In ARKIPEL 2014 - Electoral Risk, Festival Updates, International Competition

JAKARTA, ARKIPEL, Forum Lenteng – Hari ini, Jum’at, merupakan hari pertama rangkaian ARKIPEL Electoral Risk – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2014 yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Lenteng. Tahun ini merupakan perhelatan Festival ARKIPEL kedua, yang sejak tahun lalu fokus menyediakan ruang untuk publik dalam mengakses pengetahuan sinema, melalui berbagai macam program: program kuratorial, presentasi khusus, diskusi publik, serta program kompetisi. Kineforum, selaku salah satu tempat dan partner penyelenggaraan Festival ARKIPEL, pada hari ini menyediakan lima slot pemutaran untuk lima program. Salah satu programnya, yang berada di slot pemutaran kedua, pada pukul 14.00 WIB, adalah pemutaran perdana Prgram Kompetisi Internasional 1 (IC 1), “Eksperimentasi Sebagai Keberpihakan Politik”. Program tersebut berisi tiga filem, yaitu The Park, Historias De Balcones (Balcony Tales), Avō Cortiço (Grandfather Cortiço), dengan total durasi 91 menit.

Pemutaran slot pertama mundur sekitar 30 menit dari waktu yang ditentukan karena kesalahan teknis pada pemutaran program yang mengisi slot pertama. Selama menunggu waktu pemutaran tersebut, saya duduk di dekat sekelompok mahasiswa yang sedang berbincang-bincang. Sekilas, terdengar suara mereka yang tengah asyik membicarakan kehidupan personal dosennya. Setelah pemutaran slot pertama selesai, tepat pukul 14.30 WIB, penonton untuk slot kedua dipersilahkan masuk. Ada sepuluh orang yang hadir pada siang itu: dua laki-laki dewasa dan delapan anak-anak muda.

Filem The Park (2014) karya Dorota & Monika Proba, yang memparalelkan bidikan-bidikan masa yang berdemonstrasi dengan pendapat warga biasa mengenai konsep demokrasi itu sendiri membuka program IC 1. Filem kedua adalah Grandfather Cortiço (2012) karya Ricardo Batalheiro, yang mengungkap kesejarahan artefak-artefak fisik dengan sangat politis. Dilanjut dengan filem Balcony Tales (2013) karya Helle Windelov-Lidzellius, yang menangkap bagaimana suatu tempat —balkon— dapat memiliki posisi penting dalam persinggungan kehidupan sosial politik suatu masyarakat, juga berbicara tentang cara masyarakat berinteraksi di dalamnya melalui perantara balkon. Filem ini sesekali menimbulkan reaksi unik dari penonton.

Seperti terbaca dari judul programnya, filem-filem yang bereksperimen di perihal-perihal politis tersebut, membuat kesepuluh penonton bertahan di tempatnya masing-masing. Meskipun minim reaksi, setidaknya afeksi yang diterima penonton dari filem-filem yang diputar membuat mereka bertahan hingga pemutaran selesai, tepat pukul 16.00 WIB. Program Kompetisi Internasional 1 ini akan diputar sekali lagi pada tanggal 16 September, 2014, pukul 15.00 WIB di Kineforum.

Suasana di bangku penonton ketika filem-filem IC 1 ditayangkan di Kineforum.

Suasana di bangku penonton ketika filem-filem IC 1 ditayangkan di Kineforum.

International Competition 1’s Films Kept the Audiences


JAKARTA, ARKIPEL, Forum Lenteng – Today, Friday, is the first day of a series of ARKIPEL Electoral Risk – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2014 organized by the Forum Lenteng. This year is the second ARKIPEL Festival event, which since last year focusing for serving the public a space in accessing knowledge of cinema, through a variety of programs: curatorial programs, special presentations, public discussion, and competition programs. Kineforum, as one of the venue and partner for the ARKIPEL Festival, today provides five slots for five program screening. One of the programs, which were in the screening of the second slot, at 14:00, is the premiere of International Competition 1 Program (IC 1), “Experimentation As Political Alignments”. The program contains three films, namely The Park, Historias De Balcones (Balcony Tales), cortico Avo (Grandfather cortico), with a total duration of 91 minutes.

The first slot played about 30 minutes late from the specified time due to technical errors in the playback program that fills the first slot. During the waiting time of the screening, I sat near a group of students who were talking. At first glance, they were busy to discuss the personal life of their lecturer. After playing the first slot was completed, promptly at 14:30 pm, spectators were welcomed to enter the second slot. There were ten people present on that day: two men and eight young children.

The Park (2014) by Monika & Dorota Proba, which parallelized footage which demonstrated with the opinion of ordinary citizens about the concept of democracy itself, opened the IC 1 program. The second was Grandfather cortico (2012) by Ricardo Batalheiro, which revealed the historical aspect from physical artifacts in a very political way. Continued with Balcony Tales (2013) by Helle Windelov-Lidzellius, which captured how a place -balcony- could have an important position in the intersection of social and political life of a society, also to talk about how people interact in it through an intermediary balcony. The film occasionally posed a unique reaction from the audience.

Based on the title of the program, the films that experimenting in these political issues, successfully making the audience stand in their place respectively. Despite the lack of reaction, at least the affection that being received from the audience from the films that were screened make them last until the screening was completed, promptly at 16:00. International Competition Program 1 will be played once again on September 16, 2014, at 15:00 in Kineforum.

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