In ARKIPEL 2014 - Electoral Risk, Rusty Archives: Film List (2013-2014)

IC  2 / SUN. 14 SEP, 13.00 & TUE. 16 SEP, 17.00 / KINEFORUM

"Grito / Scream", Andrés Denegri (Argentina)

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Country of production Argentina
Language Spanish
Subtitle English
20 min, Color, 2008

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Kumpulan arsip dari sekumpulan orang ketika Argentina tengah berada dalam memorinya yang paling kelam. Dalam mengumpulkan arsip, Grito tidak pretensius. Yang terbaca ia biarkan terbaca, yang rusak ia biarkan rusak. Sejarah tak akan hilang hanya karena ia rusak, sejarah hanya akan hilang ketika kita lupa.

 Makbul Mubarak

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A collection of archives from a group of people in Argentina when they were under their darkest memory. In collecting the archives, Grito is not pretentious. What was read let it be read, what was broken let it be broken. History will never disappear just because it is broken, history will be gone only when we forget them.

 Makbul Mubarak

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