In ARKIPEL 2014 - Electoral Risk, Festival Updates

CP KLUGE 1 & 2 FRI. 12 SEP, 13.00 / CP KLUGE 3 & 4 SAT. 13 SEP, 13.00 / GOETHEINSTITUT

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Country of production Germany
Language German
Subtitle Bahasa Indonesia
570 min, Color, 2008

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Filem News from Ideological Antiquity: Marx – Eisenstein – Das Kapital (2008), karya sutradara Jerman ternama, Alexander Kluge, diilhami oleh proyek yang tidak kelar dari sutradara Rusia ternama, Sergei Eisenstein. Pada tahun 1929, Eisenstein berencana membuat kisah satu hari seorang kelas pekerja, seperti halnya gaya sastra karya James Joyce, Ulysses, berdasarkan buku Das Kapital Karl Marx. Kluge meneruskan proyek Eisenstein tersebut secara ‘arkeologis’ berdasarkan gaya sinemanya sendiri. Melalui pendekatan dokumenter televisi, Kluge mewawancari sejumlah pakar dan beberapa kalangan seniman. Sebagai kelanjutan ilham dari proyek Eisenstein, ia membuat ‘intertitle’ yang dikemas secara kontemporer. Kluge menafsirkan Marx secara kekiniaan dan tidak membacanya dalam kerangka ‘totalias’.  Melalu semangat Brechtian pada karya ini, terlihat bagaimana  bagaimana Kluge mengemas diskursus Marx yang transformatif secara kekiniaan dan menghibur.

 Akbar Yumni

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News from Ideological Antiquity: Marx – Eisenstein – Capital (2008), is a work of a well-known German director, Alexander Kluge, inspired by the unfinished project of a celebrated Russian director, Sergei Eisenstein. In 1929, Eisenstein was planning to make a story about a worker class, as in the literature style of James Joyce’s Ulysses, based on Karl Marx’s book, Capital. Kluge continued Eisenstein’s project ‘archaeologically’ based on his own style. Through television documentary approach, Kluge interviewed a number of experts and some artists. As a prolongation of inspiration of Eisenstein’s project, he made an ‘intertitle’ which was wrapped contemporarily. Kluge interpreted Marx in a contemporary way and avoid to read him in the framework of ‘totality.’ Through Brechtian’s spirit in this work, we can see how Kluge rendered Marx’s transformative discourse in a contemporary and entertaining way. 

 Akbar Yumni


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