In ARKIPEL 2013, International Competition, Rusty Archives: Film List (2013-2014)

Country of Production: Spain
Language: Khmer
Subtitles: English
52 min, Color, 2013

International Competition 8


Berkisah tentang kehidupan pendidikan anak-anak penyandang cacat di Sekolah Luar Biasa Arrupe Centre, Kamboja. Filem ini mempertemukan perspektif generasi moderen dan generasi feodal, antara Ratita dan ibunya, tentang ‘kebudayaan tani’ di lingkungan mereka.

Ratita melihat pendidikan sebagai satu-satunya cara untuk mempertahankan dan mengembangkan ‘kebudayaan tani’. Tapi, sang ibu berpendapat lain, “Kenapa kamu tidak beli sawah untuk menanam padi saja?”

Asia Tenggara dan juga sebagian besar masyarakat Asia dikenal sebagai masyarakat tani. Bertani tidak hanya dilihat sebagai persoalan ekonomi, tetapi juga kebudayaan.

-Mahardika Yudha

The Visit narrates the lives of disabled children in Arrupe Centre, Cambodia. This film attempts to confront perspectives between the modern and the older generation, between Ratita and her mother, on the matter of agriculture in their society.

Ratita sees education as the one and only way to preserve and develop the culture of agriculture in their society. Her mother, however, has a more pragmatic approach. “Why don’t you just buy some pieces of land and grow paddy on them?” 

Southeast Asia, and most of Asia, is renowned as agricultural society. Farming is perceived not only as economic, but also cultural matters.

-Mahardika Yudha

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