In ARKIPEL 2015 - Grand Illusion, Film Screening Reviews, International Competition

Penayangan Kompetisi Internasional 6: Tanah Terbayang


Gelak tawa para penonton di sepanjang penayangan filem terakhir, berjudul I Dance With God karya sutradara Iran, Hooshang Mirzaee, berhasil menghangatkan ruangan bioskop Institut Français d’Indonésie (IFI) di Jalan MH Thamrin No. 20, Jakarta. Selasa sore, 25 Agustus, 2015, memang sedang ditayangkan filem-filem yang dikuratori oleh Syaiful Anwar dalam tajuk Tanah Terbayang (atau Imagined Land), dengan judul pengantarnya, “Kuasa dan Narasi Kecil” (atau “Power and Small Narratives”) sebagaimana yang tertera di dalam katalog festival. Tiga filem yang ditayangkan mulai pukul 15.00 WIB itu adalah The Corral and The Wind (atau El Corral Y El Viento) karya sutradara Bolivia, Miguel Hilari; A Barca karya Pablo Briones; dan I Dance With God.

Syaiful Anwar, atau yang akrab dipanggil Bang Paul itu, menyatakan bahwa ia memilih filem-filem ini karena karya-karya tersebut mampu melampaui batasan naratif untuk memunculkan kemungkinan baru yang dapat dibaca ulang.

“Filem-filem ini punya potensi melalu narasi kecil untuk menggambarkan skandal, manipulasi, intrik dan ilusi yang dipraktikkan oleh penguasa sehingga dapat terbaca oleh publik,” ujar laki-laki itu, yang pada perhelatan ARKIPEL Grand Illusion – 3rd Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival ini juga bertanggung jawab sebagai Koordinor Produksi dan Materi Screening. Sebenarnya, ada satu lagi filem yang masuk dalam tajuk Tanah Terbayang ini, berjudul I Am The People (atau Je Suis Le Peuple) karya sutradara Prancis, Anna Roussilon. Tapi filem itu masuk ke tayangan slot 5.

Lo harus nonton filem ini, baru kerasa maksud dari tema besar program kuratorial gue,” ungkap pria yang juga memproduksi filem Harimau Minahasa (berkolaborasi dengan Andang Kelana), dan akan tayang di Program World Premiere, Jumat ini, di CGV BLIZT Pacific Place, pukul 19.00 WIB.

Di filem pertama, The Corral and The Wind, Miguel Hilari, sang sutradara mengeksplorasi ruang-ruang personal untuk merefleksi pencariannya akan masa lalu asalnya. Di filem ini, terlihat kelokalan kampung halaman di kota kecil Okola, mengelaborasi tempat dan waktu dari generasi muda dan tua. Filem kedua, A Barca, bercerita tentang realita kehidupan sehari-hari di perkotaan yang sistematis, konstan secara terus-menerus dan berulang-ulang. Pablo Briones, sutradara asal Swiss ini berusaha menggambarkan wilayah kota yang sunyi senyap dan lesu dari aktivitas sambil menunggu penghuninya kembali.

Sementara itu, I Dance With God milik Hooshang Mirzaee diambil dari kisah nyata seorang kakek tua bernama Ali Badri, berprofesi sebagai penjahit celana Kurdi tuna netra. Filem berdurasi 40 menit itu mampu memberi kejutan kepada penonton sekaligus menyajikan humor spontan dari dialog tokoh utama baik dengan istrinya ataupun lingkungan sekitarnya. Hooshang mampu menjahit cerita menjadi kesatuan utuh dengan memberikan sedikit demi sedikit informasi tentang siapa dan bagaimana tokoh utama menjalani hidup dengan optimis dan selalu riang gembira.

“Ini tentang humor satire, bagaimana seorang yang sudah tua masih punya mimpi untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Ada juga emosi yang ditampilkan saat ia dan istri mengunjungi anak satu-satunya, Yaser, yang meninggal dalam kecelakaan mobil,” papar Paul, menambahkan.

Salah seorang penonton yang juga merupakan undangan ARKIPEL, Koki Da Silva, yang menjabat sebagai Research and Development Project dari Filigree Films Sydney Australia, yang datang bersama sang Direktur, Iqbal Barkat, menyatakan bahwa ia sangat menikmati filem dokumenter milik Hooshang tersebut.

“Bagus, ya. Filemnya dapat menangkap semangat dari tokoh utama, penyampaiannya sederhana, musik dan alur ceritanya juga very well,” ujar wanita keturunan Sri Lanka itu.

Untuk yang masih penasaran, ketiga filem tersebut akan tayang kembali di GoetheHaus, Jakarta, pada Jumat, 28 Agustus 2015, pukul 13.00 WIB.

The laughter of the audience filled the air on last film, entitled I Dance with God directed by Hooshang Mirzaee from Iran, managed to warm up the cinema theatre at Institut Français d’Indonésie (IFI) on Jalan MH Thamrin No. 20, Jakarta. Tuesday afternoon, 25 August 2015, was one of the films curated by Saiful Anwar, entitled Imagined Land, with his introduction title, “Power and Small Narratives” as listed in the festival catalog. Three films that were showed from 15.00 pm were The Corral and the Wind (or El Corral El Viento Y) by Bolivian director, Miguel Hilari; A Barca by Pablo Briones; and I Dance with God.

Saiful Anwar, or familiarly called “Bang Paul”, stated that he chose these films because these works are able to go beyond the limits of narrative to bring new possibilities that can be read again.

“These films have a potential through small narration to describe the scandal, manipulation, intrigue and illusion that is practiced by the authorities so that they can be read by the public,” said the man, who in the event ARKIPEL Grand Illusion – 3rd Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film is also responsible as the Production and Screening Content Coordinator. Actually, there is one more film which is entered this Imagined Land curatorial, titled I Am The People (or Je Suis Le Peuple) the work of French director, Anna Roussilon. But the screening of the film goes to the fifth slot.

“You should watch this movie, right then you will get the whole idea of my curatorial theme” said the man who also produced Tiger of Minahasa film (collaborating with Andang Kelana), and will appear in the World Premiere Program, Friday, at CGV Blitz – Pacific Place, at 19.00.

In the first film, The Corral and the Wind, Miguel Hilari explores the personal spaces to reflect his search for the past of his home. In this film, it’s so visible the locality of his hometown in the small town named Okola, elaborating the place and the time of the younger and older generations. The second film, A Barca, tells a story about the reality of the everyday life in a systematic urban, constantly, continuously and repeatedly. Pablo Briones, the director from Swiss, tried to describe the areas of the city that were silent and sluggish while waiting for its occupants to be back.

Meanwhile, I Dance with God belonged to Hooshang Mirzaee was based from a true story of an old man named Ali Badri, who worked as a blind Kurdish pants tailor. This 40-minutes film was able to surprise the audience while delivering spontaneous humor of the dialogue from the main character, either with his wife or the surrounding environment. Hooshang is able to stitch the story into a whole unity by giving little by little information about who and how the main character went through his life with optimism and joyfully.

“It’s a satire, how an old man still has a dream to meet his needs. There is also a display of emotion when he and his wife visited their only son, Yaser, who died in a car accident,” added Paul.

One of the spectators is also a guest of ARKIPEL, Koki Da Silva, who served as Research and Development Project of Filigree Films Sydney Australia, who came with the Director, Iqbal Barkat, said that she enjoyed Hooshang’s documentary.

“It’s good, isn’t it? The film is able to capture the spirit of the lead character, with simple delivery, the music and the plot is also very well,” said the Sri Lankan woman.

For those who still curious, those three films will be screened back in Goethehaus, Jakarta, on Friday, 28 August 2015 at 13.00 pm.


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