This panel dives deeper into our twilight zone today, especially regarding the pandemic situation and the failure of modernism, and further efforts to navigate into the future. This panel was [...]
Dr. Hilmar started with his personal understanding of the Twilight Zone. He explained that it is an uncertain game of spaces. Understanding the Twilight Zone is to understand the complex world [...]
The twilight zone is knowledge that restrains itself because it is forced to live in a dominant system. Even though all this is just a matter of understanding the light, trapping it in a frame [...]
This panel focuses on finding an alternative way of seeing, feeling, and understanding of the distribution and production of knowledge that can navigate all-encompassing contemporary issues. In [...]
This panel reexamines the survival of the art and cultural industry from before, during, and after the pandemic. As well as reimagining the model of production, exhibition, and audienceship from [...]
This panel is aimed to investigate the role and contribution of film criticism in the film culture and in the public. As a cultural artefact, film can be read in textual, historic, and cultural [...]
Panel 5 was held in GoetheHaus, Goethe-Institut Jakarta, discussing “Community Redefinition in The Digital Era.” The panel invited three speakers, Taufiqurrahman as artist and illustrator, [...]
The second day, August 20, 2019, of Forum Festival in a series of ARKIPEL bromocorah events, panel 4 with the headline "Experimentation of Art and Performance" was held at 09:30 AM - 11.05 AM. [...]
The panel which titled “Case Study of Bromocorah Phemenon” invited three speakers namely Umi Lestari as lecturer at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), Maria Christina Silalahi as artist and [...]
Like art, the discourse of bromocorah is constantly moving dynamically and progressively. After the discussion and synchronization of perspective on the first panel, the second panel aims to [...]