In ARKIPEL 2014 - Electoral Risk, Festival Updates

JAKARTA, ARKIPEL, Forum Lenteng – Sabtu (13/09/14), tepat pukul 15.00 WIB, ARKIPEL Electoral Risk – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2014 menayangkan filem karya sutradara Shinsuke Ogawa yang ketiga, yaitu Narita: Heta Village (1973). Filem ini lanjutan dari filem Narita: The Peasants of the Second Fortress. Semakin sore, XXI Taman  Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Cikini, semakin ramai dipenuhi pengunjung. Di venue pemutaran karya Ogawa yang terakhir untuk Program Presentasi Khusus di ARKIPEL tahun ini, terdapat sekitar 14 pengunjung yang telah mendaftar diawal untuk pemutarannya.

Filem dokumenter ini lebih fokus pada cerita pasca tragedi Narita. Dikisahkan sebuah desa kecil bernama Heta, di mana setelah pemerintah berhasil menguasai lahan pertanian para petani Narita, yang menjadi tempat tinggal para petani di desa itu. Beberapa di antara anak mereka ditahan akibat dugaan sebagai tersangka kematian tiga polisi saat terjadinya demonstrasi besar-besaran. Menurut mereka, kematian yang terjadi pada ketiga polisi itu adalah kecelakaan, bukan kesalahan anak mereka sepenuhnya. Ada juga seorang anak yang bunuh diri sebagai bentuk protes terhadap pemerintah. Di akhir filem, anak mereka akhirnya bebas dari tahanan. Para petani pun merayakan kembalinya anak mereka.

Pesan yang ingin diangkat dari keseluruhan tiga film Narita yang saya tonton ini, menurut saya, adalah bagaimana sebuah tragedi pada suatu masyarakat dapat menjadikan ikatan yang kuat pada masyarakat itu sendiri.

Total daftar hadir pada Narita: Heta Village (1973) ini mencapai empat puluh satu penonton, dan merupakan hadirin yang paling banyak dibanding penayangan dua filem sebelumnya. Akan tetapi, amat disayangkan tujuh menit terakhir filem berhenti secara tiba-tiba, tampaknya ada kesalahan teknis. Beberapa penonton ada yang masih menunggu berharap filem akan diputar lagi, salah satunya penonton bernama Mubyar (19 tahun) yang sudah mengikuti filemnya dari yang pertama, Summer in Narita. Mubyar sangat menyayangkan kesalahan teknis tersebut karena tak bisa menonton filemnya sampai akhir. Sementara itu, beberapa penonton lain ada yang langsung keluar studio karena kecewa.

Hal ini menjadi pelajaran bagi penyelenggara, agar lebih memperhatikan sisi teknis dari eksekusi sebuah pemutaran filem, agar tidak terulang di acara-acara selanjutnya.

Unfortunate Event in the Third Screening of Ogawa


JAKARTA, ARKIPEL, Forum Lenteng — Saturday (09.13.14), exactly at 15.00 pm, ARKIPEL Electoral Risk – Jakarta International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival 2014 showing the third film by director Shinsuke Ogawa, namely Narita: Heta Village (1973) . This film was a continuation of the film Narita: The Peasants of the Second Fortress. When the day began to struck to evening, XXI Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Cikini, the more crowded the visitors. In the venue of last screening of Ogawa for Special Presentations program at ARKIPEL this year, there were about 14 visitors who have signed up in the beginning of the screening.

This documentary film was more focused on the story after the tragedy of Narita. It told a story of a small village named Heta, where after the government seized the farm land from the farmers of Narita, whose land were a home to the farmers in the village. Some of their children were arrested as a result of the alleged suspects in the death of three policemen when the massive demonstrations. According to them, the three deaths that occurred in police was an accident, not their child’s fault entirely. There was also a boy who committed suicide as a form of protest against the government. At the end of the film, they are finally free of child custody. The farmers were celebrating the return of their children.

The message that being brought up from all three films of Narita that I’ve watched, I think, was about how a tragedy in a community can make a strong bond to the society itself.

The total attendance at Narita: Heta Village (1973) reached forty-one audiences, and were the biggest number compared to the previous two films. However, the  very unfortunate thing was the last seven minutes of film stops abruptly, which there seems to be a technical error. Some viewers there were still waiting, hoping for the film to be screened again, one of them named Mubyar (19 years old) who have followed the film from the first, Summer in Narita. Mubyar really regretted that  technical fault since he could not watch the film until the end. Meanwhile, there were several other audiences who left the studio with disappointment.

This is a lesson for the organizers, to pay more attention to the technical side of the execution of a screening of the film, so this will not happened in subsequent events.

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