesi kedua.

“Biasanya kami memberikan workshop untuk para spesialis, yang setidaknya, sudah mengenal fotografi, praktisi filem. Tapi kali ini, dibuat workshop untuk anak-anak,” ujar Edwin dari Lab Laba-Laba. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk tercapainya wawasan luas tentang filem dan medium aslinya di kalangan publik.

“Anak-anak pasti tahu tentang filem, yang biasa mereka lihat di iPad, misalnya. Di sini, dikenalkan dan diajak bermain-main dengan itu,” lanjut Edwin.

Pada awal kegiatan, partisipan workshop diajak menonton beberapa filem animasi Disney dan footage di bioskop kecil Paviliun 28, yang diproyeksikan dengan proyektor 16 mm. Setelah dijelaskan cara kerja seluloid, seperti satu detik sama dengan dua puluh empat frame, mereka dipersilahkan berkreasi dengan medium-medium yang disediakan oleh panitia. Terdapat spidol dan cat poster berwarna-warni untuk dilukiskan di atas pita seluloid bening sepanjang dua meter untuk setiap anak.

Elsye dan Hadiyanto, salah satu orang tua yg ikut mendampingi di anaknya hari itu, menyertakan anak mereka sebagai partisipan workshop sebagai bagian dari pendidkan homeschooling yang mereka terapkan.

“Kami memang sering mengikutsertakan mereka ke kegiatan-kegiatan seperti ini, yang di luar akademik sekolah. Apalagi, workshop seluloid belum pernah ada.” jelas Elsye.

Lain lagi dengan Dini, yang juga turut menyalurkan bakat dan kreativitas anaknya ke dalam workshop ini, “Si kakak sangat suka menggambar, jadi kegiatan ini memang cocok untuknya.”

Reaksi sang anak pun berbeda ketika ditanya hal apa yang paling menyenangkan dari workshop. Audrey (7 tahun) menjawab, “Eating and movies!” dan kemudian terkikik manja di pelukan ibunya.

Akhirnya, pemutaran pun tiba. Anak-anak dengan riuh menanti ditampilkannya karya mereka. Sebagian dari mereka asyik bermain bayangan di depan proyektor yang ditembak ke layar. Saat cahaya lampu dipadamkan, dengan serentak mereka berteriak dan tertawa-tawa ceria. Reel-pun diputar dan corak warni-warni yang telah mereka buat berpilin di layar. Semuanya penonton berlomba-lomba menebak milik siapa yang sudah diputar. Tak sedikit, mereka berceloteh mengomentari visual yang mereka lihat, seperti “Blood! Blood!” atau “The rainbow is mine!”.

Setelah beberapa menit terekspos oleh warna-warni dan bentuk yang acak, salah seorang bergumam, “I have a headache…” dan kemudian ditiiru oleh teman-temannya. Sang Ibu tertawa dan menepuk sayang bahu sang anak.

Karya-karya workshop pada hari itu, rencananya juga akan diputar di perhelatan Festival ARKIPEL. Selain “Bermain dengan Celluloid”, ARKIPEL juga akan menyelenggarakan workshop “Film Processing” dan “Rayogram & Caffenol – C” pada 13 September, 2014, di Gedung Produksi Film Negara.

Bits of Story While Playing with Celluloid


Jakarta, ARKIPEL – Forum Lenteng – “I am gonna be the best!” shouted Isaac, when the mentor announced that the screening of their works will be played in the next fifteen minutes. His friends were still busy fiddling markers and brushes on top of their celluloid. Other friends who had done their works were playing with an analog video camera, acting like monsters in front of the lens. Fareed, 13 years old, gave up and didn’t finished his drawing. “We’re going to make the whole Lord of the Rings’ storyline! Still on the Book One,” teased the mentor.

It’s a glimpse of what’s happening in “Playing with Celluloid” workshop in Paviliun 28, Petogogan, Jakarta Selatan. This workshop was presented by Lab Laba-Laba and Club Kembang for kids over five years old, and one of the series of events from ARKIPEL Electoral Risk – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2014. The workshop divided into two sessions: first session started from 10 am, and the second started from 1pm, Saturday, September 6, 2014. There were twenty five kids in the first session and twenty in the second.

“Workshops that we’ve done before were usually for specialist; at least they’ve known things about photography, or filmmaker. But this time we gave workshops for kids,” said Edwin from Lab Laba-Laba. This workshop was meant to expand knowledge about film and its original medium in broader public awareness.

“Kids were already close with film, like, the one they had on their iPad for example. In here, we introduce them more and get them to play with it,” Edwin continued.

In the beginning of the workshop, the participants were brought to a small movie theatre in Paviliun 28, to watch some Disney animations and footages, projected by 16mm projector. After being told about how the celluloid works, like one second equals to twenty four frames, they were allowed to create their own film. There were colorful Sharpies, paint, and brushes to be painted over the two meters-transparent celluloid for each kid.

Elsye and Hadiyanto, one of the parents who were there to accompany their children, said that they’re taking their boys to this workshop as one of the lesson for their homeschooling program.

“This is something we often take them to, non-academic activity that normally schools didn’t offer. Especially, celluloid workshop is quite rare,” said Elsye.

Dini, another mother who came to this workshop, thought that it was a perfect space to channel her son’s creative talent.

“He really likes to draw, from anime, cartoons, so this is good for him.”

It’s different for the little one. When being asked the most interesting thing she had in this activity, Audrey, 7 years old, replied, “Eating and movies!” and then giggling shyly to her mother’s arms.

Finally, the screening started. The kids’ chatter filled up the theatre while they waited for their works to be shown. Some of them were playing with shadows in front of the blank projector’s light. When the light was off, they all screamed in surprise and then chuckling happily. The reel then rolled and colorful scrambled lines started moving in the screen. The kids trying to guess whose work were they currently seeing. Many were excitedly screaming the associated visual from the drawings, like “Blood! Blood!” or ‘The rainbow is mine!”

After being long exposed to the random shapes and colors, one of them suddenly muttered “I have a headache…!”, which then followed by his friends. His mother laughed and patted his shoulder gently then.

The outcomes of this workshop will be screened in the ARKIPEL Festival as well. Besides “Playing with Celluloid”, ARKIPEL will also held “Film Processing” and “Rayogram & Caffenol-C” workshop on September 13, 2014, in Gedung PFN (State Film Production Buliding).

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