IC 1 / FRI. 12 SEP, 14.30 & TUE. 16 SEP, 15.00 / KINEFORUM
[divider type=”space” height=”40″ no_border=”1″ /] [column type=”1/3″ last=”0″ class=””] [divider type=”space” height=”20″ no_border=”0″ /]13+
Country of production Turkey – Poland
Language Turkish
Subtitle English
34 min, Color, 2014
Ketika demonstrasi tengah pecah di Istanbul, sebuah kamera merekam lalu perlahan menjauhi lokasi. Kamera ini mendatangi warga biasa dalam radius yang terprakira. Sang kamera menanyai pendapat mereka tentang demonstrasi yang sekarang tengah berlangsung. Inilah saatnya, “rakyat” berkaca dan sadar bahwa konsep “rakyat” pada hakikatnya tidak pernah hadir sebagai sesuatu yang monolitik.
— Makbul Mubarak
[/column] [column type=”1/3″ last=”1″ class=””]When demonstrations broke in Istanbul, a camera recorded and then slowly left the location. This camera approached common civilians in a measurable distance. The camera asked their opinion about the demonstration that was still happening. This is the moment when the “people” looked in the mirror and realized that the concept of “people” is never present as something monolithic in nature.
— Ugeng T. Moetidjo